NCSU Chem Dept Research Mentoring Guide

Purpose -

This mentoring guide is intended for both mentors and mentees. In it, you will find a how-to outline for establishing and maintaining fruitful and mutually beneficial research mentoring relationships in the Chemistry discipline, covering a multiplicity of possible connections, including Principle Investigator to graduate student, graduate student to graduate student, graduate student to undergraduate student, and Principle Investigator or graduate student to high school student.

The content was compiled from the seasoned mentoring experiences of present and former members of the NCSU Chemistry Department who have contributed their perspectives from graduate, undergraduate, post-doc, staff scientist, and industry employment, as well as from research literature on mentoring relationships in the sciences.

A PDF version of this Research Mentoring Guide is also available.

While all of the contributions for this guide were vital, we are aware that we might not have covered every topic about mentoring and we expect that this guide will need yearly updates as the years go by. If you are interested in contributing to the betterment of this mentoring guide, please contact Melinda Box and Talita Malewschik.

If you have questions or comments about the content in the guide, please send them to Melinda Box and Talita Malewschik, Mentoring Guide project leaders.