Prioritizing Projects

Our group takes on a variety of projects from many sources, both internal and external to our organization. Because of the number or project requests we get, we need to prioritize our projects so that the most critical and beneficial ones get worked on first.

To help us prioritize, we came up with a few criteria that we evaluate projects on.

Critical Bug Fixes Come First

Whenever a bug comes into our tracking system, we determine its urgency based on the goals for the individual project. If a bug is deemed “Critical” by the group, it immediately gets pushed to the top of the priority list and is addressed right away. Other bugs are evaulated during our monthly planning meetings and are addressed accordingly.

Our Tools Take Priority

To keep our group as productive as possible, we need to have the needed tools in place. For this reason, tools that we need for development are placed at a higher priority than other projects.

Projects are Evaluated on Priority Matrix

The group goes through any project requests and determines their rank using the following priority matrix.

Final Priority Determined by Us

The priority matrix is mainly used as a guide to make sure we address all aspects of a project. The final decision for all projects is reserved for our group.