Staff Meeting Notes 2021

Dec 21, 2021

  • Web Services Team meeting – Walt

  • Repository established for common code (called ‘common’). Everette, Saketh, Mason have access – Walt

  • Documented the code for CRUD – Walt

  • Tested CRUD locally and on Google – Walt

  • CRUD in common repo – Walt

  • Assignment to Saketh for Comm on Comm using CRUD – Walt

  • Annual Leave most of this week – Walt/Everette

  • Database translation refactor and documentation for Comm on Comm v1>v2 – Mason

  • Mason leaves for coop/internship – Mason

  • Log4j* updates for Jamf Pro, Code42, SPSS, Apple – Everette

  • Adobe Packaging – Everette

  • SPSS packaging – Everette

  • Crowdstrike Falcon Sensor installer packaging – Everette/Peyton

  • Jamf Pro recon trouble shooting – Everette

  • DetectX Extension Attribute rewrite from python 2 to zsh/javascript- Everette

  • Hired for Mobile Developer position – starting Jan 24 – Everette

  • Jamf Connect consulting for OIT-MD – Everette/Peyton

  • Troq Evaluation – Everette

  • Troq Pricing meeting – Everette

  • Surplus preparation error notification and remediation for Lib, CHASS, and COS-MATH

Dec 14, 2021

  • Meeting with Mason about work on Database Translation program and CRUD app – Walt / Mason

  • Meeting with Saketh about things to do and CRUD app – Saketh / Walt

  • CRUD App – working, replacement for Google sessions implemented, subclassing class to eliminate coding for programming task. A bit of packaging remains – Walt

  • OT Holiday Gathering – All

  • Discussion with Amy about prep for Comm on Comm survey – Walt

  • Moved 137 links to a person with a unity ID less than 8 so the GoLinks mass transfer did not work. Change made via SQL after practice on Dev DB – Walt

  • Work on retesting and documenting Google Analytics class – Saketh

  • NCAT iPad deployment consulting – EGA

  • Log4j2 remediation – EGA

  • Adobe packaging – EGA

  • FileVault consulting – EGA

  • TORQ testing – EGA

  • VPN service team – EGA

Dec 7, 2021

  • Resolved 2 previous Golinks issues – Walt

  • New Golinks support issue in progress – Walt

  • Packaged CRUD application into classes – Walt

  • Insert working for database translation – Mason

  • Work on intermittent wireless in work area – Walt /EGA

  • TORQ evaluation work – EGA

  • Staff Senate computer loan administration – EGA

  • New laptop provisioning for Morgan – EGA

  • JAMF Connect consulting – EGA

  • NCAT iPad consulting – EGA

  • Mobile application search committee – EGA / Walt

  • Apple packaging for SPSS – EGA

  • O365 distribution planning meeting – EGA

  • Mobile programmer position administration – EGA

  • Saketh and Mason reduced hours due to exams – Saketh / Mason

Nov 30, 2021

  • Got Mason’t CRUD app running from office for a few minutes – Walt

  • Off for 3 days – Walt /EGA/Mason/Saketh

  • Changed mobileapi Oracle database password and documented the process – Walt / EGA

  • Mason’t CRUD app ready to test – Walt

  • Database translation work – Mason

  • TORQ research – EGA

  • Various packaging tasks for Apple software – EGA

  • Jamf Pro upgrade to 10.33.0 – EGA

  • More CrashPlan UNIX troubleshooting – EGA

  • Staff Senate loan work – EGA

  • EPS Baseline for MacOS Documentation – EGA

  • NCAT iPad deployment consulting – EGA

  • Office 365 distribution planning – EGA

  • JAMF Success meet and greet – EGA

  • Mobile device programmer interview administration – EGA

  • OnCampus iOS iCloud issues – EGA / Dan

  • Apple map update request – EGA / Dan

Nov 23, 2021

  • Meeting about milestones for comm on comm and golinks redirector – Walt / Everette

  • Golinks support x 3 – Walt

  • CRUD application work and issue with parameters on JS URL redirect – Walt

  • List of tasks for Comm on Comm and Golinks Redirector – Walt

  • Created Oracle account even though their generated password doesn’t meet their password requirements – Walt

  • Google maps SDK update effects research, shouldn’t need to make code changes – Saketh

  • Google analytics local testing, still docs to do – Saketh

  • evaluation – Everette

  • Advanced Apple device management course – Everette

  • NCAT iPad deployment consulting – Everette

  • AOIT advisory board meeting – Everette

  • JAMF High Ed monthly meeting – Everette

  • Code42 community and Code42 advisory board meetings – Everette

  • MacOS EPS baseline discussion – Everette

  • Code42 Unix client trouble shooting – Everette

  • Mobile App developer administration tasks – Everette

  • Microsoft auto-update and Panopto packing – Everette

  • Apple configuration consulting for OIT-MD – Everette

  • iOS OnCampus iCloud issues – Dan / Everette

Nov 15, 2021

  • Meeting about ItAppDev password change for Oracle Database access- Walt /EGA

  • Meeting with Saketh to train on database, GCP, and PHP – Walt

  • Meeting about GCP onboarding of our projects to Burwood container & billing – Walt / EGA

  • Meeting with Chris and Billy about setting up projects for billing – Walt

  • Determined issue with CRUD and session variables and Google – Walt

  • Built CRUD with first and last record coded on each URL and eliminated session variables – Walt

  • CRUD Fail in progress on giving first and last record id’s to javascript and having it code them into each URL before calling the page (was case of each report line needed 1st and last record id for the report which were not determined until all records were displayed (last) – Walt

  • Reminder: Walt is on community service leave Mon – Wed (15 – 17) – Walt

  • Worked on DB Translation – Mason Horne

  • Walt out a bit – 2 doctors and a dentist – Walt

  • NCAT iPad deployment consulting – Everette

  • Preparing and teaching Advanced Apple Device Management – Everette

  • Ten Years of Google presentation – Everette/Walt

  • MacTech Group – Everette

  • Jamf Pro administration and change request for update to 10.33.0 – Everette

  • Meetings for Trial of api and data transformation cloud service Nov 15-Dec 16, 2021 – Everette

  • Research and POC for using JSON templates to create Custom Profiles in Jamf Pro – Everette

  • Administration and scheduling for open Mobile Programmer position – Everette

Nov 08, 2021

  • Reminder Security Training – Everette/Mason/Saketh

  • Have potential candidates to interview for Mobile Position – All

  • Upcoming (Thu Nov 11) GCP changes to Burwood – All

  • Set meeting to discuss milestones for Standing Com and Golinks Resolver – Everette/Walt

  • Mason’s CRUD working locally with Google DB, issues resolved – Walt

  • Database Translation alpha – Mason

  • Meeting with Mason about CRUD and DB Translation – Walt / Mason

  • Meeting with Saketh about PHP Classes – Walt / Saketh

  • Review of Saketh’s class code – Walt

  • OT Flexible work form submitted – Walt/Everette

  • Jamf Pro Update to 10.33.0 administration – Everette

  • Crashplan Unix trouble shooting – Everette

  • NCAT Apple Deployment consulting – Everette

  • Advanced Apple Management class prep – Everette

  • MacTech prep – Everette

  • Jamf support and success rep change meeting – Everette/Peyton

  • MCNC CrowdStrike presentation- Everette

  • Code42 Net+ Community meeting – Everette

  • Jamf Pro renewal – Everette/Bill C.

Nov 02, 2021

  • Attended IT Community Event Opening Session – Walt / EGA

  • Submitted Wolf Time improvement suggestions – Walt

  • Attended NCDIT Emerging Cyber Threats – NC National Guard – Walt

  • Mason CRUD code problem – in progress – Walt / Mason

  • Support call for accounting – system sound for Zoom meeting – Walt

  • Got Mason’s CRUD working (with issues) with local code and remote Google database – Walt

  • Mapping of Chris Google projects list to our projects and our projects to – Walt

  • NCFLEX re-engineering (during lunch) – Walt/Everette

  • Upgraded manually to Monterey – Walt / EGA

  • Golinks support x 1 – Walt

  • Crashplan support issue – EGA

  • iPad deployment consulting for NCAT – EGA

  • Taught class for JAMF Pro packaging – EGA

  • VPN upgrade administration – EGA

  • LDAP from GCP debugging – EGA

  • Security control implementation discussion – EGA

  • Adobe software packaging troubleshooting – EGA

Oct 27, 2021

  • Golinks support x 1 – Walt

  • Documentation cleanup completed – Walt / Saketh

  • Skimmed 465 page LDAP book – Walt

  • Resolved LDAP connection problem – EGA / Walt

  • Filtering, then retrieving data for LDAP employees, working on students – Walt

  • 3 days annual leave – Walt

  • CRUD app finished, class work – Saketh

  • Working on GSQL connection issues – Mason

  • Apple OS upgrades – EGA

  • Cisco VPN upgrades – EGA

  • Taught the JAMF Pro best practices for packagers class – EGA

  • Created training schedule for Spring 2022 with Katie – EGA

  • JNUC presentation and virtual conference – EGA

  • AOIT Board meeting – EGA

  • JAMF purchasing administration – EGA

  • Mobile programmer position update – EGA

  • Crashplan troubleshooting on CENTOS – EGA

  • Crashplan known issue documentation – EGA

Oct 20, 2021

  • Attended UNC CAUSE meetings – Walt/Everette

  • Meeting about classes assignment – Walt / Saketh

  • Attended cyber security for mobile presentation – Walt

  • Cybersecurity Awareness meeting – FAIL – still couldn’t log in after 3 months of phoning in – Walt

  • Nominated for the 2021 Extraordinary IT Team Impact Award – Walt

  • Worked on LDAP issue. Here is what I learned this week: 400 Internet suggestions on how to get it to work with PHP don’t help, LDAP extension is enabled locally, GAE PHP 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 include the LDAP extension, PHP LDAP fails on GAE, exec works on GAE to bring back results of ‘ls’ command but fails on LDAP, Google logs are non-helpful – Walt

  • Database transformations Comm on Comm – Mason/Walt

  • Update and Sync OnCampus Android and iOS code into – Dan

  • JNUC 2021 Presentation, BrainDates(3), and sessions – Everette

  • Jamf test service update to 10.33.0 – Everette

  • AOIT Board Meeting – Everette

  • NCAT Jamf and iOS advising – Everette

  • Google Sheet Update processor for Autopkg advising – Peyton/Everette

Oct 12, 2021

  • Com on Com -Database updates for testing – Walt/Mason

  • Com on Com -Database translation prototyping – Mason

  • CyberSecurity Training Pilot testing – Walt

  • CRUD App – Saketh/Walt

  • Saketh very limited time – Saketh

  • UNC CAUSE Sessions – Walt/Everette

  • OnCampus Android GM review – Walt/Mason/Everette

  • Composer Security issue research (turns out to be windows only) – Walt

  • Communications Specialist search committee 2 candidate interview – Walt

  • GoLinks Production links for MyPack cut over, acceptance testing, SQL creation, SQL testing for dev and production and link updates – Walt

  • CyberSecurity Awareness Month meetings – Walt

  • PHP LDAP connection issue and testing – Walt/Charles

  • Cisco VPN “Emergency” re-packaging for new version 4.10.03012 to fix High Security issue -Everette

  • Jamf Pro Update to 10.32.2 and issue work-arounds -Everette

  • MacTech meeting planning -Everette

  • Google Cloud project mentoring – Everette/Peyton

  • DetectX/Anti-malware for macOS discussions – Everette

  • Everette on leave several hours this week – Everette

  • NCAT iPad deployment consulting – Everette

  • ASU Jamf Connect consulting – Everette

Oct 5, 2021

  • CRUD App work – Saketh

  • Attended CAB meeting – Walt

  • Back and forth with questions to Amy – Walt

  • IT Quick Hall Meeting – Walt / EGA

  • Meeting with Mason re: CRUD and DB translation – Walt / Mason

  • Golinks support 1x – Walt

  • Comm on Comm drag and drop is solid with hover color – Walt

  • Debug SQL from Navigate Modeler and create Comm on Comm v2 database – Walt

  • Partially populate ancillary tables in Comm on Comm v2 database – Walt

  • Write up DB translation project for Mason – Walt

  • Meeting on DB translation – Walt / Mason

  • Update DB ERD to match physical database – Walt

  • Research into Firefox background tab loading inhibitor – Walt

  • Testing LDAP program for Comm on Comm access – Walt

  • Apple profile delivery issue – EGA

  • Adobe packaging – EGA

  • Taught managing apple devices class – EGA

  • JAMF troubleshooting for database size – EGA

  • On leave most of week – EGA

  • VPN testing – EGA

  • NCAT-LIB site added to JAMF – EGA

Sep 27, 2021

  • Google Cloud SDK update research and version check – Walt

  • New monitor unpacking and almost install – Walt

  • Google Sites research – Walt

  • Mailchimp updated to validate NCSU domain for sending – Walt

  • GCP billing fail – Walt /EGA

  • Designed mapping of Vacant Seats Spreadsheet to Seat Types in Comm on Comm – Walt

  • GoLinks QR Branding research – Walt

  • Workflow list for Comm on Comm – Walt

  • Improvements to Comm on Comm drag and drop – Walt

  • Passed midterms – Saketh

  • Googling off and dog (Cavapoo) – Mason

  • JAMF Pro updates to 10.32 – EGA

  • JAMF API Issue – EGA

  • Packaging JMP and Detect X – EGA

  • New UNCCAUSE trip meeting – EGA

  • Taught course on managing Apple devices – EGA

Sep 21, 2021

  • Worked on Comm on Comm prototype – Walt

  • Got feedback on Comm on Comm prototype with Amy – Walt

  • Addition support on missing golink ‘fin92testalt’ that was on the pre-prod sheet and was updated – Walt

  • Meeting with Mason on CRUD next/prev records – Walt / Mason

  • Adobe package security updates – EGA

  • JAMF API Service Now troubleshooting – EGA

  • BME Apple Support – EGA

  • Mobile programmer job application administration – EGA

  • CrashPlan Linux support – EGA

  • MacTech meeting – EGA

  • Worked on CRUD App – Mason

  • Class Prep for Managing Apple Devices – EGA

  • FileVault consulting with ASU – EGA

  • AOIT Board Meeting – EGA

  • Met with COE about JAMF – EGA

  • Attended Apple Fall Event – EGA /Mason

  • Release of OnCampus version 6.5.2 for iOS – Dan

  • Menu Data character issue fixed in codebase for OnCampus Dining – Dan

Sep 15, 2021

  • Meeting with Chris and Charles to discuss LDAP password change impact on our apps – Walt / Charles / Chris

  • Updated LDAP password in concert with Charles, testing it and notified customer of success, 5 seconds downtime – Walt / Charles

  • Researched WP updating and theme updating and upgraded WP upgrade doc to remove comments and incorporate all the missing information – Walt

  • Meeting with Everette on WP updating and Golinks Pre-Prod links update – Walt/ EGA

  • Enabled GCP backups for ot-mobile-ncsu-edu and ot-ncsu-edu – Walt

  • Attended CSAT meeting – Walt

  • On GCP, Golinks-Dev DB Instance created as clone of Golinks-Prod Instance, Golinks-Test Instance removed – Walt

  • Created SQL to test golinks pre-prod link updates – Walt

  • Attended Web Services meeting – Walt

  • Attended CAB meeting – Walt / Everette

  • Updated Pre-Prod links in Golinks v2 – Walt

  • Finished splitting playbooks documentation into subject files – Saketh

  • Meeting with Saketh about CRUD & Files – Walt / Saketh

  • Meeting with Mason about CRUD app – Walt / Mason

  • Updating of the CRUD app – Mason

  • Adobe Packaging update – EGA

  • JAMF Pro update administration – EGA

  • Mac Tech meeting – EGA

  • CISCO VPN 4.10 testing – EGA

  • AOIT Board meeting – EGA

  • Hardware Setup for Hands-on classes -EGA

  • JAMF test server configuration for Hands-on classes- EGA

  • Apple School Manager server configuration for Hands-on classes – EGA

  • Apple iOS Event – EGA

Sep 7, 2021

  • Golinks Support for QR code – Walt

  • Comm on Comm Support for LDAP Failure for entering students (manual input to DB) – Walt

  • 2x Meetings with Saketh on CRUD and documentation dividing – Walt / Saketh

  • COI Submitted – Walt

  • Comm on Comm Committee page prototype w Drag and Drop – Walt

  • Golinks Support for Massive link replacement in support of new HR Portal – Walt / EGA

  • Ongoing review and improvements to Chris Deaton’s ‘Updating OT-WP Instances on GCP – Walt / EGA

  • Working LDAP problem with Charles, LDAP restored to Comm on Comm – Walt / Charles

  • CRUD App and Bootstrap Training – Mason

  • JAMF Test Server Update to 10.32 – EGA

  • Adobe Package Updates for Security Issues – EGA

  • Mobile Application Programmer Job Search Administration – EGA

  • On Campus update coordination with Thomas – EGA / Dan

  • SSCL lending of devices – EGA

  • VPN Service Team – EGA

  • MacOS12 Testing – EGA

  • Multi-user iPad setup consulting – EGA

  • LDAP consulting for UNCSO – EGA

  • Code42 Linux consulting – EGA

  • Surplus device compliance work – EGA

Aug 31, 2021


  • CRUD App Prototype – Saketh

  • Back and forth with Amy to complete requirements list for Comm on Comm – Walt

  • Removed admin for Comm on Comm that I added last week, due to they are leaving the University – Walt

  • Modified prototype to reflect the requirements – Walt

  • Searched for open source code to create .XSLX spreadsheet file. Found XLSXWriter. Fail. – Walt

  • Tested simpleXLSXGen.php on Mac, Linux, Windows – works fine – Walt

  • In-person meeting with Amy about Comm on Comm – Walt

  • Golinks support: setup spreadsheets with links to be modified in future – EGA / Walt

  • Review of CSAT knowledge check questions – Walt

  • Touched up and made CRUD App better – Mason

  • Adobe packaging – EGA

  • Zoom configuration file and recipe update – EGA

  • Patch title editor troubleshooting – EGA

  • Mobile application developer job administration – EGA

  • SSCL computer loan transactions – EGA

  • Prototype link resolver as cloud function – EGA

  • Code42 Service Advisory Board meeting – EGA

  • Surplus device administration – EGA

  • HEERF – secure remote work funding meeting – EGA

  • UNC SO LDAP server issue – EGA

  • JAMF Connect testing – EGA

Aug 24, 2021


  • Worked on Comm on Comm Alpha – Walt

  • Search Committee for Dan’s Job – Reviewed materials for sole applicant – Walt

  • GCP Firestore Datastore pricing research – Walt

  • Updating Documentation for Setup PHP. a Google Project and Connect to DB Project .. to include app engine setup. Next up test if uploading code gets one past the documentation screen (they don’t tell you). – Walt

  • WordPress update through code updates. Updated documentation. Stuck on how to change it to use the DEV database. – Walt

  • Changes suggested by Mason incorporated in the ‘Setup PHP in Database in GCP’ document – Walt

  • Reviewed: DRAFT 1. Full video transcription – Data Security Training 2021 and added 25 comments – Walt

  • Setup free cyber security book download for Mason and Saketh – Walt

  • Reorg documentation and files on desktop and moved most to Google Cloud – Walt

  • Meeting about hiring Communications Specialist after finalist bolted – Walt

  • Meeting with Mason about CRUD app – Walt / Mason

  • Documentation consolidation project work and update to Dan – Walt

  • Meeting with Saketh about CRUD app and documentation – Walt / Saketh

  • OnCampus consulting part time work – Dan

  • Distributed Dept equipment to Dan – EGA

  • Adobe Packaging again – EGA

  • Fall short course schedules approval – EGA

  • JAMF 10.31.1 Upgrade administration – EGA

  • Google Cloud platform documentation review – Mason

  • Southeastern Higher-Ed JAMF user’s group meeting – EGA

  • Recorded presentation for JNUC – EGA

  • Configuration management service team – EGA

  • AOIT workday – EGA

  • Updated and created public repo for Cloudy Package for JAMF cloud functions – EGA

  • Secure remove work proposal review – EGA

  • CRUD app prototype – Saketh

Aug 17, 2021


  • Helped Mason with PHP programming and Google – Walt / Saketh / Mason

  • Chat with Thomas about our ‘status’ on Dining – Walt

  • Updated CSAM planning document, edited CSAT meeting notes – Walt

  • Found academic paper for Natalie (Shellcast) documenting ‘web application’ – Walt

  • Assisted Amy (Comm on Comm) with setup of another user that has her privileges – Walt

  • Golinks support x1 (Wrap-up of 46 link move) – Walt

  • Organized documentation folders – Walt

  • Meeting about projects (what Saketh does next) – Saketh / Walt

  • Met with Natalie on Shellcast futures – Walt / EGA

  • Worked on CRUD app – Saketh / Mason

  • Finished CRUD app – Mason

  • Added MyCampus to Android (beta) – Mason

  • Finished review of PHP use with DB on GCP – Mason

  • Position administration for Mobile programmer – EGA

  • Staff senate computer loan hardware delivery – EGA

  • JNUC Presentation work – EGA

  • Adobe software packaging (3 days) – EGA

  • JAMF troubleshooting – EGA

  • MacTech meeting – EGA

  • AOIT teacher conference meeting – EGA

  • End Point Protection Standard advisory meeting – EGA

  • Staff Senate computer loan planning meeting – EGA

  • Cloud function updates for CPJ notifier – EGA

Aug 10, 2021


  • Meeting About Dining Requests and attempted add 3 locations – EGA / Walt

  • Meeting About Webcie Decommissioning – EGA / Walt

  • Update mobileapi course and instructor data – Walt / EGA

  • Meeting with Saketh and resolving his comments on GCP PHP with MySql doc so it goes to Mason to test – Walt / Saketh

  • Helping Mason get started on HTML/PHP CRUD simple app – Walt /Mason

  • Assignment of projects to Students – Walt / Saketh / Mason

  • Help Saketh enable his GCP project – Walt / Saketh

  • Update Golinks v2 documentation with location of the cron job – Walt

  • Attended Cybersecurity Awareness Meeting – Walt

  • Researching App Engine creation to document it – Walt

  • Meeting about WP updates and documentation – Walt /EGA

  • OnCampus Dining Favorites – Mason

  • Adobe Packaging updates for security – EGA

  • Jamf update testing – EGA

  • MacOS 12 testing – EGA

  • Prepared for Mac tech meeting – EGA

  • JNUC presentation research – EGA

  • EPS Consulting – EGA

  • PSU MacAdmins Campfire Session – EGA

Aug 2, 2021


  • I2 Netplus summer camp – Mason / Everette

  • Apple iOS course – Mason

  • MyCampus android introduction to code – Mason

  • Apple iOS course – Saketh

  • Dining changes 2x – Walt / Everette

  • GoLinks support 2x – Walt

  • Setup repo and moved prototype Comm on Comm code into it – Walt

  • Shutting down and disabling Google projects – Walt / Everette

  • Comm on Comm bug fixes for emailing appointment letters – Walt

  • Met with Elizabeth Cole-Walker about Cyber Security Awareness, updates to ideas matrix – Walt

  • Asked to be on the C&S committee – Walt

  • JAMF LDAP troubleshooting – Everette

  • Maple packaging – Everette

  • SSCL Device prep – Everette

  • OIT People decommissioning – Walt / Everette

  • PSU Mac Admin’s conference – Everette

  • Cloud function update for Skyfaller – Everette

  • Mobile Application developer job administration – Everette

  • Mac OS 12 testing – Everette

  • Mac Tech Meeting prep – Everette

  • Filevault configuration consulting – Everette

  • LDAP certificate update administration for JAMF – Everette

  • JAMF connect and Azure/Duo configuration testing – Everette

  • JAMF Protect Azure integration – Everette

July 27, 2021


  • Disabled Dining location in NCSU Mobil API – Walt/Mason

  • Resolved Com on Com email issue – Walt/Charles B

  • Communications Specialist selection committee – Walt

  • Google Deployment training – yaml – Walt/Saketh

  • CAB for Everette – Walt

  • GoLinks ownership mass transfer ticket – Walt

  • ConC story board/mock up screens – Walt/Amy

  • Android Custom View training and testing – Mason

  • Refactored OnCampus Android home screen to be more platform native look – Mason

  • I2 NetPlus Summer Campus data science with GCP training – Mason

  • GSQL Playbook testing and refactoring – Saketh

  • SQL training – Saketh

  • OIT Welcome back social – Saketh

  • LDAP Cert Troubleshooting for UNC-SA – Everette

  • Jamf Database Size troubleshooting – Everette

  • Adobe packaging for security updates – Everette

  • Digital Access and Literacy Survey team – Staff Senate – Everette

  • Jamf Connect testing and documentation – Everette

  • Jamf Pro admin 1 on 1 training – Everette

  • Azure Duo testing for Jamf Protect – Done – Everette

  • Azure Duo testing for Jamf Connect – in progress – Everette

  • Jamf Pro certificate management for UNC-SO- Everette

  • Applecare for Enterprise administrative tasks – Everette

  • Mobile Dev

  • On Campus IOS

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • On Campus watchOS

  • On Campus macOS

    • Initial release under app lifecycle pattern

  • On Campus Android

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • Accessibility Way-finding

    • Work with Grad Student on outside route data and methodology – All

    • Grant proposal – Everette / Crystal

  • Jackknife iOS – maint

  • Jackknife Android – maint

  • Mobile App reviews – Dan

    • Update privacy labels for deployed iOS apps

  • TV Apps for tvOS, iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Roku, Fire TV

    • Pack TV iOS, iPadOS, macOS development

    • PackTV tvOS, Roku, Fire TV – maint

    • NCState TV multi-platform Swift UI re-write – Dan

    • TransLoc API with native MapKit on tvOS – Abdul / Chase

  • WebFramZ – decomission

  • ConfBoard – Dan

    • app lifecycle rewrite for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS

    • research native Google slide support

    • Transloc/Map Kit integration research

    • Managed Configuration testing – Everette/Dan

  • Web Dev

  • Standing Committee Rewrite for GCP – Walt

  • Google Data Studio/JAMF Pro reports for Endpoint protection standards compliance for macOS

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration – Everette / Walt

  • MobileAPI

    • Transition to Courses Cron – Walt / Dan

    • Schedule for deprecation on June 15, 2021 – Dan/Walt

  • Rewrite Semester ‘Load Course Semester Data’ and ‘Update Course Semester Data’ cron jobs from MobileAPI

    • Update building calls to use GIS data

  • Weather API – maint Dan

  • Courses API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Dining API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Maps iCloud/Firebase feed – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Calendar iCloud/Firebase feed – maint – Dan

  • Sports Scores API/Messaging/webapp – Maint – Dan

  • WolfAlerts Messaging Middleware -Maint – Dan

  • Lawbooks v2

    • Issue testing

  • Go Links v2 –

    • Swap out service account (currently using calendarshare) – Walt/Chris

  • GoLinks v3

    • GoLinks independent Resolver testing – Walt

    • GoLinks admin application

      • UI – Walt/Chase

      • Web interface implementation?

      • ServiceNow interface implementation

    • Database redesign and conversion – Walt

    • Application transaction and administration Google logging

    • Restful API – Walt

    • Cron jobs – Walt

      • Pruning

      • Link security verification

        • Google API

        • Phishtank API

  • Service Now

    • Build prototype “Request” RITM, workflow for JAMF Pro Site in dev instance

    • Admin and Dev certification training – Walt

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration for ISO 1400.2 project -Walt / Everette

  • Dining iPad web app – maint. – Walt

    • Nutrition calculator (future project) TBD


    • patching – Interns/Walt


    • patching – Interns/Walt

    • Update content – Dan

  • Standing Committees

    • Rewrite Summer 2021

    • Show vacant seats- Walt – per issues/6

    • Add why they want to serve, how their background may be relevant, etc section to survey – Walt – per issues/7

  • Apple Support

  • Apple School Manager – AZURE federation – Everette

  • Code42 maint. – Everette

  • Jamf Pro maint. – Everette

  • Packaging Support- maintenance – Everette

  • Administrative tasks

  • CampusM testing – All

  • Codebase and repo maintenance for all software –All

July 20, 2021


  • OnCampus Android Homescreen Refactoring – Mason

  • OnCampus Android Widget – Mason

  • Apple CloudKit Training – Mason

  • Swift Storyboard Architecture Course – Mason

  • Completed Google Analytics Project – Saketh

  • GSQL Document Testing – Saketh

  • Back and Forth w/ Amy for Committee on Committees- Walt

  • EduCon sign-up – Walt

  • Back and Forth w/ Charles on GoLinks Flash Mob Problem- Walt

  • GoLinks Support 2x – Walt

  • Communications Specialist Interviews – Walt

  • Committee on Committees first pass prototype done – Walt

July 13, 2021


  • OnCampus Wolfpack Outfitters Beta – Mason/Dan

  • Firestore database practice – Mason

  • Swift Combine Training – Mason

  • Google Analytics Dashboard Generation – Saketh

  • GSQL Documentation Debugging – Saketh

  • IT Comms Specialist Search Committee – Walt

  • Committee on Committees Database Design Complete! – Walt

  • Committee on Committees Storyboard Verification against Database – Walt

  • Email Notification Service R&D – Walt

  • Golinks Support – Walt

  • Analytics Graphical Display – Saketh/Walt

  • NaviCat Recovery – Walt/Everette

  • Committee on Committees Enhancement Planning – Walt

  • Adobe Packaging Updates – Everette

  • JamJar Recipes for Adobe Implementation – Everette

  • JAMF Server Upgrade and Administration – Everette

  • Apple Silicon Testing – Everette

  • MATLAB Packaging – Everette

  • Annual Performance Reports – Everette

  • JAMF Connect Documentation – Everette

  • JAMF Protect/Azure Troubleshooting- Everette

  • JAMF Pro Database Size Troubleshooting- Everette

  • AppleTV Single App Mode Consulting – Everette

  • Mobile Developer Position Administration- Everette

  • On Campus iOS beta and release v6.5.1- Dan

  • PackTV iOS, tvOS, macOS beta and release – Dan

  • On Campus Android ticket support – Dan

  • Playbook documentation – Dan

  • NC State Guides iOS support – Dan

  • Apple mobile developer account support – Dan

July 6, 2021


  • Committee on Committee Database design – Walt

  • PackTV beta for iOS, macOS, and tvOS – Dan

  • WolfbytesTV alpha for macOS – Dan

  • Welcome back social – Walt/Everette

  • Playbook updates – Dan

  • OAuth Authentication Problem – Saketh

  • Google Cloud Playbook Documentation Testing for GSQL – Saketh

  • Position creation administration – Everette

  • JAMF troubleshooting – Everette

  • Adobe package troubleshooting – Everette

  • Equipment surplus management – Everette

  • UNC Cause 2021 Presentation Preparation – Everette

  • JNUC 2021 Presentation Preparation – Everette

  • SwiftUI Essential Training – Mason

  • Android OnCampus string refactoring and documentation – Mason

  • OnCampus course database update – Dan

  • JAMF Connect Documentation Testing and Consulting – Everette

  • SAMSung M7 monitor configuration and testing – Everette

In Progress

  • Mobile Dev

  • On Campus IOS

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • On Campus watchOS

  • On Campus macOS

    • Initial release under app lifecycle pattern

  • On Campus Android

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • Accessibility Way-finding

    • Work with Grad Student on outside route data and methodology – All

    • Grant proposal – Everette / Crystal

  • Jackknife iOS – maint

  • Jackknife Android – maint

  • Mobile App reviews – Dan

    • Update privacy labels for deployed iOS apps

  • TV Apps for tvOS, iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Roku, Fire TV

    • Pack TV iOS, iPadOS, macOS development

    • PackTV tvOS, Roku, Fire TV – maint

    • NCState TV multi-platform Swift UI re-write – Dan

    • TransLoc API with native MapKit on tvOS – Abdul / Chase

  • WebFramZ – decomission

  • ConfBoard – Dan

    • app lifecycle rewrite for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS

    • research native Google slide support

    • Transloc/Map Kit integration research

    • Managed Configuration testing – Everette/Dan

  • Web Dev

  • Standing Committee Rewrite for GCP – Walt

  • Google Data Studio/JAMF Pro reports for Endpoint protection standards compliance for macOS

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration – Everette / Walt

  • MobileAPI

    • Transition to Courses Cron – Walt / Dan

    • Schedule for deprecation on June 15, 2021 – Dan/Walt

  • Rewrite Semester ‘Load Course Semester Data’ and ‘Update Course Semester Data’ cron jobs from MobileAPI

    • Update building calls to use GIS data

  • Weather API – maint Dan

  • Courses API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Dining API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Maps iCloud/Firebase feed – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Calendar iCloud/Firebase feed – maint – Dan

  • Sports Scores API/Messaging/webapp – Maint – Dan

  • WolfAlerts Messaging Middleware -Maint – Dan

  • Lawbooks v2

    • Issue testing

  • Go Links v2 –

    • Swap out service account (currently using calendarshare) – Walt/Chris

  • GoLinks v3

    • GoLinks independent Resolver testing – Walt

    • GoLinks admin application

      • UI – Walt/Chase

      • Web interface implementation?

      • ServiceNow interface implementation

    • Database redesign and conversion – Walt

    • Application transaction and administration Google logging

    • Restful API – Walt

    • Cron jobs – Walt

      • Pruning

      • Link security verification

        • Google API

        • Phishtank API

  • Service Now

    • Build prototype “Request” RITM, workflow for JAMF Pro Site in dev instance

    • Admin and Dev certification training – Walt

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration for ISO 1400.2 project -Walt / Everette

  • Dining iPad web app – maint. – Walt

    • Nutrition calculator (future project) TBD


    • patching – Walt


    • patching – Walt

    • Update content – Dan

  • Standing Committees

    • Possible rewrite Summer 2021

    • Show vacant seats- Walt – per issues/6

    • Add why they want to serve, how their background may be relevant, etc section to survey – Walt – per issues/7

  • Apple Support

  • Apple School Manager – AZURE federation – Everette

  • Code42 – maint. Everette

  • Jamf Pro – Everette

  • Packaging Support- maintenance – Everette

  • Administrative tasks

  • CampusM testing – All

  • Codebase and repo maintenance for all software – Dan / Walt

July 1, 2021


  • On Campus iOS v6.5.1 beta release – Dan

    • Added VoiceOver support for all screens and buttons for iOS and watchOS targets

    • Added Wolfpack Outfitters screen and data feed model using new SwiftUI Map object and dataTaskPublisher

    • Added Open filter option for Dining to show only open locations. This was a request from Dining staff.

    • Removed support for CocoaPods and converted to Swift Package Manager for Firebase Analytics and Messaging

    • Updated watch Dining building and Wolfline route stop maps to use new SwiftUI Map object instead of UIKit Map

    • Updated DiningLocationHours data model to use new dataTaskPublisher

  • SQL training – Mason

  • On Campus Android Wolfpack Outfitters alpha map(lite) work – Mason

  • Swift training – Mason

  • GoLinks support – Walt

  • Tools research ( – Walt

  • Committee on Committees v2 (CC2) database prototyping – Walt

  • CC1 storyboarding – Walt

  • CC2 workflow prototyping – Walt

  • CC1 survey workflow capture – Walt

  • GCP Playbook for web apps documentation – Saketh

  • GSQL training – Saketh

  • JAMF Pro administration and coordination – Everette

  • Adobe packaging – Everette

  • JAMF Connect configuration R&D and documentation – Everette

  • GoLinks v3 Google Analytics alpha – Saketh

In Progress

  • Mobile Dev

  • On Campus IOS

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • On Campus watchOS

  • On Campus macOS

    • Initial release under app lifecycle pattern

  • On Campus Android

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • Accessibility Way-finding

    • Work with Grad Student on outside route data and methodology – All

    • Grant proposal – Everette / Crystal

  • Jackknife iOS – maint

  • Jackknife Android – maint

  • Mobile App reviews – Dan

    • Update privacy labels for deployed iOS apps

  • TV Apps for tvOS, iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Roku, Fire TV

    • Pack TV iOS, iPadOS, macOS development

    • PackTV tvOS, Roku, Fire TV – maint

    • NCState TV multi-platform Swift UI re-write – Dan

    • TransLoc API with native MapKit on tvOS – Abdul / Chase

  • WebFramZ – decomission

  • ConfBoard – Dan

    • app lifecycle rewrite for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS

    • research native Google slide support

    • Transloc/Map Kit integration research

    • Managed Configuration testing – Everette/Dan

  • Web Dev

  • Standing Committee Rewrite for GCP – Walt

  • Google Data Studio/JAMF Pro reports for Endpoint protection standards compliance for macOS

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration – Everette / Walt

  • MobileAPI

    • Transition to Courses Cron – Walt / Dan

    • Schedule for deprecation on June 15, 2021 – Dan/Walt

  • Rewrite Semester ‘Load Course Semester Data’ and ‘Update Course Semester Data’ cron jobs from MobileAPI

    • Update building calls to use GIS data

  • Weather API – maint Dan

  • Courses API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Dining API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Maps iCloud/Firebase feed – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Calendar iCloud/Firebase feed – maint – Dan

  • Sports Scores API/Messaging/webapp – Maint – Dan

  • WolfAlerts Messaging Middleware -Maint – Dan

  • Lawbooks v2

    • Issue testing

  • Go Links v2 –

    • Swap out service account (currently using calendarshare) – Walt/Chris

  • GoLinks v3

    • GoLinks independent Resolver testing – Walt

    • GoLinks admin application

      • UI – Walt/Chase

      • Web interface implementation?

      • ServiceNow interface implementation

    • Database redesign and conversion – Walt

    • Application transaction and administration Google logging

    • Restful API – Walt

    • Cron jobs – Walt

      • Pruning

      • Link security verification

        • Google API

        • Phishtank API

  • Service Now

    • Build prototype “Request” RITM, workflow for JAMF Pro Site in dev instance

    • Admin and Dev certification training – Walt

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration for ISO 1400.2 project -Walt / Everette

  • Dining iPad web app – maint. – Walt

    • Nutrition calculator (future project) TBD


    • patching – Walt


    • patching – Walt

    • Update content – Dan

  • Standing Committees

    • Possible rewrite Summer 2021

    • Show vacant seats- Walt – per issues/6

    • Add why they want to serve, how their background may be relevant, etc section to survey – Walt – per issues/7

  • Apple Support

  • Apple School Manager – AZURE federation – Everette

  • Code42 – maint. Everette

  • Jamf Pro – Everette

  • Packaging Support- maintenance – Everette

  • Administrative tasks

  • CampusM testing – All

  • Codebase and repo maintenance for all software – Dan / Walt

June 24, 2021


  • Dan on leave this week

  • GoLinks support for link ownership and duplicate link error -Walt

  • Finished Documentation for PHP/GSQL in GCP for playbook – Walt

  • Committee on Committee planning meetings – Walt, Saketh, Mason, Everette

  • Finished class on OpenID Connect and Oauth – Walt

  • Database training -Walt/Saketh

  • Android OnCampus accessibility updates (Talk Back) beta – Mason

  • Android OnCampus dining sort fixes – Mason

  • Android OnCampus Campus Outfitters layout alpha – Mason

  • GoLinks v3 Google Analytics prototyping for Hit counts – Saketh

  • Jamf Pro update administration for v10.30 – Everette

  • Jamf Connect testing, configuration standardization and docs – Everette

  • macOS login and FileVault management consulting for OIT-MD – Everette

  • Net+ GCP Summer Camp – Everette/Mason

  • Unity ID format team meetings – Everette

  • Jamf Pro LDAP issues – Everette

  • Adobe Installer testing – Everette

  • PSU MacAdmins Conference – Everette

In Progress

  • Mobile Dev

  • On Campus IOS

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • On Campus watchOS

  • On Campus macOS

    • Initial release under app lifecycle pattern

  • On Campus Android

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • Accessibility Way-finding

    • Work with Grad Student on outside route data and methodology – All

    • Grant proposal – Everette / Crystal

  • Jackknife iOS – maint

  • Jackknife Android – maint

  • Mobile App reviews – Dan

    • Update privacy labels for deployed iOS apps

  • TV Apps for tvOS, iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Roku, Fire TV

    • Pack TV iOS, iPadOS, macOS development

    • PackTV tvOS, Roku, Fire TV – maint

    • NCState TV multi-platform Swift UI re-write – Dan

    • TransLoc API with native MapKit on tvOS – Abdul / Chase

  • WebFramZ – decomission

  • ConfBoard – Dan

    • app lifecycle rewrite for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS

    • research native Google slide support

    • Transloc/Map Kit integration research

    • Managed Configuration testing – Everette/Dan

  • Web Dev

  • Standing Committee Rewrite for GCP – Walt

  • Google Data Studio/JAMF Pro reports for Endpoint protection standards compliance for macOS

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration – Everette / Walt

  • MobileAPI

    • Transition to Courses Cron – Walt / Dan

    • Schedule for deprecation on June 15, 2021 – Dan/Walt

  • Rewrite Semester ‘Load Course Semester Data’ and ‘Update Course Semester Data’ cron jobs from MobileAPI

    • Update building calls to use GIS data

  • Weather API – maint Dan

  • Courses API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Dining API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Maps iCloud/Firebase feed – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Calendar iCloud/Firebase feed – maint – Dan

  • Sports Scores API/Messaging/webapp – Maint – Dan

  • WolfAlerts Messaging Middleware -Maint – Dan

  • Lawbooks v2

    • Issue testing

  • Go Links v2 –

    • Swap out service account (currently using calendarshare) – Walt/Chris

  • GoLinks v3

    • GoLinks independent Resolver testing – Walt

    • GoLinks admin application

      • UI – Walt/Chase

      • Web interface implementation?

      • ServiceNow interface implementation

    • Database redesign and conversion – Walt

    • Application transaction and administration Google logging

    • Restful API – Walt

    • Cron jobs – Walt

      • Pruning

      • Link security verification

        • Google API

        • Phishtank API

  • Service Now

    • Build prototype “Request” RITM, workflow for JAMF Pro Site in dev instance

    • Admin and Dev certification training – Walt

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration for ISO 1400.2 project -Walt / Everette

  • Dining iPad web app – maint. – Walt

    • Nutrition calculator (future project) TBD


    • patching – Walt


    • patching – Walt

    • Update content – Dan

  • Standing Committees

    • Possible rewrite Summer 2021

    • Show vacant seats- Walt – per issues/6

    • Add why they want to serve, how their background may be relevant, etc section to survey – Walt – per issues/7

  • Apple Support

  • Apple School Manager – AZURE federation – Everette

  • Code42 – maint. Everette

  • Jamf Pro – Everette

  • Packaging Support- maintenance – Everette

  • Administrative tasks

  • CampusM testing – All

  • Codebase and repo maintenance for all software – Dan / Walt

June 17, 2021


  • Accessibility refactoring for On Campus – Dan/Mason

  • WWDC – Dan, Everette, Mason

  • Dining API Data meeting – Dan

  • JSON template for Wolfpack Outfitters – Dan

  • Standing Committee support – Walt

  • GSQL database connection testing – Walt

  • Google Analytics project work – Saketh

  • Weather demo app work in Swift – Mason

  • Consulting for universal apps for OITMD – Everette

  • JAMF file distribution point troubleshooting – Everette

  • Adobe packaging issues – Everette

  • DUO LDAP authentication issues – Everette

  • JAMF Pro crash to dash troubleshooting – Everette

  • JAMF patch management slowness – Everette

  • autopkg python configuration issues – Everette

  • Azure authentication and authorization planning – Everette

  • ShellCast Google funding consulting – Everette

  • Equipment reclamation and upgrades for OCC – Everette

  • Apple SSO configuration documentation – Everette

  • JSON template documentation for NOMAD login – Everette

In Progress

  • Mobile Dev

  • On Campus IOS

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • On Campus watchOS

  • On Campus macOS

    • Initial release under app lifecycle pattern

  • On Campus Android

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • Accessibility Way-finding

    • Work with Grad Student on outside route data and methodology – All

    • Grant proposal – Everette / Crystal

  • Jackknife iOS – maint

  • Jackknife Android – maint

  • Mobile App reviews – Dan

    • Update privacy labels for deployed iOS apps

  • TV Apps for tvOS, iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Roku, Fire TV

    • Pack TV iOS, iPadOS, macOS development

    • PackTV tvOS, Roku, Fire TV – maint

    • NCState TV multi-platform Swift UI re-write – Dan

    • TransLoc API with native MapKit on tvOS – Abdul / Chase

  • WebFramZ – decomission

  • ConfBoard – Dan

    • app lifecycle rewrite for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS

    • research native Google slide support

    • Transloc/Map Kit integration research

    • Managed Configuration testing – Everette/Dan

  • Web Dev

  • Standing Committee Rewrite for GCP – Walt

  • Google Data Studio/JAMF Pro reports for Endpoint protection standards compliance for macOS

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration – Everette / Walt

  • MobileAPI

    • Transition to Courses Cron – Walt / Dan

    • Schedule for deprecation on June 15, 2021 – Dan/Walt

  • Rewrite Semester ‘Load Course Semester Data’ and ‘Update Course Semester Data’ cron jobs from MobileAPI

    • Update building calls to use GIS data

  • Weather API – maint Dan

  • Courses API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Dining API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Maps iCloud/Firebase feed – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Calendar iCloud/Firebase feed – maint – Dan

  • Sports Scores API/Messaging/webapp – Maint – Dan

  • WolfAlerts Messaging Middleware -Maint – Dan

  • Lawbooks v2

    • Issue testing

  • Go Links v2 –

    • Swap out service account (currently using calendarshare) – Walt/Chris

  • GoLinks v3

    • GoLinks independent Resolver testing – Walt

    • GoLinks admin application

      • UI – Walt/Chase

      • Web interface implementation?

      • ServiceNow interface implementation

    • Database redesign and conversion – Walt

    • Application transaction and administration Google logging

    • Restful API – Walt

    • Cron jobs – Walt

      • Pruning

      • Link security verification

        • Google API

        • Phishtank API

  • Service Now

    • Build prototype “Request” RITM, workflow for JAMF Pro Site in dev instance

    • Admin and Dev certification training – Walt

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration for ISO 1400.2 project -Walt / Everette

  • Dining iPad web app – maint. – Walt

    • Nutrition calculator (future project) TBD


    • patching – Walt


    • patching – Walt

    • Update content – Dan

  • Standing Committees

    • Possible rewrite Summer 2021

    • Show vacant seats- Walt – per issues/6

    • Add why they want to serve, how their background may be relevant, etc section to survey – Walt – per issues/7

  • Apple Support

  • Apple School Manager – AZURE federation – Everette

  • Code42 – maint. Everette

  • Jamf Pro – Everette

  • Packaging Support- maintenance – Everette

  • Administrative tasks

  • CampusM testing – All

  • Codebase and repo maintenance for all software – Dan / Walt

June 10, 2021


  • Campus enterprise meeting to talk about adding Wolfpack Outfitters in On Campus – Dan

  • Accessibility refactoring for On Campus – Dan/Mason

  • WWDC – Dan, Everette, Mason

  • GSQL PHP connection – Walt

  • Walt Out

  • Swift Playgrounds Training – Mason

  • Async/await research – Mason

  • Google Analytics project work – Saketh

  • Database structure training – Saketh, Walt

  • JAMF upgrade process – Everette

  • iPad enrollment troubleshooting – Everette

  • Adobe package management – Everette

  • macOS 12 testing – Everette

  • MacTech meeting – Everette

  • Configuration management slowness troubleshooting – Everette

  • PSU MacAdmins conference – Everette

  • OCC equipment re-provisioning – Everette

In Progress

  • Mobile Dev

  • On Campus IOS

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • On Campus watchOS

  • On Campus macOS

    • Initial release under app lifecycle pattern

  • On Campus Android

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • Accessibility Way-finding

    • Work with Grad Student on outside route data and methodology – All

    • Grant proposal – Everette / Crystal

  • Jackknife iOS – maint

  • Jackknife Android – maint

  • Mobile App reviews – Dan

    • Update privacy labels for deployed iOS apps

  • TV Apps for tvOS, iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Roku, Fire TV

    • Pack TV iOS, iPadOS, macOS development

    • PackTV tvOS, Roku, Fire TV – maint

    • NCState TV multi-platform Swift UI re-write – Dan

    • TransLoc API with native MapKit on tvOS – Abdul / Chase

  • WebFramZ – decomission

  • ConfBoard – Dan

    • app lifecycle rewrite for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS

    • research native Google slide support

    • Transloc/Map Kit integration research

    • Managed Configuration testing – Everette/Dan

  • Web Dev

  • Standing Committee Rewrite for GCP – Walt

  • Google Data Studio/JAMF Pro reports for Endpoint protection standards compliance for macOS

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration – Everette / Walt

  • MobileAPI

    • Transition to Courses Cron – Walt / Dan

    • Schedule for deprecation on June 15, 2021 – Dan/Walt

  • Rewrite Semester ‘Load Course Semester Data’ and ‘Update Course Semester Data’ cron jobs from MobileAPI

    • Update building calls to use GIS data

  • Weather API – maint Dan

  • Courses API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Dining API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Maps iCloud/Firebase feed – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Calendar iCloud/Firebase feed – maint – Dan

  • Sports Scores API/Messaging/webapp – Maint – Dan

  • WolfAlerts Messaging Middleware -Maint – Dan

  • Lawbooks v2

    • Issue testing

  • Go Links v2 –

    • Swap out service account (currently using calendarshare) – Walt/Chris

  • GoLinks v3

    • GoLinks independent Resolver testing – Walt

    • GoLinks admin application

      • UI – Walt/Chase

      • Web interface implementation?

      • ServiceNow interface implementation

    • Database redesign and conversion – Walt

    • Application transaction and administration Google logging

    • Restful API – Walt

    • Cron jobs – Walt

      • Pruning

      • Link security verification

        • Google API

        • Phishtank API

  • Service Now

    • Build prototype “Request” RITM, workflow for JAMF Pro Site in dev instance

    • Admin and Dev certification training – Walt

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration for ISO 1400.2 project -Walt / Everette

  • Dining iPad web app – maint. – Walt

    • Nutrition calculator (future project) TBD


    • patching – Walt


    • patching – Walt

    • Update content – Dan

  • Standing Committees

    • Possible rewrite Summer 2021

    • Show vacant seats- Walt – per issues/6

    • Add why they want to serve, how their background may be relevant, etc section to survey – Walt – per issues/7

  • Apple Support

  • Apple School Manager – AZURE federation – Everette

  • Code42 – maint. Everette

  • Jamf Pro – Everette

  • Packaging Support- maintenance – Everette

  • Administrative tasks

  • CampusM testing – All

  • Codebase and repo maintenance for all software – Dan / Walt

June 3, 2021


  • Golinks v2 support call – Walt

  • Research GCP using GSQL with App Engine Standard – Walt

  • Research GCP scale out with App Engine Standard – Walt

  • Campus enterprise meeting scheduled to talk about adding Wolfpack Outfitters in On Campus – Dan

  • Accessibility refactoring for On Campus – Dan/Mason

  • PHP training – Mason

  • GCP training – Mason

  • Swift training and Swift Playground tutorials – Mason

  • Wolf Bytes TV for Android pre-alpha – Mason

  • PHP training – Saketh

  • Hits out to Google Analytics (alpha done) – Saketh

  • Google visualization classes in PHP for Golinks – Saketh

  • Database training by Walt – Saketh

  • Jamf troubleshooting – Everette

  • Jamf Pro 10.29.2 update – Everette

  • MacDeploy Conference virtual – Everette

  • PSU MacAdmins Conference virtual – Everette

  • Apple Hardware re-provisioning (Gabbie and Mason) – Everette

  • ACE contract administration – Everette

  • Unity Id Format change meeting – Everette

  • VPN steering team – Everette

  • More launchd troubleshooting – Everette

  • Staff Senate Computer Loan program meeting and administration – Everette

In Progress

  • Mobile Dev

  • On Campus IOS

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • On Campus watchOS

  • On Campus macOS

    • Initial release under app lifecycle pattern

  • On Campus Android

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • Accessibility Way-finding

    • Work with Grad Student on outside route data and methodology – All

    • Grant proposal – Everette / Crystal

  • Jackknife iOS – maint

  • Jackknife Android – maint

  • Mobile App reviews – Dan

    • Update privacy labels for deployed iOS apps

  • TV Apps for tvOS, iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Roku, Fire TV

    • Pack TV iOS, iPadOS, macOS development

    • PackTV tvOS, Roku, Fire TV – maint

    • NCState TV multi-platform Swift UI re-write – Dan

    • TransLoc API with native MapKit on tvOS – Abdul / Chase

  • WebFramZ – decomission

  • ConfBoard – Dan

    • app lifecycle rewrite for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS

    • research native Google slide support

    • Transloc/Map Kit integration research

    • Managed Configuration testing – Everette/Dan

  • Web Dev

  • Standing Committee Rewrite for GCP – Walt

  • Google Data Studio/JAMF Pro reports for Endpoint protection standards compliance for macOS

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration – Everette / Walt

  • MobileAPI

    • Transition to Courses Cron – Walt / Dan

    • Schedule for deprecation on June 15, 2021 – Dan/Walt

  • Rewrite Semester ‘Load Course Semester Data’ and ‘Update Course Semester Data’ cron jobs from MobileAPI

    • Update building calls to use GIS data

  • Weather API – maint Dan

  • Courses API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Dining API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Maps iCloud/Firebase feed – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Calendar iCloud/Firebase feed – maint – Dan

  • Sports Scores API/Messaging/webapp – Maint – Dan

  • WolfAlerts Messaging Middleware -Maint – Dan

  • Lawbooks v2

    • Issue testing

  • Go Links v2 –

    • Swap out service account (currently using calendarshare) – Walt/Chris

  • GoLinks v3

    • GoLinks independent Resolver testing – Walt

    • GoLinks admin application

      • UI – Walt/Chase

      • Web interface implementation?

      • ServiceNow interface implementation

    • Database redesign and conversion – Walt

    • Application transaction and administration Google logging

    • Restful API – Walt

    • Cron jobs – Walt

      • Pruning

      • Link security verification

        • Google API

        • Phishtank API

  • Service Now

    • Build prototype “Request” RITM, workflow for JAMF Pro Site in dev instance

    • Admin and Dev certification training – Walt

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration for ISO 1400.2 project -Walt / Everette

  • Dining iPad web app – maint. – Walt

    • Nutrition calculator (future project) TBD


    • patching – Walt


    • patching – Walt

    • Update content – Dan

  • Standing Committees

    • Possible rewrite Summer 2021

    • Show vacant seats- Walt – per issues/6

    • Add why they want to serve, how their background may be relevant, etc section to survey – Walt – per issues/7

  • Apple Support

  • Apple School Manager – AZURE federation – Everette

  • Code42 – maint. Everette

  • Jamf Pro – Everette

  • Packaging Support- maintenance – Everette

  • Administrative tasks

  • CampusM testing – All

  • Codebase and repo maintenance for all software – Dan / Walt

May 20, 2021


  • On Campus Android home screen redesign v2.9.2 production release – Dan

  • Updated Courses database for Summer I – Dan

  • Google I/O – Dan, Everette

  • GAE test projects setup for Saketh and Mason – Walt

  • GAE redesign setup for GoLinks v3 and GoLinks Resolver v3 – Walt

  • Resolved GoLinks v2 403 error – Walt

  • Udemy ServiceNow development course – Walt

  • Test weather Android app – Mason

  • Firestore training – Mason

  • Android Studio setup – Mason

  • Net+ camp sign up – Mason

  • JAMF troubleshooting – Everette

  • Adobe packaging – Everette

  • launchd troubleshooting – Everette

In Progress

  • Mobile Dev

  • On Campus IOS

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • On Campus watchOS

  • On Campus macOS

    • Initial release under app lifecycle pattern

  • On Campus Android

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • Accessibility Way-finding

    • Work with Grad Student on outside route data and methodology – All

    • Grant proposal – Everette / Crystal

  • Jackknife iOS – maint

  • Jackknife Android – maint

  • Mobile App reviews – Dan

    • Update privacy labels for deployed iOS apps

  • TV Apps for tvOS, iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Roku, Fire TV

    • Pack TV iOS, iPadOS, macOS development

    • PackTV tvOS, Roku, Fire TV – maint

    • NCState TV multi-platform Swift UI re-write – Dan

    • TransLoc API with native MapKit on tvOS – Abdul / Chase

  • WebFramZ – decomission

  • ConfBoard – Dan

    • app lifecycle rewrite for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS

    • research native Google slide support

    • Transloc/Map Kit integration research

    • Managed Configuration testing – Everette/Dan

  • Web Dev

  • Standing Committee Rewrite for GCP – Walt

  • Google Data Studio/JAMF Pro reports for Endpoint protection standards compliance for macOS

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration – Everette / Walt

  • MobileAPI

    • Transition to Courses Cron – Walt / Dan

    • Schedule for deprecation on June 15, 2021 – Dan/Walt

  • Rewrite Semester ‘Load Course Semester Data’ and ‘Update Course Semester Data’ cron jobs from MobileAPI

    • Update building calls to use GIS data

  • Weather API – maint Dan

  • Courses API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Dining API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Maps iCloud/Firebase feed – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Calendar iCloud/Firebase feed – maint – Dan

  • Sports Scores API/Messaging/webapp – Maint – Dan

  • WolfAlerts Messaging Middleware -Maint – Dan

  • Lawbooks v2

    • Issue testing

  • Go Links v2 –

    • Swap out service account (currently using calendarshare) – Walt/Chris

  • GoLinks v3

    • GoLinks independent Resolver testing – Walt

    • GoLinks admin application

      • UI – Walt/Chase

      • Web interface implementation?

      • ServiceNow interface implementation

    • Database redesign and conversion – Walt

    • Application transaction and administration Google logging

    • Restful API – Walt

    • Cron jobs – Walt

      • Pruning

      • Link security verification

        • Google API

        • Phishtank API

  • Service Now

    • Build prototype “Request” RITM, workflow for JAMF Pro Site in dev instance

    • Admin and Dev certification training – Walt

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration for ISO 1400.2 project -Walt / Everette

  • Dining iPad web app – maint. – Walt

    • Nutrition calculator (future project) TBD


    • patching – Walt


    • patching – Walt

    • Update content – Dan

  • Standing Committees

    • Possible rewrite Summer 2021

    • Show vacant seats- Walt – per issues/6

    • Add why they want to serve, how their background may be relevant, etc section to survey – Walt – per issues/7

  • Apple Support

  • Apple School Manager – AZURE federation – Everette

  • Code42 – maint. Everette

  • Jamf Pro – Everette

  • Packaging Support- maintenance – Everette

  • Administrative tasks

  • CampusM testing – All

  • Codebase and repo maintenance for all software – Dan / Walt

May 27, 2021


  • Created New Student Orientation mobile app guide -Dan

  • Monotype mobile app font meeting with DELTA and UComm -Dan

  • Work on On Campus iOS accessibility improvements-Dan

  • Jamf Pro 10.29.2 update – postponed- Everette

  • Hangouts Chat notification processor update to remove cards – Everette

  • Adobe packaging and documentation – Everette

  • Jamf Distribution Point Unused Package clean up -Everette

  • Adobe Acrobat installer support follow up – Everette/Peyton

  • AppleCare for Enterprise administration – Everette

  • Google Analytics project – Saketh/Walt

  • Database design training – Saketh/Walt

  • OnCampus Talk back tags – Mason

  • Wolfbytes test app – Mason

  • Android Accessibility training – Mason

  • Android new tools training from Google I/O – Mason

  • GoLinks V3 with data in GCP – Walt

  • GCP Project name space alignment on local, GitHub, & GCP – Walt

  • New GitHub GoLinks V3 repos – Walt

  • GCP Database connectors – Walt

  • App YAML configuration for Golinks V2/3 resolver – Walt

  • GoLinks V2 support calls – Walt

In Progress

  • Mobile Dev

  • On Campus IOS

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • On Campus watchOS

  • On Campus macOS

    • Initial release under app lifecycle pattern

  • On Campus Android

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • Accessibility Way-finding

    • Work with Grad Student on outside route data and methodology – All

    • Grant proposal – Everette / Crystal

  • Jackknife iOS – maint

  • Jackknife Android – maint

  • Mobile App reviews – Dan

    • Update privacy labels for deployed iOS apps

  • TV Apps for tvOS, iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Roku, Fire TV

    • Pack TV iOS, iPadOS, macOS development

    • PackTV tvOS, Roku, Fire TV – maint

    • NCState TV multi-platform Swift UI re-write – Dan

    • TransLoc API with native MapKit on tvOS – Abdul / Chase

  • WebFramZ – decomission

  • ConfBoard – Dan

    • app lifecycle rewrite for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS

    • research native Google slide support

    • Transloc/Map Kit integration research

    • Managed Configuration testing – Everette/Dan

  • Web Dev

  • Standing Committee Rewrite for GCP – Walt

  • Google Data Studio/JAMF Pro reports for Endpoint protection standards compliance for macOS

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration – Everette / Walt

  • MobileAPI

    • Transition to Courses Cron – Walt / Dan

    • Schedule for deprecation on June 15, 2021 – Dan/Walt

  • Rewrite Semester ‘Load Course Semester Data’ and ‘Update Course Semester Data’ cron jobs from MobileAPI

    • Update building calls to use GIS data

  • Weather API – maint Dan

  • Courses API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Dining API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Maps iCloud/Firebase feed – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Calendar iCloud/Firebase feed – maint – Dan

  • Sports Scores API/Messaging/webapp – Maint – Dan

  • WolfAlerts Messaging Middleware -Maint – Dan

  • Lawbooks v2

    • Issue testing

  • Go Links v2 –

    • Swap out service account (currently using calendarshare) – Walt/Chris

  • GoLinks v3

    • GoLinks independent Resolver testing – Walt

    • GoLinks admin application

      • UI – Walt/Chase

      • Web interface implementation?

      • ServiceNow interface implementation

    • Database redesign and conversion – Walt

    • Application transaction and administration Google logging

    • Restful API – Walt

    • Cron jobs – Walt

      • Pruning

      • Link security verification

        • Google API

        • Phishtank API

  • Service Now

    • Build prototype “Request” RITM, workflow for JAMF Pro Site in dev instance

    • Admin and Dev certification training – Walt

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration for ISO 1400.2 project -Walt / Everette

  • Dining iPad web app – maint. – Walt

    • Nutrition calculator (future project) TBD


    • patching – Walt


    • patching – Walt

    • Update content – Dan

  • Standing Committees

    • Possible rewrite Summer 2021

    • Show vacant seats- Walt – per issues/6

    • Add why they want to serve, how their background may be relevant, etc section to survey – Walt – per issues/7

  • Apple Support

  • Apple School Manager – AZURE federation – Everette

  • Code42 – maint. Everette

  • Jamf Pro – Everette

  • Packaging Support- maintenance – Everette

  • Administrative tasks

  • CampusM testing – All

  • Codebase and repo maintenance for all software – Dan / Walt

May 13, 2021


  • On Campus Android home screen redesign v2.9.2 Beta release – Dan

  • Mason Onboarding – All

  • Google Analytics – Walt/Saketh

  • Service Now Admin Exam prep – Walt

  • Service Now Admin Exam PASSED!!- Walt

  • Google Projects entanglement – Walt

  • GoLinks OIT website 403 issue -Walt

  • Kotlin training – Mason

  • Database design training – Saketh/Walt

  • Jamf Crash to Dash issues – Everette

  • Adobe packaging issues – Everette

  • Apple Silicon deployment troubleshooting- Everette

  • AutoPKG and LaunchD debugging – Everette

  • Username Format change team – Everette

  • MacTech – Everette

  • Apple Care for Enterprise Research – Everette

  • Jamf API consulting with UNCP – Everette

  • LDAP integration in Jamf for UNCCH – Everette

  • Jamf Futures feedback meeting – Everette

In Progress

  • Mobile Dev

  • On Campus IOS

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • On Campus watchOS

  • On Campus macOS

    • Initial release under app lifecycle pattern

  • On Campus Android

    • Update Home screen to match iOS version

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • Accessibility Way-finding

    • Work with Grad Student on outside route data and methodology – All

    • Grant proposal – Everette / Crystal

  • Jackknife iOS – maint

  • Jackknife Android – maint

  • Mobile App reviews – Dan

    • Update privacy labels for deployed iOS apps

  • TV Apps for tvOS, iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Roku, Fire TV

    • Pack TV iOS, iPadOS, macOS development

    • PackTV tvOS, Roku, Fire TV – maint

    • NCState TV multi-platform Swift UI re-write – Dan

    • TransLoc API with native MapKit on tvOS – Abdul / Chase

  • WebFramZ – decomission

  • ConfBoard – Dan

    • app lifecycle rewrite for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS

    • research native Google slide support

    • Transloc/Map Kit integration research

    • Managed Configuration testing – Everette/Dan

  • Web Dev

  • Standing Committee Rewrite for GCP – Walt

  • Google Data Studio/JAMF Pro reports for Endpoint protection standards compliance for macOS

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration – Everette / Walt

  • MobileAPI

    • Transition to Courses Cron – Walt / Dan

    • Schedule for deprecation on June 15, 2021 – Dan/Walt

  • Rewrite Semester ‘Load Course Semester Data’ and ‘Update Course Semester Data’ cron jobs from MobileAPI

    • Update building calls to use GIS data

  • Weather API – maint Dan

  • Courses API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Dining API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Maps iCloud/Firebase feed – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Calendar iCloud/Firebase feed – maint – Dan

  • Sports Scores API/Messaging/webapp – Maint – Dan

  • WolfAlerts Messaging Middleware -Maint – Dan

  • Lawbooks v2

    • Issue testing

  • Go Links v2 –

    • Swap out service account (currently using calendarshare) – Walt/Chris

  • GoLinks v3

    • GoLinks independent Resolver testing – Walt

    • GoLinks admin application

      • UI – Walt/Chase

      • Web interface implementation?

      • ServiceNow interface implementation

    • Database redesign and conversion – Walt

    • Application transaction and administration Google logging

    • Restful API – Walt

    • Cron jobs – Walt

      • Pruning

      • Link security verification

        • Google API

        • Phishtank API

  • Service Now

    • Build prototype “Request” RITM, workflow for JAMF Pro Site in dev instance

    • Admin and Dev certification training – Walt

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration for ISO 1400.2 project -Walt / Everette

  • Dining iPad web app – maint. – Walt

    • Nutrition calculator (future project) TBD


    • patching – Walt


    • patching – Walt

    • Update content – Dan

  • Standing Committees

    • Possible rewrite Summer 2021

    • Show vacant seats- Walt – per issues/6

    • Add why they want to serve, how their background may be relevant, etc section to survey – Walt – per issues/7

  • Apple Support

  • Apple School Manager – AZURE federation – Everette

  • Code42 – maint. Everette

  • Jamf Pro – Everette

  • Packaging Support- maintenance – Everette

  • Administrative tasks

  • CampusM testing – All

  • Codebase and repo maintenance for all software – Dan / Walt

May 6, 2021


  • On Campus Android home screen redesign alpha – Dan

  • ServiceNow Admin exam prep (exam May 11)- Walt

  • Go Links 403 issue – Walt

  • GCP Project issues – Walt

  • Adobe Packaging issues – Everette

  • JAMF web timeout issues – Everette

  • Configuration Management consulting with UNC-CH – Everette

  • AutoPKG server update and configuration – Everette

  • AppleCare coverage changes – Everette

  • Staff Computer Loan Program meeting – Everette

  • Apple School Manager account maintenance – Everette

In Progress

  • Mobile Dev

  • On Campus IOS

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • On Campus watchOS

  • On Campus macOS

    • Initial release under app lifecycle pattern

  • On Campus Android

    • Update Home screen to match iOS version

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • Accessibility Way-finding

    • Work with Grad Student on outside route data and methodology – All

    • Grant proposal – Everette / Crystal

  • Jackknife iOS – maint

  • Jackknife Android – maint

  • Mobile App reviews – Dan

    • Update privacy labels for deployed iOS apps

  • TV Apps for tvOS, iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Roku, Fire TV

    • Pack TV iOS, iPadOS, macOS development

    • PackTV tvOS, Roku, Fire TV – maint

    • NCState TV multi-platform Swift UI re-write – Dan

    • TransLoc API with native MapKit on tvOS – Abdul / Chase

  • WebFramZ – decomission

  • ConfBoard – Dan

    • app lifecycle rewrite for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS

    • research native Google slide support

    • Transloc/Map Kit integration research

    • Managed Configuration testing – Everette/Dan

  • Web Dev

  • Standing Committee Rewrite for GCP – Walt

  • Google Data Studio/JAMF Pro reports for Endpoint protection standards compliance for macOS

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration – Everette / Walt

  • MobileAPI

    • Transition to Courses Cron – Walt / Dan

    • Schedule for deprecation on June 15, 2021 – Dan/Walt

  • Rewrite Semester ‘Load Course Semester Data’ and ‘Update Course Semester Data’ cron jobs from MobileAPI

    • Update building calls to use GIS data

  • Weather API – maint Dan

  • Courses API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Dining API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Maps iCloud/Firebase feed – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Calendar iCloud/Firebase feed – maint – Dan

  • Sports Scores API/Messaging/webapp – Maint – Dan

  • WolfAlerts Messaging Middleware -Maint – Dan

  • Lawbooks v2

    • Issue testing

  • Go Links v2 –

    • Swap out service account (currently using calendarshare) – Walt/Chris

  • GoLinks v3

    • GoLinks independent Resolver testing – Walt

    • GoLinks admin application

      • UI – Walt/Chase

      • Web interface implementation?

      • ServiceNow interface implementation

    • Database redesign and conversion – Walt

    • Application transaction and administration Google logging

    • Restful API – Walt

    • Cron jobs – Walt

      • Pruning

      • Link security verification

        • Google API

        • Phishtank API

  • Service Now

    • Build prototype “Request” RITM, workflow for JAMF Pro Site in dev instance

    • Admin and Dev certification training – Walt

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration for ISO 1400.2 project -Walt / Everette

  • Dining iPad web app – maint. – Walt

    • Nutrition calculator (future project) TBD


    • patching – Walt


    • patching – Walt

    • Update content – Dan

  • Standing Committees

    • Possible rewrite Summer 2021

    • Show vacant seats- Walt – per issues/6

    • Add why they want to serve, how their background may be relevant, etc section to survey – Walt – per issues/7

  • Apple Support

  • Apple School Manager – AZURE federation – Everette

  • Code42 – maint. Everette

  • Jamf Pro – Everette

  • Packaging Support- maintenance – Everette

  • Administrative tasks

  • CampusM testing – All

  • Codebase and repo maintenance for all software – Dan / Walt

April 29, 2021


  • Aquatic Plants iOS, watchOS release v2.0 – Dan

  • Removed NCSU Food Safety iOS app from sale – Dan

  • OIT Awards for Excellence – All

  • Testing Google Analytics to GoLinks v3 – Walt

  • Studying for ServiceNow Admin exam – Walt

  • Google Cloud logging – Chase

  • Chase is leaving 🙁 Thanks for everything Chase!!

  • Database design training – Saketh

  • macOS packaging – Everette

  • JAMF troubleshooting – Everette

  • VPN Service team – Everette

  • ASM certificate issues – Everette

  • JAMF outage – Everette

In Progress

  • Mobile Dev

  • On Campus IOS

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • On Campus watchOS

  • On Campus macOS

    • Initial release under app lifecycle pattern

  • On Campus Android

    • Update Home screen to match iOS version

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • Accessibility Way-finding

    • Work with Grad Student on outside route data and methodology – All

    • Grant proposal – Everette / Crystal

  • Jackknife iOS – maint

  • Jackknife Android – maint

  • Mobile App reviews – Dan

    • Update privacy labels for deployed iOS apps

  • TV Apps for tvOS, iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Roku, Fire TV

    • Pack TV iOS, iPadOS, macOS development

    • PackTV tvOS, Roku, Fire TV – maint

    • NCState TV multi-platform Swift UI re-write – Dan

    • TransLoc API with native MapKit on tvOS – Abdul / Chase

  • WebFramZ – decomission

  • ConfBoard – Dan

    • app lifecycle rewrite for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS

    • research native Google slide support

    • Transloc/Map Kit integration research

    • Managed Configuration testing – Everette/Dan

  • Web Dev

  • Standing Committee Rewrite for GCP – Walt

  • Google Data Studio/JAMF Pro reports for Endpoint protection standards compliance for macOS

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration – Everette / Walt

  • MobileAPI

    • Transition to Courses Cron – Walt / Dan

    • Schedule for deprecation on June 15, 2021 – Dan/Walt

  • Rewrite Semester ‘Load Course Semester Data’ and ‘Update Course Semester Data’ cron jobs from MobileAPI

    • Update building calls to use GIS data

  • Weather API – maint Dan

  • Courses API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Dining API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Maps iCloud/Firebase feed – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Calendar iCloud/Firebase feed – maint – Dan

  • Sports Scores API/Messaging/webapp – Maint – Dan

  • WolfAlerts Messaging Middleware -Maint – Dan

  • Lawbooks v2

    • Issue testing

  • Go Links v2 –

    • Swap out service account (currently using calendarshare) – Walt/Chris

  • GoLinks v3

    • GoLinks independent Resolver testing – Walt

    • GoLinks admin application

      • UI – Walt/Chase

      • Web interface implementation?

      • ServiceNow interface implementation

    • Database redesign and conversion – Walt

    • Application transaction and administration Google logging

    • Restful API – Walt

    • Cron jobs – Walt

      • Pruning

      • Link security verification

        • Google API

        • Phishtank API

  • Service Now

    • Build prototype “Request” RITM, workflow for JAMF Pro Site in dev instance

    • Admin and Dev certification training – Walt

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration for ISO 1400.2 project -Walt / Everette

  • Dining iPad web app – maint. – Walt

    • Nutrition calculator (future project) TBD


    • patching – Walt


    • patching – Walt

    • Update content – Dan

  • Standing Committees

    • Possible rewrite Summer 2021

    • Show vacant seats- Walt – per issues/6

    • Add why they want to serve, how their background may be relevant, etc section to survey – Walt – per issues/7

  • Apple Support

  • Apple School Manager – AZURE federation – Everette

  • Code42 – maint. Everette

  • Jamf Pro – Everette

  • Packaging Support- maintenance – Everette

  • Administrative tasks

  • CampusM testing – All

  • Codebase and repo maintenance for all software – Dan / Walt

April 22, 2021


  • Dan on leave this week – Dan

  • GoLinks V3 resolver Alpha working local – Walt

  • GoLinks V2 consulting – Walt

  • Shell Cast consulting – Walt/Everette

  • GoLinks V3 QR code working with Google – Walt

  • GoLinks V3 Stats processing cron Alpha – Walt

  • PHP Classes and Database design training – Saketh

  • Jamf MDM command issue trouble shooting – Everette

  • Adobe packaging and testing – Everette

  • Jamf Login/Premature logout issue troubleshooting – Everette

  • Jamf “Crash to Dash” issue – Everette

  • macOS 11.4B testing – Everette

  • Jamf Connect purchase process – Everette

  • Jamf Protect testing – Everette

In Progress

  • Mobile Dev

  • On Campus IOS

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • On Campus watchOS

  • On Campus macOS

    • Initial release under app lifecycle pattern

  • On Campus Android

    • Update Home screen to match iOS version

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • Accessibility Way-finding

    • Work with Grad Student on outside route data and methodology – All

    • Grant proposal – Everette / Crystal

  • Jackknife iOS – maint

  • Jackknife Android – maint

  • Mobile App reviews – Dan

    • Update privacy labels for deployed iOS apps

  • TV Apps for tvOS, iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Roku, Fire TV

    • Pack TV iOS, iPadOS, macOS development

    • PackTV tvOS, Roku, Fire TV – maint

    • NCState TV multi-platform Swift UI re-write – Dan

    • TransLoc API with native MapKit on tvOS – Abdul / Chase

  • WebFramZ – decomission

  • ConfBoard – Dan

    • app lifecycle rewrite for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS

    • research native Google slide support

    • Transloc/Map Kit integration research

    • Managed Configuration testing – Everette/Dan

  • Web Dev

  • Standing Committee Rewrite for GCP – Walt

  • Google Data Studio/JAMF Pro reports for Endpoint protection standards compliance for macOS

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration – Everette / Walt

  • MobileAPI

    • Transition to Courses Cron – Walt / Dan

    • Schedule for deprecation on June 15, 2021 – Dan/Walt

  • Rewrite Semester ‘Load Course Semester Data’ and ‘Update Course Semester Data’ cron jobs from MobileAPI

    • Update building calls to use GIS data

  • Weather API – maint Dan

  • Courses API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Dining API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Maps iCloud/Firebase feed – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Calendar iCloud/Firebase feed – maint – Dan

  • Sports Scores API/Messaging/webapp – Maint – Dan

  • WolfAlerts Messaging Middleware -Maint – Dan

  • Lawbooks v2

    • Issue testing

  • Go Links v2 –

    • Swap out service account (currently using calendarshare) – Walt/Chris

  • GoLinks v3

    • GoLinks independent Resolver testing – Walt

    • GoLinks admin application

      • UI – Walt/Chase

      • Web interface implementation?

      • ServiceNow interface implementation

    • Database redesign and conversion – Walt

    • Application transaction and administration Google logging

    • Restful API – Walt

    • Cron jobs – Walt

      • Pruning

      • Link security verification

        • Google API

        • Phishtank API

  • Service Now

    • Build prototype “Request” RITM, workflow for JAMF Pro Site in dev instance

    • Admin and Dev certification training – Walt

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration for ISO 1400.2 project -Walt / Everette

  • Dining iPad web app – maint. – Walt

    • Nutrition calculator (future project) TBD


    • patching – Walt


    • patching – Walt

    • Update content – Dan

  • Standing Committees

    • Possible rewrite Summer 2021

    • Show vacant seats- Walt – per issues/6

    • Add why they want to serve, how their background may be relevant, etc section to survey – Walt – per issues/7

  • Apple Support

  • Apple School Manager – AZURE federation – Everette

  • Code42 – maint. Everette

  • Jamf Pro – Everette

  • Packaging Support- maintenance – Everette

  • Administrative tasks

  • CampusM testing – All

  • Codebase and repo maintenance for all software – Dan / Walt

April 15, 2021


  • GoLinks Support – Walt

  • ShellCast consulting – Walt/ Everette

  • Completed ServiceNow training – Walt

  • ServiceNow test preparation – Walt

  • PHP training – Saketh

  • OT project cross training – Chase/ Saketh

  • MacTech – Everette

  • Adobe Apple Silicon packaging – Everette

  • MatLab packaging – Everette

  • JAMF Pro troubleshooting and configuration testing – Everette

  • ServiceNow Graph connector testing – Everette

  • Attended Unity ID format change meeting – Everette

In Progress

  • Mobile Dev

  • On Campus IOS

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • On Campus watchOS

  • On Campus macOS

    • Initial release under app lifecycle pattern

  • On Campus Android

    • Update Home screen to match iOS version

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • Accessibility Way-finding

    • Work with Grad Student on outside route data and methodology – All

    • Grant proposal – Everette / Crystal

  • Jackknife iOS – maint

  • Jackknife Android – maint

  • Mobile App reviews – Dan

    • Update privacy labels for deployed iOS apps

  • TV Apps for tvOS, iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Roku, Fire TV

    • Pack TV iOS, iPadOS, macOS development

    • PackTV tvOS, Roku, Fire TV – maint

    • NCState TV multi-platform Swift UI re-write – Dan

    • TransLoc API with native MapKit on tvOS – Abdul / Chase

  • WebFramZ – decomission

  • ConfBoard – Dan

    • app lifecycle rewrite for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS

    • research native Google slide support

    • Transloc/Map Kit integration research

    • Managed Configuration testing – Everette/Dan

  • Web Dev

  • Standing Committee Rewrite for GCP – Walt

  • Google Data Studio/JAMF Pro reports for Endpoint protection standards compliance for macOS

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration – Everette / Walt

  • MobileAPI

    • Transition to Courses Cron – Walt / Dan

    • Schedule for deprecation on June 15, 2021 – Dan/Walt

  • Rewrite Semester ‘Load Course Semester Data’ and ‘Update Course Semester Data’ cron jobs from MobileAPI

    • Update building calls to use GIS data

  • Weather API – maint Dan

  • Courses API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Dining API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Maps iCloud/Firebase feed – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Calendar iCloud/Firebase feed – maint – Dan

  • Sports Scores API/Messaging/webapp – Maint – Dan

  • WolfAlerts Messaging Middleware -Maint – Dan

  • Lawbooks v2

    • Issue testing

  • Go Links v2 –

    • Swap out service account (currently using calendarshare) – Walt/Chris

  • GoLinks v3

    • GoLinks independent Resolver testing – Walt

    • GoLinks admin application

      • UI – Walt/Chase

      • Web interface implementation?

      • ServiceNow interface implementation

    • Database redesign and conversion – Walt

    • Application transaction and administration Google logging

    • Restful API – Walt

    • Cron jobs – Walt

      • Pruning

      • Link security verification

        • Google API

        • Phishtank API

  • Service Now

    • Build prototype “Request” RITM, workflow for JAMF Pro Site in dev instance

    • Admin and Dev certification training – Walt

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration for ISO 1400.2 project -Walt / Everette

  • Dining iPad web app – maint. – Walt

    • Nutrition calculator (future project) TBD


    • patching – Walt


    • patching – Walt

    • Update content – Dan

  • Standing Committees

    • Possible rewrite Summer 2021

    • Show vacant seats- Walt – per issues/6

    • Add why they want to serve, how their background may be relevant, etc section to survey – Walt – per issues/7

  • Apple Support

  • Apple School Manager – AZURE federation – Everette

  • Code42 – maint. Everette

  • Jamf Pro – Everette

  • Packaging Support- maintenance – Everette

  • Administrative tasks

  • CampusM testing – All

  • Codebase and repo maintenance for all software – Dan / Walt

April 8, 2021


  • ServiceNow training – Walt

  • Training: PHP Performance Optimization – Walt

  • Setup Walt in Service Now Class – EGA

  • AFS Cleanup – Walt/Everette

  • Reading Service Now Fundamentals book – Walt

  • Golinks Resolver coded, not tested – Walt

  • PHP training – Saketh

  • Adobe application packaging for Apple Silicon – Everette

  • JAMF upgrade and MDM troubleshooting – Everette

  • autopkg update and testing – Everette

  • Article review for Security & Compliance – Everette

  • Advanced Apple Management class prep – Everette

  • Microsoft Office 365 discussion – Everette

  • Python development for Google Cloud function – Everette

In Progress

  • Mobile Dev

  • On Campus IOS

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • On Campus watchOS

  • On Campus macOS

    • Initial release under app lifecycle pattern

  • On Campus Android

    • Update Home screen to match iOS version

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • Accessibility Way-finding

    • Work with Grad Student on outside route data and methodology – All

    • Grant proposal – Everette / Crystal

  • Jackknife iOS – maint

  • Jackknife Android – maint

  • Mobile App reviews – Dan

    • Update privacy labels for deployed iOS apps

  • TV Apps for tvOS, iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Roku, Fire TV

    • Pack TV iOS, iPadOS, macOS development

    • PackTV tvOS, Roku, Fire TV – maint

    • NCState TV multi-platform Swift UI re-write – Dan

    • TransLoc API with native MapKit on tvOS – Abdul / Chase

  • WebFramZ – decomission

  • ConfBoard – Dan

    • app lifecycle rewrite for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS

    • research native Google slide support

    • Transloc/Map Kit integration research

    • Managed Configuration testing – Everette/Dan

  • Web Dev

  • Standing Committee Rewrite for GCP – Walt

  • Google Data Studio/JAMF Pro reports for Endpoint protection standards compliance for macOS

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration – Everette / Walt

  • MobileAPI

    • Transition to Courses Cron – Walt / Dan

    • Schedule for deprecation on June 15, 2021 – Dan/Walt

  • Rewrite Semester ‘Load Course Semester Data’ and ‘Update Course Semester Data’ cron jobs from MobileAPI

    • Update building calls to use GIS data

  • Weather API – maint Dan

  • Courses API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Dining API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Maps iCloud/Firebase feed – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Calendar iCloud/Firebase feed – maint – Dan

  • Sports Scores API/Messaging/webapp – Maint – Dan

  • WolfAlerts Messaging Middleware -Maint – Dan

  • Lawbooks v2

    • Issue testing

  • Go Links v2 –

    • Swap out service account (currently using calendarshare) – Walt/Chris

  • GoLinks v3

    • GoLinks independent Resolver testing – Walt

    • GoLinks admin application

      • UI – Walt/Chase

      • Web interface implementation?

      • ServiceNow interface implementation

    • Database redesign and conversion – Walt

    • Application transaction and administration Google logging

    • Restful API – Walt

    • Cron jobs – Walt

      • Pruning

      • Link security verification

        • Google API

        • Phishtank API

  • Service Now

    • Build prototype “Request” RITM, workflow for JAMF Pro Site in dev instance

    • Admin and Dev certification training – Walt

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration for ISO 1400.2 project -Walt / Everette

  • Dining iPad web app – maint. – Walt

    • Nutrition calculator (future project) TBD


    • patching – Walt


    • patching – Walt

    • Update content – Dan

  • Standing Committees

    • Possible rewrite Summer 2021

    • Show vacant seats- Walt – per issues/6

    • Add why they want to serve, how their background may be relevant, etc section to survey – Walt – per issues/7

  • Apple Support

  • Apple School Manager – AZURE federation – Everette

  • Code42 – maint. Everette

  • Jamf Pro – Everette

  • Packaging Support- maintenance – Everette

  • Administrative tasks

  • CampusM testing – All

  • Codebase and repo maintenance for all software – Dan / Walt

April 1, 2021


  • Attended National Federation of the Blind iOS Accessibility App development Conference – Dan

    • Presented by Apple engineers

  • Researched Xcode crash report analysis and debugging – Dan

  • Apple Packaging for Maple, MatLab, and Mathematica – Everette

  • Jamf Pro 10.28.0 update on – Everette

  • Autopkg upload processor testing and troubleshooting – Everette

  • MS Office 365 deployment meeting with OIT Licensing – Everette

  • Cloud Function dev and testing for package upload to Jamf Pro – Everette

  • Consulting with UNCSA on Cisco VPN deployment – Everette

  • Shellcast GCP deployment consulting and troubleshooting – Walt/Everette

  • Surplus macOS device release from Apple School Manager – Everette

  • Working on getting a functional PHP class that can write logs to google cloud logging and filter data by name – Chase/Walt

  • Weekly check-ins for student workers – Saketh/Walt

  • Standing Committees complete – Walt

  • Researched Service Now Training for SN Admin Cert Test – Walt

  • Administrative reorganization and cleanup – Walt

  • False Security Alerts from GitHub for Golinks V3 resolved – Walt

  • GoLinks V2/V3 resolver – Walt

In Progress

  • Mobile Dev

  • On Campus IOS

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • On Campus watchOS

  • On Campus macOS

    • Initial release under app lifecycle pattern

  • On Campus Android

    • Update Home screen to match iOS version

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • Accessibility Way-finding

    • Work with Grad Student on outside route data and methodology – All

    • Grant proposal – Everette / Crystal

  • Jackknife iOS – maint

  • Jackknife Android – maint

  • Mobile App reviews – Dan

    • Update privacy labels for deployed iOS apps

  • TV Apps for tvOS, iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Roku, Fire TV

    • Pack TV iOS, iPadOS, macOS development

    • PackTV tvOS, Roku, Fire TV – maint

    • NCState TV multi-platform Swift UI re-write – Dan

    • TransLoc API with native MapKit on tvOS – Abdul / Chase

  • WebFramZ – decomission

  • ConfBoard – Dan

    • app lifecycle rewrite for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS

    • research native Google slide support

    • Transloc/Map Kit integration research

    • Managed Configuration testing – Everette/Dan

  • Web Dev

  • Standing Committee Rewrite for GCP – Walt

  • Google Data Studio/JAMF Pro reports for Endpoint protection standards compliance for macOS

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration – Everette / Walt

  • MobileAPI

    • Transition to Courses Cron – Walt / Dan

    • Schedule for deprecation on June 15, 2021 – Dan/Walt

  • Rewrite Semester ‘Load Course Semester Data’ and ‘Update Course Semester Data’ cron jobs from MobileAPI

    • Update building calls to use GIS data

  • Weather API – maint Dan

  • Courses API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Dining API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Maps iCloud/Firebase feed – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Calendar iCloud/Firebase feed – maint – Dan

  • Sports Scores API/Messaging/webapp – Maint – Dan

  • WolfAlerts Messaging Middleware -Maint – Dan

  • Lawbooks v2

    • Issue testing

  • Go Links v2 –

    • Swap out service account (currently using calendarshare) – Walt/Chris

  • GoLinks v3

    • GoLinks independent Resolver testing – Walt

    • GoLinks admin application

      • UI – Walt/Chase

      • Web interface implementation?

      • ServiceNow interface implementation

    • Database redesign and conversion – Walt

    • Application transaction and administration Google logging

    • Restful API – Walt

    • Cron jobs – Walt

      • Pruning

      • Link security verification

        • Google API

        • Phishtank API

  • Service Now

    • Build prototype “Request” RITM, workflow for JAMF Pro Site in dev instance

    • Admin and Dev certification training – Walt

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration for ISO 1400.2 project -Walt / Everette

  • Dining iPad web app – maint. – Walt

    • Nutrition calculator (future project) TBD


    • patching – Walt


    • patching – Walt

    • Update content – Dan

  • Standing Committees

    • Possible rewrite Summer 2021

    • Show vacant seats- Walt – per issues/6

    • Add why they want to serve, how their background may be relevant, etc section to survey – Walt – per issues/7

  • Apple Support

  • Apple School Manager – AZURE federation – Everette

  • Code42 – maint. Everette

  • Jamf Pro – Everette

  • Packaging Support- maintenance – Everette

  • Administrative tasks

  • CampusM testing – All

  • Codebase and repo maintenance for all software – Dan / Walt

March 25, 2021


  • Aquatic Plants iOS app beta – Dan

  • On Campus Android – v2.9.1 release – Dan

    • Fix for Dining external pdf menus

    • Fix for null weather data on main page

  • Verified Mobileapi Courses cron working after server move – Dan

  • Monotype font claim mobile app research – Dan

  • Guiding Eyes developer provisioning profile update – Dan

  • OnCampus app Google group admin update – Dan

  • Standing Committees coding complete, waiting on testing from client – Walt

  • Designing RESTful APIs training – Walt

  • VPN Service Team – Everette

  • iPad repair consulting for Athletics – Everette

  • autopkg reconfiguration and testing – Everette

  • Code42 client issues for CVM – Everette

  • JAMFPro upgrades administration – Everette

  • Google Cloud function R&D – Everette

In Progress

  • Mobile Dev

  • On Campus IOS

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • On Campus watchOS

  • On Campus macOS

    • Initial release under app lifecycle pattern

  • On Campus Android

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • Accessibility Way-finding

    • Work with Grad Student on outside route data and methodology – All

    • Grant proposal – Everette / Crystal

  • Jackknife iOS – maint

  • Jackknife Android – maint

  • Mobile App reviews – Dan

    • Update privacy labels for deployed iOS apps

  • TV Apps for tvOS, iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Roku, Fire TV

    • Pack TV iOS, iPadOS, macOS development

    • PackTV tvOS, Roku, Fire TV – maint

    • NCState TV multi-platform Swift UI re-write – Dan

    • TransLoc API with native MapKit on tvOS – Abdul / Chase

  • WebFramZ – decomission

  • ConfBoard – Dan

    • app lifecycle rewrite for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS

    • research native Google slide support

    • Transloc/Map Kit integration research

    • Managed Configuration testing – Everette/Dan

  • Web Dev

  • Google Data Studio/JAMF Pro reports for Endpoint protection standards compliance for macOS

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration – Everette / Walt

  • MobileAPI

    • Transition to Courses Cron – Walt / Dan

    • Schedule for deprecation on June 15, 2021 – Dan/Walt

  • Rewrite Semester ‘Load Course Semester Data’ and ‘Update Course Semester Data’ cron jobs from MobileAPI

    • Update building calls to use GIS data

  • Weather API – maint Dan

  • Courses API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Dining API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Maps iCloud/Firebase feed – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Calendar iCloud/Firebase feed – maint – Dan

  • Sports Scores API/Messaging/webapp – Maint – Dan

  • WolfAlerts Messaging Middleware -Maint – Dan

  • Lawbooks v2

    • Issue testing

  • Go Links v2 –

    • Swap out service account (currently using calendarshare) – Walt/Chris

  • GoLinks v3

    • GoLinks independent Resolver testing – Walt

    • GoLinks admin application

      • UI – Walt/Chase

      • Web interface implementation?

      • ServiceNow interface implementation

    • Database redesign and conversion – Walt

    • Application transaction and administration Google logging

    • Restful API – Walt

    • Cron jobs – Walt

      • Pruning

      • Link security verification

        • Google API

        • Phishtank API

  • Service Now

    • Build prototype “Request” RITM, workflow for JAMF Pro Site in dev instance

    • Admin and Dev certification training – Walt

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration for ISO 1400.2 project -Walt / Everette

  • Dining iPad web app – maint. – Walt

    • Nutrition calculator (future project) TBD


    • patching – Walt


    • patching – Walt

    • Update content – Dan

  • Standing Committees

    • Possible rewrite Summer 2021

    • Show vacant seats- Walt – per issues/6

    • Add why they want to serve, how their background may be relevant, etc section to survey – Walt – per issues/7

  • Apple Support

  • Apple School Manager – AZURE federation – Everette

  • Code42 – maint. Everette

  • Jamf Pro – Everette

  • Packaging Support- maintenance – Everette

  • Administrative tasks

  • CampusM testing – All

  • Codebase and repo maintenance for all software – Dan / Walt

March 18, 2021


  • Aquatic Plants iOS app beta – Chase/Dan

  • On Campus Android – v2.9.0 release – Dan

    • Converted to App Bundle from APK

    • Added Wolfpack Wellness, external Dining menus, fix for analytics and messaging

  • GCP Cloud Logging – Chase

  • Guiding Eyes iOS developer profile support – Dan

  • My Tech Android release research – Dan

  • Resolved server move issues – Walt / Everette

  • Splunk Town Hall slide review – Walt / Everette

  • Web Development Priority list update – Walt / Everette

  • GCP Logging project setup – Walt / Chase

  • Standing Committee code consolidation – Walt

  • Standing Committee acceptance letter code update – Walt

  • Data Center 2 equipment clean up and surplus – Everette

  • Taught Apple Packaging class – Everette

  • JAMF Pro test server update to 10.28.0 and testing – Everette

  • Adobe Acrobat package testing – Everette

  • AOIT Advisory Board meeting – Everette

  • JAMF Pro consulting with off campus company – Everette

  • Wrote auto package post processor to add prefix to package names – Everette

  • Apple software packaging – Everette

  • Autopkg infrastructure update – Everette

  • Administrative work for student positions – Everette

In Progress

  • Mobile Dev

  • On Campus IOS

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • On Campus watchOS

  • On Campus macOS

    • Initial release under app lifecycle pattern

  • On Campus Android

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • Accessibility Way-finding

    • Work with Grad Student on outside route data and methodology – All

    • Grant proposal – Everette / Crystal

  • Jackknife iOS – maint

  • Jackknife Android – maint

  • Mobile App reviews – Dan

    • Update privacy labels for deployed iOS apps

  • TV Apps for tvOS, iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Roku, Fire TV

    • Pack TV iOS, iPadOS, macOS development

    • PackTV tvOS, Roku, Fire TV – maint

    • NCState TV multi-platform Swift UI re-write – Dan

    • TransLoc API with native MapKit on tvOS – Abdul / Chase

  • WebFramZ – decomission

  • ConfBoard – Dan

    • app lifecycle rewrite for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS

    • research native Google slide support

    • Transloc/Map Kit integration research

    • Managed Configuration testing – Everette/Dan

  • Web Dev

  • Google Data Studio/JAMF Pro reports for Endpoint protection standards compliance for macOS

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration – Everette / Walt

  • MobileAPI

    • Transition to Courses Cron – Walt / Dan

    • Schedule for deprecation on June 15, 2021 – Dan/Walt

  • Rewrite Semester ‘Load Course Semester Data’ and ‘Update Course Semester Data’ cron jobs from MobileAPI

    • Update building calls to use GIS data

  • Weather API – maint Dan

  • Courses API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Dining API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Maps iCloud/Firebase feed – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Calendar iCloud/Firebase feed – maint – Dan

  • Sports Scores API/Messaging/webapp – Maint – Dan

  • WolfAlerts Messaging Middleware -Maint – Dan

  • Lawbooks v2

    • Issue testing

  • Go Links v2 –

    • Swap out service account (currently using calendarshare) – Walt/Chris

  • GoLinks v3

    • GoLinks independent Resolver testing – Walt

    • GoLinks admin application

      • UI – Walt/Chase

      • Web interface implementation?

      • ServiceNow interface implementation

    • Database redesign and conversion – Walt

    • Application transaction and administration Google logging

    • Restful API – Walt

    • Cron jobs – Walt

      • Pruning

      • Link security verification

        • Google API

        • Phishtank API

  • Service Now

    • Build prototype “Request” RITM, workflow for JAMF Pro Site in dev instance

    • Admin and Dev certification training – Walt

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration for ISO 1400.2 project -Walt / Everette

  • Dining iPad web app – maint. – Walt

    • Nutrition calculator (future project) TBD


    • patching – Walt


    • patching – Walt

    • Update content – Dan

  • Standing Committees

    • Possible rewrite Summer 2021

    • Show vacant seats- Walt – per issues/6

    • Add why they want to serve, how their background may be relevant, etc section to survey – Walt – per issues/7

  • Apple Support

  • Apple School Manager – AZURE federation – Everette

  • Code42 – maint. Everette

  • Jamf Pro – Everette

  • Packaging Support- maintenance – Everette

  • Administrative tasks

  • CampusM testing – All

  • Codebase and repo maintenance for all software – Dan / Walt

March 11, 2021


  • Aquatic Plants iOS app beta – Chase/Dan

  • On Campus Android – Wolfpack Wellness integration prototype – Chase/Dan

  • On Campus iOS 6.5.0 release – Dan

  • Diversity training – Dan / Walt

  • Student position interviews – All

  • Campus webserver update testing and verification – All

  • Setup 2FA for Slack – All

  • Web Services meeting – Walt

  • File cleanup in AFS – Walt

  • End-User GoLinks support – Walt

  • Adobe Acrobat security update testing and troubleshooting – Everette

  • MacTech meeting – Everette

  • Apple Packaging class prep – Everette

  • Color My Data consulting with S&C – Everette

  • End user support for password sync – Everette

  • Administrative tasks for student workers – Everette

In Progress

  • Mobile Dev

  • On Campus IOS

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • On Campus watchOS

  • On Campus macOS

    • Initial release under app lifecycle pattern

  • On Campus Android

    • Add Wolfpack Wellness section

    • Add external dining menu links

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • Accessibility Way-finding

    • Work with Grad Student on outside route data and methodology – All

    • Grant proposal – Everette / Crystal

  • Jackknife iOS – maint

  • Jackknife Android – maint

  • Mobile App reviews – Dan

    • Update privacy labels for deployed iOS apps

  • TV Apps for tvOS, iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Roku, Fire TV

    • Pack TV iOS, iPadOS, macOS development

    • PackTV tvOS, Roku, Fire TV – maint

    • NCState TV multi-platform Swift UI re-write – Dan

    • TransLoc API with native MapKit on tvOS – Abdul / Chase

  • WebFramZ – decomission

  • ConfBoard – Dan

    • app lifecycle rewrite for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS

    • research native Google slide support

    • Transloc/Map Kit integration research

    • Managed Configuration testing – Everette/Dan

  • Web Dev

  • Google Data Studio/JAMF Pro reports for Endpoint protection standards compliance for macOS

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration – Everette / Walt

  • MobileAPI

    • Transition to Courses Cron – Walt / Dan

    • Schedule for deprecation on June 15, 2021 – Dan/Walt

  • Rewrite Semester ‘Load Course Semester Data’ and ‘Update Course Semester Data’ cron jobs from MobileAPI

    • Update building calls to use GIS data

  • Weather API – maint Dan

  • Courses API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Dining API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Maps iCloud/Firebase feed – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Calendar iCloud/Firebase feed – maint – Dan

  • Sports Scores API/Messaging/webapp – Maint – Dan

  • WolfAlerts Messaging Middleware -Maint – Dan

  • Lawbooks v2

    • Issue testing

  • Go Links v2 –

    • Swap out service account (currently using calendarshare) – Walt/Chris

  • GoLinks v3

    • GoLinks independent Resolver testing – Walt

    • GoLinks admin application

      • UI – Walt/Chase

      • Web interface implementation?

      • ServiceNow interface implementation

    • Database redesign and conversion – Walt

    • Application transaction and administration Google logging

    • Restful API – Walt

    • Cron jobs – Walt

      • Pruning

      • Link security verification

        • Google API

        • Phishtank API

  • Service Now

    • Build prototype “Request” RITM, workflow for JAMF Pro Site in dev instance

    • Admin and Dev certification training – Walt

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration for ISO 1400.2 project -Walt / Everette

  • Dining iPad web app – maint. – Walt

    • Nutrition calculator (future project) TBD


    • patching – Walt


    • patching – Walt

    • Update content – Dan

  • Standing Committees

    • Possible rewrite Summer 2021

    • Show vacant seats- Walt – per issues/6

    • Add why they want to serve, how their background may be relevant, etc section to survey – Walt – per issues/7

  • Apple Support

  • Apple School Manager – AZURE federation – Everette

  • Code42 – maint. Everette

  • Jamf Pro – Everette

  • Packaging Support- maintenance – Everette

  • Administrative tasks

  • CampusM testing – All

  • Codebase and repo maintenance for all software – Dan / Walt

March 4, 2021


  • Aquatic Plants iOS app beta – Chase/Dan

  • On Campus Android – Wolfpack Wellness integration prototype – Chase

  • On Campus iOS Beta released for TestFlight – Dan

  • Webapps stage cleanup – All

  • Guiding Eyes enterprise mobile app support – Dan

  • ARosClinical enterprise mobile app setup – Dan

  • Campus web server update testing – Walt

  • Cleanup of prod and prodssl and stage in NCSU AFS storage – All

  • Cloud cybersecurity training – Walt

  • ServiceNow Jamf graph connector testing – Everette

  • Adobe packaging testing – Everette

  • VPN service team – Everette

  • Cloud function development and consulting LIB and MD- Everette

  • Apple certificate and token maintenance – Everette

  • ASM administrative updates, added users, created VPP sites – Everette

  • VPP application conversion in ASM – Everette

In Progress

  • Mobile Dev

  • On Campus IOS

    • Add Wolfpack Wellness section

    • Add external dining menu links

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • On Campus watchOS

  • On Campus macOS

    • Initial release under app lifecycle pattern

  • On Campus Android

    • Add Wolfpack Wellness section

    • Add external dining menu links

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • Accessibility Way-finding

    • Work with Grad Student on outside route data and methodology – All

    • Grant proposal – Everette / Crystal

  • Jackknife iOS – maint

  • Jackknife Android – maint

  • Mobile App reviews – Dan

    • Update privacy labels for deployed iOS apps

  • TV Apps for tvOS, iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Roku, Fire TV

    • Pack TV iOS, iPadOS, macOS development

    • PackTV tvOS, Roku, Fire TV – maint

    • NCState TV multi-platform Swift UI re-write – Dan

    • TransLoc API with native MapKit on tvOS – Abdul / Chase

  • WebFramZ – decomission

  • ConfBoard – Dan

    • app lifecycle rewrite for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS

    • research native Google slide support

    • Transloc/Map Kit integration research

    • Managed Configuration testing – Everette/Dan

  • Web Dev

  • Google Data Studio/JAMF Pro reports for Endpoint protection standards compliance for macOS

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration – Everette / Walt

  • MobileAPI

    • Transition to Courses Cron – Walt / Dan

    • Schedule for deprecation on June 15, 2021 – Dan/Walt

  • Rewrite Semester ‘Load Course Semester Data’ and ‘Update Course Semester Data’ cron jobs from MobileAPI

    • Update building calls to use GIS data

  • Weather API – maint Dan

  • Courses API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Dining API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Maps iCloud/Firebase feed – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Calendar iCloud/Firebase feed – maint – Dan

  • Sports Scores API/Messaging/webapp – Maint – Dan

  • WolfAlerts Messaging Middleware -Maint – Dan

  • Lawbooks v2

    • Issue testing

  • Go Links v2 –

    • Swap out service account (currently using calendarshare) – Walt/Chris

  • GoLinks v3

    • GoLinks independent Resolver testing – Walt

    • GoLinks admin application

      • UI – Walt/Chase

      • Web interface implementation?

      • ServiceNow interface implementation

    • Database redesign and conversion – Walt

    • Application transaction and administration Google logging

    • Restful API – Walt

    • Cron jobs – Walt

      • Pruning

      • Link security verification

        • Google API

        • Phishtank API

  • Service Now

    • Build prototype “Request” RITM, workflow for JAMF Pro Site in dev instance

    • Admin and Dev certification training – Walt

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration for ISO 1400.2 project -Walt / Everette

  • Dining iPad web app – maint. – Walt

    • Nutrition calculator (future project) TBD


    • patching – Walt


    • patching – Walt

    • Update content – Dan

  • Standing Committees

    • Possible rewrite Summer 2021

    • Show vacant seats- Walt – per issues/6

    • Add why they want to serve, how their background may be relevant, etc section to survey – Walt – per issues/7

  • Apple Support

  • Apple School Manager – AZURE federation – Everette

  • Code42 – maint. Everette

  • Jamf Pro – Everette

  • Packaging Support- maintenance – Everette

  • Administrative tasks

  • CampusM testing – All

  • Codebase and repo maintenance for all software – Dan / Walt

February 25, 2021


  • Aquatic Plants iOS app alpha complete – Chase/Dan

  • On Campus Android – Wolfpack Wellness integration prototype – Chase

  • On Campus iOS Beta released for TestFlight – Dan

  • Adobe Security Patch testing and Troubleshooting – Everette

  • Cloud Function for MD-Reporting complete w/Google Cloud Schedule – Everette

  • Consulting with Wake Forest Univ on Jamf and macOS authentication strategies – Everette

  • Campus web server upgrade planning and clean up – Walt/Everette

  • OT code project clean up in AFS for on campus servers – Walt/Everette

  • GoLinks Support – Link owner reassignment in database – Walt

  • Student interviews – All

  • Secure Coding Online Training – Walt

  • Google Database access permissions for all OT apps – Walt

  • OIT Cron tab clean up – removed old CrashPlan LDAP sync – Everette

  • Administrative work for OIT positions – Everette

In Progress

  • Mobile Dev

  • On Campus IOS

    • Add Wolfpack Wellness section

    • Add external dining menu links

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • On Campus watchOS

  • On Campus macOS

    • Initial release under app lifecycle pattern

  • On Campus Android

    • Add Wolfpack Wellness section

    • Add external dining menu links

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • Accessibility Way-finding

    • Work with Grad Student on outside route data and methodology – All

    • Grant proposal – Everette / Crystal

  • Jackknife iOS – maint

  • Jackknife Android – maint

  • Mobile App reviews – Dan

    • Update privacy labels for deployed iOS apps

  • TV Apps for tvOS, iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Roku, Fire TV

    • Pack TV iOS, iPadOS, macOS development

    • PackTV tvOS, Roku, Fire TV – maint

    • NCState TV multi-platform Swift UI re-write – Dan

    • TransLoc API with native MapKit on tvOS – Abdul / Chase

  • WebFramZ – decomission

  • ConfBoard – Dan

    • app lifecycle rewrite for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS

    • research native Google slide support

    • Transloc/Map Kit integration research

    • Managed Configuration testing – Everette/Dan

  • Web Dev

  • Google Data Studio/JAMF Pro reports for Endpoint protection standards compliance for macOS

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration – Everette / Walt

  • MobileAPI

    • Transition to Courses Cron – Walt / Dan

    • Schedule for deprecation on June 15, 2021 – Dan/Walt

  • Weather API – maint Dan

  • Courses API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Dining API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Maps iCloud/Firebase feed – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Calendar iCloud/Firebase feed – maint – Dan

  • Sports Scores API/Messaging/webapp – Maint – Dan

  • WolfAlerts Messaging Middleware -Maint – Dan

  • Lawbooks v2

    • Issue testing

  • Go Links v2 –

    • Swap out service account (currently using calendarshare) – Walt/Chris

  • GoLinks v3

    • GoLinks independent Resolver testing – Walt

    • GoLinks admin application

      • UI – Walt/Chase

      • Web interface implementation?

      • ServiceNow interface implementation

    • Database redesign and conversion – Walt

    • Application transaction and administration Google logging

    • Restful API – Walt

    • Cron jobs – Walt

      • Pruning

      • Link security verification

        • Google API

        • Phishtank API

  • Service Now

    • Build prototype “Request” RITM, workflow for JAMF Pro Site in dev instance

    • Admin and Dev certification training – Walt

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration for ISO 1400.2 project -Walt / Everette

  • Dining iPad web app – maint. – Walt

    • Nutrition calculator (future project) TBD


    • patching – Walt


    • patching – Walt

    • Update content – Dan

  • Standing Committees

    • Possible rewrite Summer 2021

    • Show vacant seats- Walt – per issues/6

    • Add why they want to serve, how their background may be relevant, etc section to survey – Walt – per issues/7

  • Apple Support

  • Apple School Manager – AZURE federation – Everette

  • Code42 – maint. Everette

  • Jamf Pro – Everette

  • Packaging Support- maintenance – Everette

  • Administrative tasks

  • CampusM testing – All

  • Codebase and repo maintenance for all software – Dan / Walt

February 18, 2021


  • On Campus iOS Wolfpack Wellness design review – Dan

  • AFS Prod cleanup – All

  • GoLinks support – Walt

  • ShellCast paper review – Walt / Everette

  • GoLinks v2/v3 Resolver update plan – Walt

  • Set up and populated GoLinks v3 database in Google Cloud – Walt

  • Adobe Security patch installer creation and testing – Everette

  • Google Cloud function for reporting OITMD JAMF data – Everette

  • NCA&T consulting on printing and JAMF – Everette

  • JAMF and ADE troubleshooting and work-arounds – Everette

  • Attended Google and iPad seminar – Everette

  • AOIT Advisory Board meeting – Everette

  • Google Cloud function Skyfaller development – Everette

  • Apple School manager account management – Everette

  • Attended meetings on Apple finance and leasing programs – Everette

  • Added new sub-organization in Code42 for CALS – Everette

In Progress

  • Mobile Dev

  • On Campus IOS

    • Add Wolfpack Wellness section

    • Add external dining menu links

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • On Campus watchOS

  • On Campus macOS

    • Initial release under app lifecycle pattern

  • On Campus Android

    • Add Wolfpack Wellness section

    • Add external dining menu links

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • Accessibility Way-finding

    • Work with Grad Student on outside route data and methodology – All

    • Grant proposal – Everette / Crystal

  • Jackknife iOS – maint

  • Jackknife Android – maint

  • Mobile App reviews – Dan

    • Update privacy labels for deployed iOS apps

  • TV Apps for tvOS, iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Roku, Fire TV

    • Pack TV iOS, iPadOS, macOS development

    • PackTV tvOS, Roku, Fire TV – maint

    • NCState TV multi-platform Swift UI re-write – Dan

    • TransLoc API with native MapKit on tvOS – Abdul / Chase

  • WebFramZ – decomission

  • ConfBoard – Dan

    • app lifecycle rewrite for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS

    • research native Google slide support

    • Transloc/Map Kit integration research

    • Managed Configuration testing – Everette/Dan

  • Web Dev

  • Google Data Studio/JAMF Pro reports for Endpoint protection standards compliance for macOS

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration – Everette / Walt

  • MobileAPI

    • Transition to Courses Cron – Walt / Dan

    • Schedule for deprecation on June 15, 2021 – Dan/Walt

  • Weather API – maint Dan

  • Courses API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Dining API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Maps iCloud/Firebase feed – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Calendar iCloud/Firebase feed – maint – Dan

  • Sports Scores API/Messaging/webapp – Maint – Dan

  • WolfAlerts Messaging Middleware -Maint – Dan

  • Lawbooks v2

    • Issue testing

  • Go Links v2 –

    • Swap out service account (currently using calendarshare) – Walt/Chris

  • GoLinks v3

    • GoLinks independent Resolver testing – Walt

    • GoLinks admin application

      • UI – Walt/Chase

      • Web interface implementation?

      • ServiceNow interface implementation

    • Database redesign and conversion – Walt

    • Application transaction and administration Google logging

    • Restful API – Walt

    • Cron jobs – Walt

      • Pruning

      • Link security verification

        • Google API

        • Phishtank API

  • Service Now

    • Build prototype “Request” RITM, workflow for JAMF Pro Site in dev instance

    • Admin and Dev certification training – Walt

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration for ISO 1400.2 project -Walt / Everette

  • Dining iPad web app – maint. – Walt

    • Nutrition calculator (future project) TBD


    • patching – Walt


    • patching – Walt

    • Update content – Dan

  • Standing Committees

    • Possible rewrite Summer 2021

    • Show vacant seats- Walt – per issues/6

    • Add why they want to serve, how their background may be relevant, etc section to survey – Walt – per issues/7

  • Apple Support

  • Apple School Manager – AZURE federation – Everette

  • Code42 – maint. Everette

  • Jamf Pro – Everette

  • Packaging Support- maintenance – Everette

  • Administrative tasks

  • CampusM testing – All

  • Codebase and repo maintenance for all software – Dan / Walt

February 11, 2021


  • ConfBoard SwiftUI multi-platform rewrite and release – Dan

  • Aquatic Plants prototype – CloudKit work – Chase/Dan

  • LawBooks test page for Hillsborough theme – Walt

  • LawBooks GitHub repo restructure – Walt

  • GoLinks v2 performance enhancement table index – Walt/Everette

  • AFS prodssl cleanup plan and archived old projects – Walt/ Everette

  • Patching schedule for OT WordPress instances – Walt

  • ServiceNow dev environment training planning – Walt

  • GoLinks v2 vulnerability research – Walt

  • Microservices Asynchronous Messaging training -Walt

  • MacTech – Everette

  • VPN research, testing and packaging – Everette

  • Adobe security update packaging – Everette

  • Taught Introduction to Managing Apple Devices with JAMF – Everette

  • JAMF maintenance and updates – Everette

  • Diversity training – Everette

  • Apple Configuration Management training for PCOM – Everette

  • Apple leasing training – Everette

  • JAMF consulting for NC A&T – Everette

  • Google security assurance for ShellCast – Everette

In Progress

  • Mobile Dev

  • On Campus IOS

    • Add Wolfpack Wellness section

    • Add external dining menu links

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • On Campus watchOS

  • On Campus macOS

    • Initial release under app lifecycle pattern

  • On Campus Android

    • Add Wolfpack Wellness section

    • Add external dining menu links

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • Accessibility Way-finding

    • Work with Grad Student on outside route data and methodology – All

    • Grant proposal – Everette / Crystal

  • Jackknife iOS – maint

  • Jackknife Android – maint

  • Mobile App reviews – Dan

    • Update privacy labels for deployed iOS apps

  • TV Apps for tvOS, iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Roku, Fire TV

    • Pack TV iOS, iPadOS, macOS development

    • PackTV tvOS, Roku, Fire TV – maint

    • NCState TV multi-platform Swift UI re-write – Dan

    • TransLoc API with native MapKit on tvOS – Abdul / Chase

  • WebFramZ – decomission

  • ConfBoard – Dan

    • app lifecycle rewrite for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS

    • research native Google slide support

    • Transloc/Map Kit integration research

    • Managed Configuration testing – Everette/Dan

  • Web Dev

  • Google Data Studio/JAMF Pro reports for Endpoint protection standards compliance for macOS

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration – Everette / Walt

  • MobileAPI

    • Transition to Courses Cron – Walt / Dan

    • Schedule for deprecation on June 15, 2021 – Dan/Walt

  • Weather API – maint Dan

  • Courses API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Dining API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Maps iCloud/Firebase feed – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Calendar iCloud/Firebase feed – maint – Dan

  • Sports Scores API/Messaging/webapp – Maint – Dan

  • WolfAlerts Messaging Middleware -Maint – Dan

  • Lawbooks v2

    • Issue testing

  • Go Links v2 –

    • Swap out service account (currently using calendarshare) – Walt/Chris

  • GoLinks v3

    • GoLinks independent Resolver testing – Walt

    • GoLinks admin application

      • UI – Walt/Chase

      • Web interface implementation?

      • ServiceNow interface implementation

    • Database redesign and conversion – Walt

    • Application transaction and administration Google logging

    • Restful API – Walt

    • Cron jobs – Walt

      • Pruning

      • Link security verification

        • Google API

        • Phishtank API

  • Service Now

    • Build prototype “Request” RITM, workflow for JAMF Pro Site in dev instance

    • Admin and Dev certification training – Walt

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration for ISO 1400.2 project -Walt / Everette

  • Dining iPad web app – maint. – Walt

    • Nutrition calculator (future project) TBD


    • patching – Walt


    • patching – Walt

    • Update content – Dan

  • Standing Committees

    • Possible rewrite Summer 2021

    • Show vacant seats- Walt – per issues/6

    • Add why they want to serve, how their background may be relevant, etc section to survey – Walt – per issues/7

  • Apple Support

  • Apple School Manager – AZURE federation – Everette

  • Code42 – maint. Everette

  • Jamf Pro – Everette

  • Packaging Support- maintenance – Everette

  • Administrative tasks

  • CampusM testing – All

  • Codebase and repo maintenance for all software – Dan / Walt

February 4, 2021


  • On Campus iOS release v6.4.0 – Dan

    • SwiftUI app lifecycle

    • Added new Dining location Sushi with Gusto

    • Added new sesame allergen

  • On Campus Android release v2.8.0 – Dan

    • Added accessible parking to maps

  • Wolfpack Wellness – On Campus meeting – Dan

  • Aquatic Plants prototype – CloudKit work – Chase/Dan

  • GitHub security cleanup – Walt

  • GoLinks support – Walt

  • Rebuilt GoLinks test environment in stage – Walt

  • Completed 2 training courses, Microservices and 12-factor Native Cloud Applications – Walt

  • LawBooks testing with Hillsborough WordPress theme – Walt

  • Attended demo of Event Management Software – Everette

  • Refactored JAMF introduction class for distance learning – Everette

  • Change management risk and impact meeting – Everette

  • Attended meeting on new Apple B2B portal – Everette

  • Google Cloud Function development – Everette

  • Consulting on WCU SCEP issues with JAMF – Everette

  • Consulted with UNCP on Directory Service attributes on LDAP authentication – Everette

  • Consulting on BrightLeaf Institute on email client issues – Everette

  • Adobe package lifecycle discussion – Everette

In Progress

  • Mobile Dev

  • On Campus IOS

    • Add Wolfpack Wellness section

    • Add external dining menu links

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • On Campus watchOS

  • On Campus macOS

    • Initial release under app lifecycle pattern

  • On Campus Android

    • Add Wolfpack Wellness section

    • Add external dining menu links

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • Accessibility Way-finding

    • Work with Grad Student on outside route data and methodology – All

    • Grant proposal – Everette / Crystal

  • Jackknife iOS – maint

  • Jackknife Android – maint

  • Mobile App reviews – Dan

    • Update privacy labels for deployed iOS apps

  • TV Apps for tvOS, iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Roku, Fire TV

    • Pack TV iOS, iPadOS, macOS development

    • PackTV tvOS, Roku, Fire TV – maint

    • NCState TV multi-platform Swift UI re-write – Dan

    • TransLoc API with native MapKit on tvOS – Abdul / Chase

  • WebFramZ – decomission

  • ConfBoard – Dan

    • app lifecycle rewrite for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS

    • research native Google slide support

    • Transloc/Map Kit integration research

    • Managed Configuration testing – Everette/Dan

  • Web Dev

  • Google Data Studio/JAMF Pro reports for Endpoint protection standards compliance for macOS

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration – Everette / Walt

  • MobileAPI

    • Transition to Courses Cron – Walt / Dan

    • Schedule for deprecation on June 15, 2021 – Dan/Walt

  • Weather API – maint Dan

  • Courses API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Dining API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Maps iCloud/Firebase feed – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Calendar iCloud/Firebase feed – maint – Dan

  • Sports Scores API/Messaging/webapp – Maint – Dan

  • WolfAlerts Messaging Middleware -Maint – Dan

  • Lawbooks v2

    • Issue testing

  • Go Links v2 –

    • Swap out service account (currently using calendarshare) – Walt/Chris

  • GoLinks v3

    • GoLinks independent Resolver testing – Walt

    • GoLinks admin application

      • UI – Walt/Chase

      • Web interface implementation?

      • ServiceNow interface implementation

    • Database redesign and conversion – Walt

    • Application transaction and administration Google logging

    • Restful API – Walt

    • Cron jobs – Walt

      • Pruning

      • Link security verification

        • Google API

        • Phishtank API

  • Service Now

    • Build prototype “Request” RITM, workflow for JAMF Pro Site in dev instance

    • Admin and Dev certification training – Walt

  • ServiceNow JAMF integration for ISO 1400.2 project -Walt / Everette

  • Dining iPad web app – maint. – Walt

    • Nutrition calculator (future project) TBD


    • patching – Walt


    • patching – Walt

    • Update content – Dan

  • Standing Committees

    • Possible rewrite Summer 2021

    • Show vacant seats- Walt – per issues/6

    • Add why they want to serve, how their background may be relevant, etc section to survey – Walt – per issues/7

  • Apple Support

  • Apple School Manager – AZURE federation – Everette

  • Code42 – maint. Everette

  • Jamf Pro – Everette

  • Packaging Support- maintenance – Everette

  • Administrative tasks

  • CampusM testing – All

  • Codebase and repo maintenance for all software – Dan / Walt

January 28, 2021


  • On Campus iOS beta v6.4.0 – Dan

  • Wolfpack Wellness – On Campus meeting – Dan

  • Aquatic Plants prototype – CloudKit work – Chase/Dan

  • Student intern interview – All

  • GoLinks web services meeting – Walt/ Everette

  • GoLinks API conversion – Walt

  • Law Books – Hillsborough theme – Walt

  • GoLinks v2 performance enhancement – Walt

  • Reset GoLinks v2 testing environment – Walt

  • JAMF Pro business performance evaluation – Everette

  • Cisco VPN packaging and testing – Everette

  • Attended virtual Marketplace Expo – Everette

  • GoLinks v4 ServiceNow research – Everette

  • macOS login troubleshooting – Everette

  • Printer troubleshooting – Everette

  • Code42 organization sync issue fixed – Everette

In Progress

  • Mobile Dev

  • On Campus IOS

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Apple App Lifecycle updates

  • On Campus watchOS

  • On Campus Android

    • Add Accessible Parking feed to map – Chase

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • Accessibility Way-finding

    • Work with Grad Student on outside route data and methodology – All

    • Technical team meetings – All

    • Grant proposal – Everette / Crystal

  • Jackknife iOS – maint

  • Jackknife Android – maint

  • Mobile App reviews – Dan

  • TV Apps for tvOS, iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Roku, Fire TV

    • Pack TV iOS, iPadOS, macOS development

    • PackTV tvOS, Roku, Fire TV – maint

    • NCState TV & Wolfbytes TV multi-platform Swift UI re-write – Dan

    • TransLoc API with native MapKit on tvOS – Abdul / Chase

  • WebFramZ – Maint

  • ConfBoard – Dan

    • Transloc/Map Kit integration research – Abdul

    • Managed Configuration testing – Everette/Dan

  • Web Dev

  • Google Data Studio/JAMF Pro reports for Endpoint protection standards compliance for macOS – Chase/Abdul

  • MobileAPI

    • Transition to Courses Cron – Walt / Dan

    • Schedule for deprecation on January 15, 2021 – Dan/Walt

  • Weather API – maint Dan

  • Courses API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Dining API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Maps iCloud/Firebase feed – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Calendar iCloud/Firebase feed – maint – Dan

  • Sports Scores API/Messaging/webapp – Maint – Dan

  • WolfAlerts Messaging Middleware -Maint – Dan

  • Google Data Studio Reporting – Jamf Report update/verification

  • Lawbooks v2

    • Add search capability to Vuetify interface

  • Go Links v2 –

    • Swap out service account (currently using calendarshare) – Walt/Chris

  • GoLinks v3

    • GoLinks Resolver – Walt

    • UI – Walt/Chase

    • Database redesign and conversion – Walt

    • Restful API – Walt

    • Nightly cron job – Walt

  • Service Now

    • Build prototype “Request” RITM, workflow for JAMF Pro Site in dev instance

    • Admin certification training – Walt

  • Dining iPad web app – maint. – Walt

    • Nutrition calculator (future project) TBD


    • patching – Walt


    • patching

    • Update content – Dan

  • Standing Committees

    • Show vacant seats- Walt – per issues/6

    • Add why they want to serve, how their background may be relevant, etc section to survey – Walt – per issues/7

  • Apple Support

  • Apple School Manager – AZURE federation – Everette

  • Code42 – Everette

  • Jamf Pro – Everette

    • 10.26.0 update

  • Packaging Support- maintenance – Everette

  • Administrative tasks

  • CampusM testing – All

January 21, 2021


  • On Campus Dining Analytics – Dan

  • On Campus iOS beta preparation – Dan

    • on hold due to Apple store bug

  • Created Enterprise iOS Distribution certificate – Dan

  • Weed AI beta administration – Dan

  • Covid-19 training – Dan

  • Aquatic Plants prototype – cloudkit work – Chase

  • GoLinks support – Walt

  • Committee on Committees changes completed. Waiting for user testing. – Walt

  • Fixed issues with Law Books repo structure – Walt

  • Researching Hillsborough theme conflict for Law Books – Walt

  • Design work on GoLinks API – Walt

  • Cloud function testing for SkyFaller – Everette

  • Apple profile and configuration consulting with NCSU OITMD – Everette

  • Crash Plan SCIM issue remediation – Everette

  • Apple Certificate Management webinar – Everette

  • jamf_package_api beta testing – Everette

  • AOIT Advisory Board – Everette

  • Updated documentation for volume license purchasing from App Store – Everette

In Progress

  • Mobile Dev

  • On Campus IOS

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Apple App Lifecycle updates

  • On Campus watchOS

  • On Campus Android

    • Add Accessible Parking feed to map – Chase

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • Accessibility Way-finding

    • Work with Grad Student on outside route data and methodology – All

    • Technical team meetings – All

    • Grant proposal – Everette / Crystal

  • Jackknife iOS – maint

  • Jackknife Android – maint

  • Mobile App reviews – Dan

  • TV Apps for tvOS, iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Roku, Fire TV

    • Pack TV iOS, iPadOS, macOS development

    • PackTV tvOS, Roku, Fire TV – maint

    • NCState TV & Wolfbytes TV multi-platform Swift UI re-write – Dan

    • TransLoc API with native MapKit on tvOS – Abdul / Chase

  • WebFramZ – Maint

  • ConfBoard – Dan

    • Transloc/Map Kit integration research – Abdul

    • Managed Configuration testing – Everette/Dan

  • Web Dev

  • Google Data Studio/JAMF Pro reports for Endpoint protection standards compliance for macOS – Chase/Abdul

  • MobileAPI

    • Transition to Courses Cron – Walt / Dan

    • Schedule for deprecation on January 15, 2021 – Dan/Walt

  • Weather API – maint Dan

  • Courses API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Dining API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Maps iCloud/Firebase feed – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Calendar iCloud/Firebase feed – maint – Dan

  • Sports Scores API/Messaging/webapp – Maint – Dan

  • WolfAlerts Messaging Middleware -Maint – Dan

  • Google Data Studio Reporting – Jamf Report update/verification

  • Lawbooks v2

    • Add search capability to Vuetify interface

  • Go Links v2 –

    • Swap out service account (currently using calendarshare) – Walt/Chris

  • GoLinks v3

    • GoLinks Resolver – Walt

    • UI – Walt/Chase

    • Database redesign and conversion – Walt

    • Restful API – Walt

    • Nightly cron job – Walt

  • Service Now

    • Build prototype “Request” RITM, workflow for JAMF Pro Site in dev instance

    • Admin certification training – Walt

  • Dining iPad web app – maint. – Walt

    • Nutrition calculator (future project) TBD


    • patching – Walt


    • patching

    • Update content – Dan

  • Standing Committees

    • Show vacant seats- Walt – per issues/6

    • Add why they want to serve, how their background may be relevant, etc section to survey – Walt – per issues/7

  • Apple Support

  • Apple School Manager – AZURE federation – Everette

  • Code42 – Everette

  • Jamf Pro – Everette

    • 10.26.0 update

  • Packaging Support- maintenance – Everette

  • Administrative tasks

  • CampusM testing – All

January 13, 2021


  • On Campus iOS, Pack Ready discussion – Dan/ Everette/ Stan

  • On Campus Android – Dining crash troubleshooting – Dan

  • Aquatic Plants prototype – Chase

  • Web Services meeting – Walt

  • Committee on Committees acceptance letter beta – Walt

  • SPSS and JMP 15 Installer packages – Everette

  • macTech – Everette

  • Code 42 sub-org sync issues – Everette

  • Google Cloud function package downloader alpha – Everette

  • Apple Silicon compatibility testing – Everette

In Progress

  • Mobile Dev

  • On Campus IOS

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Apple App Lifecycle updates

  • On Campus watchOS

  • On Campus Android

    • Add Accessible Parking feed to map – Chase

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • Accessibility Way-finding

    • Work with Grad Student on outside route data and methodology – All

    • Technical team meetings – All

    • Grant proposal – Everette / Crystal

  • Jackknife iOS – maint

  • Jackknife Android – maint

  • Mobile App reviews – Dan

  • TV Apps for tvOS, iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Roku, Fire TV

    • Pack TV iOS, iPadOS, macOS development

    • PackTV tvOS, Roku, Fire TV – maint

    • NCState TV & Wolfbytes TV multi-platform Swift UI re-write – Dan

    • TransLoc API with native MapKit on tvOS – Abdul / Chase

  • WebFramZ – Maint

  • ConfBoard – Dan

    • Transloc/Map Kit integration research – Abdul

    • Managed Configuration testing – Everette/Dan

  • Web Dev

  • Google Data Studio/JAMF Pro reports for Endpoint protection standards compliance for macOS – Chase/Abdul

  • MobileAPI

    • Transition to Courses Cron – Walt / Dan

    • Schedule for deprecation on January 15, 2021 – Dan/Walt

  • Weather API – maint Dan

  • Courses API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Dining API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Maps iCloud/Firebase feed – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Calendar iCloud/Firebase feed – maint – Dan

  • Sports Scores API/Messaging/webapp – Maint – Dan

  • WolfAlerts Messaging Middleware -Maint – Dan

  • Google Data Studio Reporting – Jamf Report update/verification

  • Lawbooks v2

    • Add search capability to Vuetify interface

  • Go Links v2 –

    • Swap out service account (currently using calendarshare) – Walt/Chris

  • GoLinks v3

    • GoLinks Resolver – Walt

    • UI – Walt/Chase

    • Database redesign and conversion – Walt

    • Restful API – Walt

    • Nightly cron job – Walt

  • Service Now

    • Build prototype “Request” RITM, workflow for JAMF Pro Site in dev instance

    • Admin certification training – Walt

  • Dining iPad web app – maint. – Walt

    • Nutrition calculator (future project) TBD


    • patching – Walt


    • patching

    • Update content – Dan

  • Standing Committees

    • Show vacant seats- Walt – per issues/6

    • Add why they want to serve, how their background may be relevant, etc section to survey – Walt – per issues/7

  • Apple Support

  • Apple School Manager – AZURE federation – Everette

  • Code42 – Everette

  • Jamf Pro – Everette

    • 10.26.0 update

  • Packaging Support- maintenance – Everette

  • Administrative tasks

  • CampusM testing – All

January 7, 2021


  • Aquatic Plants iOS update SLA and Meeting – Dan/Everette

  • WeedAI beta testing – Dan

  • Updated MobileAPI Courses database for Spring 2021 – Dan

  • Updated ot-service-dining GAE for disabled location bug – Dan

  • Code42 Sub-Org sync issues – Everette

  • GoLinks Support and manual link transfers – Walt

  • COVID19 Return to campus training – Everette/Walt

  • PCI Training – Walt

  • Com on Com Beta 2 (pdf lib change for acceptance letter) – Walt

  • Jamf Pro ADE sync issue – Everette

  • macOS 11 support for 3rd party software compatibility – Everette

In Progress

  • Mobile Dev

  • On Campus IOS

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Apple App Lifecycle updates

  • On Campus watchOS

  • On Campus Android

    • Add Accessible Parking feed to map – Chase

    • Handicap door GIS data incorporated into maps

    • Campus tour point GIS data incorporated into maps

  • Accessibility Way-finding

    • Work with Grad Student on outside route data and methodology – All

    • Technical team meetings – All

    • Grant proposal – Everette / Crystal

  • Jackknife iOS – maint

  • Jackknife Android – maint

  • Mobile App reviews – Dan

  • TV Apps for tvOS, iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Roku, Fire TV

    • Pack TV iOS, iPadOS, macOS development

    • PackTV tvOS, Roku, Fire TV – maint

    • NCState TV & Wolfbytes TV multi-platform Swift UI re-write – Dan

    • TransLoc API with native MapKit on tvOS – Abdul / Chase

  • WebFramZ – Maint

  • ConfBoard – Dan

    • Transloc/Map Kit integration research – Abdul

    • Managed Configuration testing – Everette/Dan

  • Web Dev

  • Google Data Studio/JAMF Pro reports for Endpoint protection standards compliance for macOS – Chase/Abdul

  • MobileAPI

    • Transition to Courses Cron – Walt / Dan

    • Schedule for deprecation on January 15, 2021 – Dan/Walt

  • Weather API – maint Dan

  • Courses API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Dining API – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Maps iCloud/Firebase feed – maint. – Dan/Walt

  • Calendar iCloud/Firebase feed – maint – Dan

  • Sports Scores API/Messaging/webapp – Maint – Dan

  • WolfAlerts Messaging Middleware -Maint – Dan

  • Google Data Studio Reporting – Jamf Report update/verification

  • Lawbooks v2

    • Add search capability to Vuetify interface

  • Go Links v2 –

    • Swap out service account (currently using calendarshare) – Walt/Chris

  • GoLinks v3

    • GoLinks Resolver – Walt

    • UI – Walt/Chase

    • Database redesign and conversion – Walt

    • Restful API – Walt

    • Nightly cron job – Walt

  • Service Now

    • Build prototype “Request” RITM, workflow for JAMF Pro Site in dev instance

    • Admin certification training – Walt

  • Dining iPad web app – maint. – Walt

    • Nutrition calculator (future project) TBD


    • patching – Walt


    • patching

    • Update content – Dan

  • Standing Committees

    • Show vacant seats- Walt – per issues/6

    • Add why they want to serve, how their background may be relevant, etc section to survey – Walt – per issues/7

  • Apple Support

  • Apple School Manager – AZURE federation – Everette

  • Code42 – Everette

  • Jamf Pro – Everette

    • 10.26.0 update

  • Packaging Support- maintenance – Everette

  • Administrative tasks

  • CampusM testing – All