
Senior Internship Mentor Duties

Thank you for agreeing to serve as a mentor in the Senior Internship Program. We know that your lives are very busy as it is and we deeply appreciate you volunteering to work with the senior interns in an experience we feel is a rewarding one. We have done our best to make your responsibilities fit relatively seamlessly into your already busy schedules.

The Senior Internship Program for 2024 will run for the last three weeks of the school year, starting on May 20 and ending on June 7.   Internship ending is subject to change depending if snow days are added to the school year.  Please review the list of duties and responsibilities for the Faculty Mentor.

Before The Internship

● Please call or email the internship host site and speak to the student’s supervisor by April 30. Please ask the type of work the student will do and dress code required for the student. This will help familiarize you with the site expectations.

● Please meet with the student to introduce yourself, exchange email, and contact information.

● Review with the student the site information, job description, work hours, and dress code.

● Remind the intern to make an introductory site visit prior to the first day of the internship (if not done already). Intern should notify you of the date for this visit. Your attendance is not required for this visit.

During The Internship

● Monitor Intern Log on a weekly basis to ensure that your intern is meeting his or her responsibilities.

● Make sure intern is fulfilling the 25  hour a week requirement. You will be able to monitor the hours on the SIP Portal.  You will receive login information prior to the Internship start.

● Contact Internship Coordinator –Kelly DelMazio  ( if intern fails to meet the expectations as soon as the problem becomes evident.

● You must make one site visit during the course of the internship.  

● Stay in contact with your intern’s supervisor to ensure that the student is meeting the expectations of the workplace and the NCHS Internship Program. 

After The Internship

● Ensure that the student has completed the required work (reflections on internship journal, Intern time log) by the end of the internship.

● Upon the completion of the Internship, a reception will be held in the auditorium on Friday, June 7th at 1:30p.m.  for all interns, mentors and site supervisors.