Wraparound Services 

Family Engagement = Student Success 

To strengthen families by providing opportunities between families, schools & community 

May Calendar

Learn about our team and how to collaborate with us! 

Learn about how we approach family engagement and supporting our schools!

Learn more about our centers and how our Family Engagement Specialists can support you! 

Need a plan for your family? Speak to a Wraparound Coordinator about how to set you up for success! 

Come join us! We host many opportunities for your family to be a part of our schools. 

Be a part of the FISS community! We have the resources to help you guide your child through their educational journey 

Learn about all the resources that connect the community of New Bedford!

Why is Family Engagement Important?

Why Family Engagement

Tell Us How We're Doing!

We are always looking to make improvements in our team to create stronger bonds within our community- let us know how we can better support you and your family!