

A traditional Japanese haiku poem is written in three lines:

5 syllables on the first line

7 syllables on the second line

5 syllables on the third line

Haiku is inspired by nature, combining two different images or ideas together.

Try to create your own haiku poem and share on social media.


Koinobori are fish-shaped flags flown in Japan on Children's Day. Children's Day is a holiday just for kids! Every kid is special, and on Children's Day, Japan celebrates the happiness of kids. Children's Day is May 5th.

You can make your own koinobori by following the directions.

Book to Read about japan

All About Japan by tuttle publishing. The book follows the lives of Yuto, a 10-year-old boy who lies in rural Japan, as well as Momoka, a 12-year-old girl who resides in Tokyo. It’s nice to see how their lives are the same in many respects, but how they also differ in the homes they live in, schools, and transportation.

There are a couple of short stories included that we found interesting, there are recipes for Okonomiyaki and Onigiri in the book, and Several festivals are briefly described, such as Hina Matusri (girl’s day), Sakura Matsuri (Cherry blossom viewing), Kodomo-No Hi (Children’s Day), Tanabata, O-Shogatsu (Japanese New Year), O-bon, and many more.


literally means “something one wears” and is the traditional clothing for both Japanese men and women. Kimonos for men are not so very flashy and elaborate, they are typically characterized by solid dark colors, such as black, navy blue and brown. A formal kimono can be worn with a haori, a lightweight coat and is decorated on the outside with a family crest. Click here to open a PDF to color your own kimono.

Fun Facts about japan

1.) Japan has 160 types of wild animals, 700 species of birds, 32,000 species of insects.

2.) In Japanese, there are at least 20 different ways to say "sorry".

3.) When you slurp your noodles loudly in Japan, it is considered a sign that you are enjoying the meal.

4.) Many streets in Japan do not have street names.

5.) Fruit in Japan is very expensive. Some melons can cost over 10,000 Yen; which is about $92.

6.) Japan is made up of 6,852 islands.

7.) Many of Japan's mountains are active volcanoes.


Click here to get to a printable version of the Japanese lantern.

Click here to learn how to make a Japanese Lantern made from lollipop sticks.


Click here to view the step by step instructions for ow to create a Japaneses fan.