Soil & Water Conservation

An Annotated Bibliography

Soil and Water Conservation: An Annotated Bibliography was published by New Prairie Press in 2019. It is available as a web book, various eBook formats, and a PDF. The book was edited by Colby Moorberg, and was made possible through the contribution of 25 contributors. The open textbook highlights freely available online resources on soil and water conservation, including extension publications, technical bulletins, USDA-NRCS conservation practice standards, and other resources. It is organized as an annotated bibliography with links to the online resources, curated into relevant chapters and sections based on each topic. It is licensed with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY).

The creation of the Soil and Water Conservation: An Annotated Bibliography was outlined in a case study published in Natural Sciences Education:

Moorberg, C.J. 2020. An open annotated bibliography for soil and water conservation: A case study. Natural Sciences Education 49(1): e20014. doi: 10.1002/nse2.20014.

Header image: Cole, E. 1997. Field windbreaks in North Dakota protect the soil against wind erosion.