Tools & Apps

Looking for help with Digital Learning Tools?

Check out the Tech Guides and PD!

Want to get an app approved?

Click the arrow to view the application process!

Application process

Vetting Process for Digital Tools

With the increase in student mobile devices, faster Internet connectivity, and better wireless coverage in schools, educators are more and more often looking for or finding digital tools to help in the teaching and learning process.

Thoughtful adoption of tools requires that we evaluate all online tools, sites, and services, in three primary domains: 1) curriculum, 2) technical, and 3) legal. Digital tools need to be appropriate for the learning goal, be well designed, meet the intended purpose, and be secure and safe.

  • Curriculum: As educators we need to be sure we are providing high quality digital resources for student learning.

  • Technical: All online tools need to be reviewed relevant to compatibility on our devices and within our network infrastructure.

  • Legal: Apps, sites, and services must be evaluated on how well they protect student data privacy, respect intellectual property, and adhere to legal data guidelines.

In addition to testing out the app yourself, we suggest you review online rankings and comments in the iTunes store or in Google play and on Common Sense Media Graphite.

Once you have a tool that you think is worthy of adoption by the school district, please use the links below to help you with the vetting process. (click on each for a link)

Looking for Something?

Here is a list of the core instructional digital tools that Needham Public Schools provides:

Tools Adopted