Switching research groups

Overview -

For some, the first research group experience is a good fit with their interests and needs. For others, this may not be the case. They may experience personal difficulties in their research efforts that lead them to reconsider their direction and prompt them to explore changing groups. This can be a challenging option to contemplate since many important elements are involved. Nonetheless it is an important one because, in general, the more positive your learning experience, the more you will learn. Therefore, to help with this effort to improve your experience, we offer some suggestions for how to evaluate, initiate, and follow through with changing research groups successfully.

evaluating group change

Key considerations include:

  • In the event of a stressful situation, what the source(s) of stress might be

NOTE: Finding an improved match with a group’s personality can be preferable to finding a match with your research interests, because the former can often create a more positive learning environment for people.

  • In the event of improved personal understanding of your interests, what your new research interests might be

  • For the possibility of changing projects, how your interests might fit, or not, with your current group’s activity

  • For consideration of the timing of a change, what your obligations to your current research group are, or might be

initiating group change

Useful actions to take might include:

  • Find useful resources outside of your group who can help you sort out your situation. These might include:

    • Campus Ombudsperson

    • Dean of Human Resources for the college

    • Dean of the Grad Program for the campus

    • Director of the Grad Program for the department

    • Director of the Undergrad Program in the dept

    • Administrator for the Grad Program

    • Administrator for the Undergrad Program

  • To your PI and mentor when broaching the subject, express gratitude for the opportunity provided

  • If your research interests have changed, share what your new interests are. If you don’t know, then share that you are in search of what those interests might be and maybe offer what things you have previously enjoyed or connected with.

  • To your PI or mentor, reach out for suggestions of research groups that might match your new interests

  • To your PI or mentor, inquire about the possibility of a recommendation to a new group

following through with group change

  • Complete your current project, if possible

  • Express gratitude for the assistance you have received

  • Maintain professional network connections