Q. How do I get started?
See under New Users.
Q. Can the Platform process samples before they get on the instruments?
No. The user is responsible for processing their own samples. Samples must be delivered to the core in machine-ready condition. If you have questions about sample tube or media selection, please contact us.
Q. Must samples be filtered prior to running on the core instrumentation?
Flow cytometry depends on single cells, flowing smoothly through the laser interrogation point. If cells are aggregating, this will perturb this flow and, in many instances, block the flow cell resulting in loss of data. Any samples showing evidence of aggregation, must be filtered (~40um filter size recommended) prior to use on the instrumentation.
Q. Does the core provide Flow Cytometry Software?
Yes. FlowJo is installed in our MAC. To use it please make a reservation trough Agendo.
Q. How do I edit, modify, or cancel my time?
Go to Agendo and click on your reservation to edit it.
Q. Will I be charged for the entire scheduled time even if I finish early?
Yes, we bill by scheduled or actual, whichever is greater. Try not to overbook or block times. See here for more info on rules and scheduling.
Q. Can you adjust the times for billing if someone went into my time?
Yes. Please contact us and let us know. We know the usage can go over and under, but if it's over 15 minutes, then the proper party should be charged. Please book the appropriate time.
Q. Can you adjust the times for billing if someone else wants my excess time?
Yes. Please contact us and let us know along with the other user who wants the excess time.