Cadet Handbook
LCDR Dee Barnes,
Senior Naval Science Instructor
Record of Changes
Change Number
Date Entered
Change Number
1. What you can expect 7
2. What you can expect to do 7
1. Authorization 8
2. Goals and Objectives 8
3. Naval Science Curriculum 8
4. Unit Mission 8
5. Unit Motto 8
6. Enrollment Qualifications 9
7. Continuance in the Program 9
8. Program Benefits 9
9. Personal Growth and Development 10
1. Academic Routine 11
2. NJROTC Service Fees 11
3. Required Cadet Forms 11
4. Plan of the Week (POW) 11
5. Cadet Records 12
6. Color Detail 12
7. Orientation Trips and At-Sea Cruises 12
8. Unit Fund Raising Projects 12
9. Appearance and Grooming Standards 12
10. Grading Criteria 12
11. Enrollment Enhancement (Recruiting for the Unit) 13
12. Special Events 13
13. Zone Inspections 14
l . Responsibility 14
2. Uniform Policy 14
3. Cleaning and Pressing
4. Proper Wearing of the Uniform 15
5. Ribbons 15
6. Name Tags 15
7. Medals 15
8. Collar Devices 15
9. Jewelry 15
10. Cold Weather Accessories 15
l l . Uniform Terminology 16
12. Uniform Day Routine 16
1. Organization 16
2. Rank/Rate 16
3. Job Descriptions 16
4. Chain-of-Command 17
I . General 18
2. Classroom 19
3. Instructor's Office 19
4. Supply Room 20
5. Armory 20
6. Ready Supply 20
1. General 20
2. Minor Uniform and Conduct Infractions 21
3. Major Conduct Infractions 21
4. General Disciplinary Actions 22
l . Specialized Ribbons 23
2. Cadet of the Quarter 23
1. General 24
2. Other Requirements for Advancements 24
3. Criteria for Advancement for Seaman thru Senior Chief Petty Officer pgs. 25-27
4. Minimum Requirements for selection as an NJROTC Cadet Officer 28
5. Requirements and Records 28
a. To learn the basics of Naval Science to the degree that you will be able to contribute to situations in a knowledgeable Manner.
b. To learn more about yourself which will help to develop your self-discipline.
c. To develop your leadership skills to the degree that you will NOT hesitate to step forward and assume a leadership role given the situation.
d. To learn how to be a good follower in a leadership situation.
e. To learn how to function as an effective contributor in a team/platoon environment.
f. To learn how to express yourself better orally.
g. To learn the value of good, clean competition and how to win and lose with class.
h. To respect the teaching and instruction from upper-class cadets appointed over you.
i. To experience real, honest "fun" in an academic setting. It will be fun to learn!!
j. To learn the true meaning of morale, pride & how these qualities impact unit effectiveness.
a. To accept the rules and regulations of the NJ ROTC Unit.
b. To meet the instructors and cadet-officers in a "50/50" manner.
c. To be loyal to the Unit to the degree that you will always stand up for it
d. To attend all "mandatory" functions.
e. To contribute in a positive manner to the Unit.
f. To maintain a satisfactory personal and military appearance always.
g. To demonstrate you will be available & willing to accept positions of more responsibility.
h. To realize those cadet-officers appointed over you are in those positions to help you become a better cadet-student.
i. To realize that your instructors will "tax" you to the maximum and will not accept excuses for you NOT making your best effort!!
j. To realize your attitude in this course is important.
1. AUTHORIZATION: The Navy Junior Reserve Officers corps (NJROTC) was established in 1964 under authority of Public Law passed by the U.S. Congress and contained in Title 10, United States code, Chapter 102, and Section 2031. The NJROTC Program is administered by the Naval Service Training Command (NSTC) located at Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Florida, and locally supervised by the NJROTC Area Seven Manager located at the US Coast Guard Station, New Smyrna Beach, Florida.
2. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: The goals established for the NJROTC Program center on learning the basic elements and requirements for national security and the personal obligation of American citizens to contribute toward national security. Basic objectives are as follows:
a. Promote Patriotism.
b. Develop informed and responsible citizens.
c. Strengthen character and promote habits of orderliness and precision.
d. Promote an understanding of the basic elements and requirements for national security.
e. Develop a high degree of personal honor, self-reliance, self-discipline, and leadership.
f. Develop respect for, and an understanding of, the need for constituted authority in a democratic society.
g. Promote community service.
h. Provide information on the military service as a possible career.
3. NAVAL SCIENCE CURRICULUM: Naval Science (a.k.a. NJROTC) is an elective course at NORTH PORT High School with one credit earned at graduation for each year of Naval Science completed. NORTH PORT High School is the only "center" in the County public school system that offers Naval Science studies.
4. UNIT MISSION: "To provide an environment where student-cadets can learn naval science and experience first-hand the requirements for strong self-discipline and positive participation attitudes in an atmosphere of a formal (militarily-structured) organization. "
"The BIG CAT Leads, Others Follow, or step Aside."
6. ENROLLMENT OUALIFICATIONS: To be eligible for enrollment in the NJROTC Program, a student must be:
a. A citizen of the United States.
b. Physically fit to participate in the school's physical education program.
c. Accepted by the Naval Science Instructors and the submission of the program application. Such selection shall not discriminate based of sex, race, religion or national origin.
d. In total agreement with the rules and regulations of the Unit and the NJROTC Program as set forth in this Handbook. And maintain a 2.0 GPA.
7. CONTINUANCE IN THE PROGRAM: To continue in the NJROTC, a cadet must:
a. Stay physically fit by meeting the basic standards of the school's Physical Education Program. PHYSICAL EXAMS: All cadets are required to have a physical exam each school year. Physical exams are mandatory if participating in NJROTC. Forms for a school sports physical are available and this will suffice for the Unit.
b. Have received the NJROTC uniform and be prepared to wear it for inspection on the first announced uniform day, and each prescribed uniform day during the school year.
c. Have paid the NJROTC service/activity fee (see Page 1 1, NJROTC Service Fees) and completed all required paperwork prior to 1 October.
d. Demonstrate a desire to stay in the Unit through adherence to Unit rules/policies and participation in unit events/activities.
e. Pre-requisites for Second Year Cadets: Pass NS-I and be advance to at least Petty Officer Third Class.
f. Pre-requisites for Third Year Cadets: Pass NS-2 and be advances to at least PO2.
g. Pre-requisites for Fourth Year Cadets: Pass NS-3/4 (as assigned), completed signature requirements up to rank of PO1 .
NOTE: Waivers may be granted by SNSI/NSI
8. PROGRAM BENEFITS: The program has an abundance of benefits, particularly for those cadets who maintain a positive attitude with respect to participation and conformance to rules and regulations. Foremost will be a marked improvement in self-discipline, team (cooperative) spirit, maturity, and responsibility. In addition, student-cadets will derive the following tangible benefits:
a. Enlistment at Advanced Pay Grade: Cadets who successfully complete 3 years of NJROTC and receive a letter of recommendation from the Senior Naval Science Instructor, are entitled to an advancement / promotion up to a pay grade of E-3 (Navy) upon enlistment in a military service and the completion of recruit (basic) training.
b. Naval Academy Nominations: Nomination for an NJROTC Naval Academy appointment may be submitted by the Senior Naval Science Instructor for those cadets who are a member of the Unit during his/her senior year in high school and meet all Naval Academy qualifications and requirements. In addition, cadets may apply for appointments via their senator, congressman, or the President of the United States. Normally, cadets who are being considered for academy nominations must have at least a 1250 SAT score, a well*balanced student-activity profile, and be in the college track curriculum.
c. NROTC Scholarships: The Senior Naval Science Instructor is authorized to nominate qualified and motivated cadets for NROTC scholarships. To be eligible, cadets must meet the basic eligibility requirements as prescribed by the Naval Education and Training Command as well as providing a significant contribution to the Unit s leadership. Normally, cadets who are being considered for NROTC Scholarships must have a minimum SAT score of 530 Reading/520 Math or ACT score of 22 English/21 Math, a well-balanced student-activity profile, and be in the college track curriculum.
9. PERSONAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT: The basic concepts of the NJROTC Program require that all cadets develop and maintain a POSITIVE personal growth trend throughout his/her time as a member of the Unit of Cadets. Unlike other classes where the objectives are primarily to teach the specifics of the courses (such as math, history, science, etc.), the NJROTC Program is designed to help each individual cadet mature at a given rate for each year in the Unit. As a first-year cadet, he or she must learn the rules and regulations quickly and abide by them explicitly, show some degree of heightened loyalty as the year progresses, learn the principles of followership, and develop some realistic goals to achieve in the short-term (during the first year) and some achievable goals for the long term (during the second and third years). To show maturity, first-year cadets must want to learn military drill and courtesies quickly and to demonstrate them without being told to do so. As a second-year cadet, he or she is expected to begin taking on positions and jobs of higher responsibility, to try to learn the details and requirements of division officer jobs, and to be mindful that the first-year cadets are looking for role models to pattern themselves after. Second year cadets are expected to continue the maturity trend they established in their first year of the program. This maturity, combined with the development of leadership skills, will be required in their NS-3 and NS-4 years in the Unit. As an NS-4 cadet, he or she is expected to be ready for assignments to the highest jobs in the Unit (staff, department heads, platoon leaders, special team leaders); be able to "be with subordinates, yet apart"; be able to evaluate subordinates objectively; be able to separate friendships where necessary in the execution of his/her tasks; be able to generate spirit in his/her department/division/ platoon/special team. Fourth year cadets will be Leadership teachers and models for the younger cadets. Because of their experience, longevity in the Unit, and special trust invested in them, they will be expected to perform at a significantly higher level than other cadets. Fourth year cadets will be graded on their leadership performance and any academics or special assignments tasked by the Naval Science Instructor. All cadets should show signs of positive maturity regardless of his/her time in the Unit. For example, appropriate behavior (being serious or humorous when required by the situation); "taking charge" of situations and doing what is morally correct and appropriate at the time; not being influenced by peers of questionable character and intentions; and being able to blend easily in groups of older people and hold intelligent conversations.
1. ACADEMIC ROUTINE: As NPHS is 45-minute schedule, each day you have Naval Science you may receive instructions in both academic and leadership which includes close order drill, ceremonial drill, Manual of Arms, the Sword and the Guidon drills, squad and platoon on the-job leadership training.
2. NJROTC SERVICE/ACTIVITY FEES: A one-time NJROTC Service Fee of$ 20.00 is collected from each new cadet entering the program for the first time. The fee is collected at the beginning of each school year annually. This service fee covers the expense of nametags, unit shirt and other required items. The fee is due by 01 October.
3. REOUIRED CADET FORMS: Each cadet is required to have several NJROTC, and Unit information forms filled out by him/her and signed by a parent or guardian. This is normally accomplished during the start of the school year. All required paperwork must be completed to remain in the program.
4. PLAN OF THE WEEK (POW): A Plan of the Week (for dissemination to each class on the Promethean/White Board) and will be prepared by the Executive Officer. The purpose of the POW is to keep each cadet informed on the schedules and activities of the Unit. Cadets are to show the POW notes to their parents/guardians as often as possible, particularly when there are many weekend activities planned and/or a schedule change(s) must be made. There is a link to the POW on the NPHS NJROTC website.
a. The POW will include all or some of the following information:
(1) Next uniform day and what uniform of the day is prescribed.
(2) Scheduled Unit/team meetings and practices.
(3) Upcoming events such as parades, competitions, field trips, at-sea cruises, Unit formations and social events.
(4) Money/paperwork deadlines.
(5) Congratulatory messages.
(6) Additional notices, as appropriate.
b. NOTE: Cadets will receive a quiz on the POW periodically though out the school year. It is the Cadets responsibility to know what is on the POW.
5. CADET RECORDS: The Administrative Department maintains a cadet record for each cadet enrolled which includes a performance record card listing advancements/promotions, awards earned, qualifications, and any correspondence pertaining to the individual cadet. Cadets may review their record with the Administrative Officer or Naval Science Instructor. It is the individual cadet's responsibility to ensure his/her record is up to date.
6. ORIENTATION TRIPS AND AT-SEA CRUISES: A cornerstone of the NJROTC Program is the opportunity to take trips to ships, stations, museums, etc. to supplement the information that has been taught in the classroom and to experience firsthand some of the various evolutions with hands-on training. Every effort will be made to ensure that each year group will participate in at least one field trip associated with some subject matter currently being covered during the school year. With each field trip, there is a vast amount of paperwork and preparation that must be completed prior to leaving on the trip. In addition to paying the required amount of money for transportation, meals, lodging, etc., IT IS IMPORTANT THAT EACH CADET MEETS THE DEADLINES FOR THE PAPERWORK AND THE COLLECTION OF MONEY. FAILURE TO KEEP UP WITH THE PAYMENT SCHEDULE/DEADLINES WILL RESULT IN THE CADET LOSING HIS/HER PRIORITY AND POSSIBLY A RESERVED SEAT AND/OR TICKET. Appearance is extremely important for field trips!! Since each cadet will be representing NORTH PORT High School and the NJROTC unit, it is imperative that he or she always maintains an outstanding appearance. There will be a personnel inspection before each trip. Each cadet must pass these inspections or be left behind. Of importance is the appearance of the haircuts and hairstyles!! These must be fully regulation; no other condition will be accepted for field trips. This is understandable when one considers that the Unit of Cadets will be seen by people for the first time, and the first impression is generally a lasting impression!! There is a set of rules and regulations for each cadet to follow on all field trips; these will be provided before each trip. Cadets will find that all field trips can be fun and educational, PROVIDING that all paperwork is in order, all money has been paid, uniforms and personal appearance are above reproach, directions are followed, and his/her conduct reflects maturity and pride in the school and the unit.
7. UNIT FUND RAISING PROJECTS: The NORTH PORT High School NJROTC unit has a large operating budget and needs extra funds annually to provide the items necessary to have a successful organization. The U.S. Navy does not provide the money to purchase these extra items; therefore, the unit must earn it. This is accomplished through fundraisers or service projects, such as assisting/hosting golf tournaments, product sales etc., which provide a profit based on total sales by the cadets.
8. APPEARANCE AND GROOMING STANDARDS: The wearing of the NJROTC uniform should be a matter of personal pride to all student-cadets enrolled in the NJROTC Program. Cadets, you represent the United States Navy and the Unit of Cadets of NORTH PORT High School. When in uniform, you are "SOMEONE SPECIAL," you will stand out in the crowd. This pride develops "Esprit de Corps" and a "top of the line" NJROTC unit. Appearance and grooming standards for the NORTH PORT High School Unit are listed in Chapter I in the Cadet Field Manual (see Section C of this Handbook for more information on the uniform).
9. GRADING CRITERIA: A cadet's NJROTC report card grade, unlike other classes, is an average of several factors (academics,' drill, leadership, followership, participation, appearance, attitude, physical fitness, self-discipline, and involvement in the activities of the Unit). Historically, those cadets who maintain a positive attitude toward the NJROTC Program and the rules of the Unit at NORTH PORT High School will receive a significantly higher grade than one who has a poor or negative attitude. If a cadet experiences a significant drop in his/her NJROTC grade, in all probability, attitude and not academics is the problem!! (He or she did not wear the uniform as required; did not come to class or event prepared; did not attend an event; etc.). Records have shown that cadets who have failed for the grading period invariably point to a drop or loss of attitude. The grade that appears on the cadet's report card is weighted in the following manner:
a. Test/Quiz/Review Grades (20%): Normally, each cadet will have an opportunity to receive an academic grade every week of the grading period.
b. Participation Grade (10%): Each activity is assigned a numerical value depending on the importance/status of the event; these values are added to a subjective classroom contribution grade for the final "participation grade. "
c. Program Aptitude/Employability Grade (20%): A program aptitude grade is assigned to each member of the platoon based on attitude, military bearing, military drill, military appearance, contributions to the platoon and the Unit, performance in assigned jobs, etc.
d. Physical Fitness Participation (10%): Cadets must dress out in the proper clothing and participate fully in the prescribed activities (as determined by the SNSI/NSI).
e. Uniform Grade (40%): Uniform wear is required once a week. Each cadet will be inspected and assigned a grade. If the cadet is absent on uniform day, he/she must wear it the next day they attend school. If the cadet fails to wear the uniform on the prescribed day, they may wear it on another day during that week for partial credit as determined by the instructors.
10. ENROLLMENT ENHANCEMENT (RECRUITING FOR THE UNIT): All of us know that having pride in an organization to which you belong, or work is the best compliment you can ever pay to that organization. Within this expression are all the qualities that will make your organization the best around. We also know that without people, we could not have an organization for which we could express our pride. To this end, each cadet in the Unit should try his/her hardest to enroll as many outstanding students as possible in the Unit. When talking with other students about the NJROTC Program at NORTH PORT High School, make sure you provide the prospective cadet with an honest and objective picture of what the program is all about, the benefits of the program for enlistment, scholarships, and appointments to one of the service academies, and the chance to belong to something all year long. You might want to mention the fact that you can take many trips, make many friends, and do numerous other things besides academics and classroom work. If your friend is interested in enrolling in the program at NORTH PORT High School, tell him or her to talk with one of the instructors or guidance counselors. Don't forget to tell your friend to mention your name on his/her application when enrolling in the NJROTC Program. Ribbons can be earned för recruiting as outlined in the Cadet Field Manual and this Handbook.
11. SPECIAL EVENTS: During the school year there are three events, which the Unit of cadets must participate in; these events have been scheduled in part by the United States Navy and by the unit in observance of some very important occasions. These functions are classified as "MANDATORY," which means that each cadet must be present for the full event. There are no excuses for missing these events. If the cadet is under a physician's care, he or she must produce a statement from the doctor on office letterhead stationery stating the full details and dates of treatment. The essential events are as follows:
a. Heron Creek Fundraising Golf Tournament.
b. Annual Military Inspection: Normally scheduled by the Navy during a school day.
c. Change of Command/Awards Ceremony: During school in April.
It is important that each cadet plan his/her personal schedule around these events. There is plenty of advanced notice (as much as six months), so there is no excuse for being absent.
12. ZONE INSPECTIONS: In order to have our NJROTC spaces looking shipshape and always squared away, we must have a formal system of inspecting our assigned spaces. Department heads will ensure that their spaces are always ready for inspections. The Executive Officer will conduct informal inspections of all departments at least once a week and will conduct a formal Zone Inspection once a month.
1. RESPONSIBILITY: Each cadet will be issued a complete NJROTC uniform on sub-custody of the cadet and parent/guardian. Any items that are lost or destroyed must be replaced in kind, or restitution made. Failure to clear uniform obligations may result in not able to attend school functions (dances, prom etc.) and graduation exercises until the obligation has been met.
2. UNIFORM POLICY: The NJROTC uniforms are an integral pan of the NJROTC Program. It is required to be worn on assigned uniform days. There are no excuses accepted for not wearing the prescribed uniform. Cadets who do not wear the uniform on prescribed uniform days will receive a zero in the grade book for that and subsequent days until the uniform is worn. If the cadet is absent on the prescribed uniform day, he/she will wear the uniform on his/her next NJROTC class day, repeat offenders will be placed on probation, which is the first step in termination from the unit.
a. On prescribed uniform days, cadets are to wear the uniform for the entire school day (from home to school and back home); the penalty for "changing out" will be a zero in the grade book.
b. On ANY occasion the uniform is prescribed, cadets will be in a complete uniform; partial uniforms are unacceptable and could result in a zero in the grade book.
c. Wearing the uniform on prescribed uniform clays WILL NOT BE AN EXCUSE for not dressing out för PE class or participation in classroom activities in such subjects as shop, chemistry, biology, art, etc. Any other reason to change out requires PRIOR approval by the SNSI/ NSI.
d. Cadets who have a valid reason for not wearing the uniform on prescribed occasions must receive approval by a Naval Science Instructor before, not after, the fact.
e. The Naval Science Instructor, the platoon commander, or staff, will inspect the core platoon on assigned uniform days for the purposes of recognizing outstanding personal appearance or noting uniform/personal appearance infractions. Staff and/or leadership cadets will be inspected as directed by the SNSI/NSI.
f. Uniform items may only be worn with the uniform, not civilian clothing.
3. CLEANING AND PRESSING: All uniforms will always be kept cleaned and pressed. Clothes in the cleaners will not be accepted as an excuse for not wearing the uniform on prescribed uniform days. Always have a uniform ready.
a. Relaxed fit black jackets, service dress blue jackets, and black garrison caps must be dry-cleaned at your own expense during the school year and prior to turning in.
b. Khaki shirts and black trousers (pants) may be laundered at home.
c. Ensure you wash the uniform each time after you wear it and pay extra attention to "ring around the collar".
4. PROPER WEARING OF THE UNIFORM: The uniform is always to be worn with all ribbons and insignia properly attached (unless otherwise directed). No uniform items are authorized for wear with civilian clothing. Seasonal uniform combinations and regulations are set forth in Chapter 1 of the Cadet's Field Manual.
5. RIBBONS: Ribbons are an official part of the NJROTC uniform and will be worn with the uniform as prescribed. Authorized NJROTC ribbons and those authorized by the Naval Science Instructors will be worn in the order of precedence as set forth in Chapter 1 of the Cadet Field Manual.
6. NAME TAGS: Nametags are an official part of the NJROTC uniform and will always be worn with whatever uniform is prescribed. The nametag will be worn centered 1/4 inch above the right breast pocket for males. For females the top of the nametag will be aligned with the bottom of the first button centered on the left seam.
7. MEDALS: Medals are an official part of the NJROTC uniform and will be worn on full dress occasions such as parades, annual inspection, civic functions, open houses, Awards Night, etc. Medals will be worn on the left breast pocket 1/4 of an inch below the ribbons and centered.
8. COLLAR DEVICES: Collar devices are an official part of the NJROTC uniform and will always be worn with whatever uniform is prescribed. Collar devices depict rank/rate and will be worn on the right collar point or coat lapel, and the NJROTC bar (J-Bar) will be worn on the left collar point or coat lapel as set forth in Chapter I of the Cadet Field Manual.
a. Body Piercing(s): Cadets will be allowed to get any piecing they wish; however,
NO visible piercing is to be worn while in any uniform (unit t-shirts, PT clothing and polos included), in the school or at any NJROTC activity. Discipline for a first offense is: The cadet will automatically lose 50 points on the next uniform inspection.
b. Earrings: While in uniform will be worn by female cadets onlv and shall be of the small ball (post or screw on) type only. Silver or gold ball type earrings may be worn, with one earring centered in each ear lobe.
c. Watches/Bracelets/Rings: Unobtrusive watches, watchbands, bracelets and rings are permitted to be worn while in uniform.
10. COLD WEATHER ACCESSORIES: During cold weather, the following items of clothing may be worn or added to the prescribed uniform(s):
a. Relaxed Fit Jackets: are issued to cadets and may be worn anywhere, but they must be worn zipped 3/4 of the way up and rolled under at the bottom and cuffs.
b. Official Navy Sweatshirt: Primary cool weather outer garment. Will be issued usually in late September/early October.
a. Gig line: A vertical line on the uniform formed by the edge of the shirt at the buttons, the edge of the belt buckle, and the edge of the fly on the trousers or slacks.
b. Irish Pennant (IP): Pieces of thread or unraveled cloth, etc., which stick out from the buttons, buttonholes, rips, seams, etc. They should be trimmed off.
c. Smiles; The wrinkles or creases around the edges of the combination cap cover (crown). The cover should be stretched tightly and/or cap frame metal strip extended to take up the slack (wrinkles) in the cap cover.
12. UNIFORM DAY ROUTINE: Full uniforms (cover included) will be worn properly to and from school and when outside of a school building during the day. Unless cadets are under a roof and/or covering, they will be wearing prescribed head gear. Should a cadet arrive to school late or miss his/her naval science class, it is his/her responsibility to get inspected before the day is over. If a cadet should forget his/her cover, the cadet will place his/her left hand over his/her head during inspections or whenever outdoors.
1. ORGANIZATION: The NORTH PORT High School Unit of Cadets is organized in the form of a shipboard/squadron structure with each class forming a "platoon" in the Unit.
2. RANK: This organization is established with various levels of responsibility; therefore, there are different levels of rank to man these organizational assignments based on demonstrated performance, enthusiasm, participation, positive attitude, and leadership example. The responsibilities of leadership must be accepted, and the challenges of the job met before the privileges of rank can be extended. Senior cadets normally fill the most senior positions in the Unit organization.
3. JOB DESCRIPTIONS: The job descriptions of the Staff and Executive Staff members in the Unit organization are as follows:
a. Commanding Officer (CO): the senior cadet of the Unit, responsible tor maintaining the morale and high standards of the Unit. Will be a graduate of Leadership Academy (waiverable by the SNSI/NSI only).
b. Executive Officer (XO): second in the chain of command, responsible for the daily routine and executing the policies of the Commanding Officer. Will be a graduate of Leadership Academy (waiverable by the SNSI/NSI only).
c. Command Chief/Senior Chief/Master Chief: senior enlisted member of the unit and as such has a direct voice to the Commanding Officer. Responsible for muster at all Unit formations.
d. Operations Officer (OPS): responsible for the training and performance of the Unit Special Teams and the Operations Department.
e. Administrative Officer (ADMIN Officer): responsible for all functions of the Administration Department: Admin. Division, Personnel Division, the Data Processing Division, and maintaining Unit files, cadet records and the preparation of mailing labels, Unit and platoon rosters, and Unit correspondence and certificates.
Supply Officer (SUPPO): responsible for the issuing, receiving, inventory, storage and accountability of all NJROTC uniforms, and accessories. Ensures that the Supply Room is maintained in a secure, neat and orderly manner always.
Public Affairs Officer (PAO). Supervises public affairs-like events to include photographic duties, news releases, and liaison with newspaper agencies.
h. Platoon Commanders/Leaders (PC/PLs): Platoon leadership is the essential link between most cadets in the Unit and the Unit staff in the chain-of-command. His/her responsibilities include: knowing assigned cadets of their platoon as individuals and keeping them informed of Unit business and activities; maintaining a platoon notebook, being meticulous in recording the required information on all members of their platoon; ensuring that platoon members have their NJROTC notebooks and textbooks prior to entering the classroom every day; following the daily/weekly training schedule; and striving for excellence in military drill, personal appearance, high morale and a competitive spirit in the inter-platoon competitions and inspections.
i. Team Commanders: Drill Team, Color Guard, Rifle Team, Physical Fitness/Athletic, and Academic Team Commanders are responsible to the Operations Officer for the organization, training, preparation of routines, and maintaining high standards of military appearance and conduct and the proficiency of their teams. They will maintain accurate attendance and statistical performance records for their teams in the Team Notebooks. They will maintain proper procedures for safety of team members and equipment and ensure that team members are well informed in advance of schedules practices, performances, and competitions.
j. Command Duty Officer: Assigned daily to affect the after-school duties and cleaning of The House.
4. CHAIN-OF-COMMAND: The Chain-of-command is the primary channel of communication in the Unit organization. Information flows up and down through this Chain-of Command to individual cadets, the cadet staff, and the Naval Science Instructors; thus, the Chain of Command is a two-way channel of communication and must not be viewed as a means of giving directions and commands only. For normal platoon, day to day business, the NORTH PORT High School NJROTC Chain-of-Command is listed below. For business involving special teams, the Chain-of-Command will be changed to include the Operations Officer and Team Commander in place of the Training Officer and Platoon leader, respectively.
(2) Commanding Officer
(3) Executive Officer
(4) Command Chief/Senior Chief/Master Chief
(5) Platoon Commander/Class Leader
(6) Squad Leader
(7) Individual cadet
1. GENERAL: The NJROTC Unit at NORTH PORT high School is fortunate to have a building that is large, comfortable, and accommodating (cadets will refer to the building as the "HOUSE"). We are always dedicated to keeping this building as clean as possible and ready to receive visitors at any time. Cadets and their guests are to follow the prescribed rules of conduct and related procedures while in THE HOUSE. Cadets are responsible for their guest's behavior.
a. Horseplay, fighting, and abusive language shall not be tolerated at any time. A relatively quiet atmosphere will always prevail.
b. Chewing gum is not permitted in The House.
c. When a VIP (Principal, Asst Principals, Military Personnel, Adult, etc.) enters the spaces, the cadet who sees the person first will call, "Attention on Deck" and offer to assist the person in any way possible.
d. Books, magazines, and reference library materials are always to remain in NJROTC spaces. Material and professional books may be checked out.
e. The chairs are for sitting only; do not put your feet on the tables or chairs. KEEP
f. Cadets are reminded to exercise "Senior Cadet'! responsibility when situations arise that require immediate direction. The Senior Cadet present should take charge of the situation; he/she will be held accountable!!
g. The CDO (as assigned) will ensure the NJROTC spaces are clean and orderly and ready to receive cadets and guests the first thing the next morning.
h. All bulletin boards, qualification charts and displays are the property of the Unit and are not to be tampered with, written on, or defaced in any manner.
i. Unless under arms, or participating in a personnel inspection, cadets will always uncover and remain uncovered while in NJROTC spaces. This rule applies to guests also.
j. Earphones/buds are not to be used or visible while in The House and NEVER while in uniform.
2. CLASSROOM: (also review annexes B & C)
a. A member of the platoon staff will ensure that each cadet in the platoon has his/her NJROTC notebook and textbook.
b. Just before entering the classroom, each cadet should take a quick glance at the notices on the main bulletin board. Generally, new information posted each day.
a. When entering the classroom, the first task is to review the Plan of the Week (POW). Take individual notes as needed to ensure you know what events are being planned for the upcoming week and future.
b. When the instructor enters the classroom, the first cadet to see him will call, "Attention on Deck." All cadets will snap to attention and look straight ahead until the instructor calls, "Seats", "At Ease" or "Carry On." Specific information on class muster (roll) reports will be provided to the platoon.
c. During class, each cadet will pay strict attention to what is being said and by whom. Respect the person who is speaking at the time regardless of whom it is (instructor or cadet).
d. Raise your hand to speak or ask questions. Ensure that the comment or question relates directly to the topic or issue being discussed.
e. Do not move around the classroom unless specifically cleared to do so by the instructor (or platoon leader in his absence). Classroom time will not normally be used to make trips to Supply, Armory, or Admin.
Platoon/Unit business will take place during the start of the block and class will terminate when the platoon leader or Naval Science Instructor says "Dismissed" at which time the cadets are to sound off "Sir/Ma'am Aye Aye Sir/Ma'am."
g. In the absence of the instructors, all cadets will respond directly to the orders of the cadet who has been appointed to act on behalf of the instructors. Generally, this will be the platoon leader or a member of his/her staff.
h. Do not place book bags on the table.
i. Water (in clear bottle) is the ONLY beverage allowed in the classroom.
3. INSTRUCTORS' OFFICE: This is reserved strictly for the instructors. Any traffic in this area will be limited to those cadets who have business with the instructors concerning their health and welfare. REMEMBER: Cadets are to use the Chain-of Command, and all means available (such as the platoon leader, platoon staff, the CEA of the Unit, etc.) to solve the problem before coming to the instructors. When the door to the Naval Science Instructor's office is closed, only emergencies will be heard. When the door is open, the cadet will knock three times on the door and wait at "Parade Rest" facing the front door. When the instructor says, "COME IN," the cadet will enter and proceed directly in front of the desk of the instructor with whom he/she wishes to talk. State your business quickly and intelligently. If the instructor tells the cadet that, "you have come to the wrong person," this is a subtle reminder that the cadet did not use the Chain-of-command properly. Probably, the cadet could have solved the problem through the platoon leadership.
4. SUPPLY ROOM: This is a limited entry area and is strictly for supply business!! Unless cadets are turning in or checking out uniforms and accessories, stay clear of the area. Cadets do need to knock on the door if it is closed, as there are periods of time when males are being fitted out and females are not permitted in the room, and vice versa. Specific rules will be posted in the Supply Room. The Supply room is off limits to all cadets except as authorized by the SNSI/NSI or those instructed by the Supply Officer.
5. ARMORY: The Armory is for storing tools, rifles, swords, cleaning equipment parts, and supplies. It is strictly reserved for those cadets who have been cleared to work in the area, thus making it a limited-entry area. Cadets not authorized to be in the space will conduct their business at the door. Also, there are to be no more than three people allowed in Armory at any given time.
6. READY SUPPLY: This is a limited entry area and only those members Authorized by CO & XO (and the Supply Officer) are permitted in this space. All other cadets will always remain clear of this area. If a cadet who is not on the Executive Staff is invited to the space, he/she will knock on the door and request permission to enter. Conduct business quickly, quietly, and leave! Ready supply door will remain open when occupied. The Ready Supply room is not a hangout area.
a. Each NJROTC unit has its own rules and regulations to support the disciplinary system of this unique program.
b. Discipline in the NJROTC Program is somewhat different from the regular classroom disciplinary system. It is based on the special goals of the Program.
c. One of the special features of the NJROTC Program is the leadership training that permits upper-class (Junior and Senior) cadets to train new cadets.
d. The NJROTC Program is based on disciplined adherence to rules and regulations and cannot permit a student-cadet to "do his/her own thing." If this were allowed, there would be disorder and inefficiency. In short, the Program would not be effective.
f. Discipline is intended to be instructive to help cadets understand the rules. Generally, warnings are given to help discipline new cadets. If a cadet corrects the problem as suggested by the warning, the incident is over.
g. All offenses DO NOT warrant warnings!! Lying, cheating, stealing, etc. will be handled in accordance with the school discipline policy.
h. Infractions which result in warnings are serious business!! They signal the beginning or continuance of a trend that may result in a cadet being placed on probation or perhaps in dismissal from the Unit.
2. MINOR UNIFORM AND CONDUCT INFRACTIONS: Warnings, and work details may be given for the following:
a. Uniform violations
b. Unsatisfactory personal appearances.
c. Failure to bring the NJROTC notebook and/or textbook to class.
d. Failure to meet obligations on time.
e. Chewing gum in The House, in formation, in uniform at any time, or during class periods.
f. Not having homework in on time.
g. Showing outward expressions of affection while in uniform or in The House.
h. Disrespect to a cadet-officer or CPO.
i. Expressions of disloyalty.
j. Disruptive conduct in class or on the drill field.
k. Tardiness to class.
l. Leaving gear adrift.
m. Missing movement ("no show") for in-town trips.
n. No show for events you've signed up for.
3. MAJOR CONDUCT INFRACTIONS: A cadet may be referred to School Administration with a recommendation for ISS WITHOUT WARNING for the following:
a. Disrespect to teachers, administrative staff, and school staff.
b. Smoking/Vaping, fighting, defacing government or school property.
c. Repeated MINOR (See paragraph 2 of this section) offenses.
d. Missing movement ("no shows") for out-of-town trips.
e. Profanity (in or out of uniform).
f. Lying, cheating, or stealing.
a. Work details: Work details may be given by NSI's for violation of minor or major infractions. Cadets having a work detail will be required to perform work chosen by the NSI.
b. Probation: Cadets placed on probation will be informed by a formal letter that he/she is in danger of being disenrolled.
c. ISS: Cadets serving ISS will report to the ISS Room in accordance with school policy. If the ISS is assigned on a uniform day, the cadet will NOT wear the uniform on that day but will wear it on the next regular school day when the cadet is back in class. Failure to do so will result in a zero being assigned in the grade book. Cadets are reminded that receiving ISS(s) is a warning that their conduct is not as expected in the NJROTC Program and steps should be taken to correct the problem(s) as soon as possible. Reminder: Cadets who have received ISS(s) are not eligible for the Exemplary Conduct Ribbon.
1. SPECIALIZED RIBBONS: In addition to the criteria for NJROTC ribbons listed in the Cadet Field Manual, additional criteria have been established by NORTH PORT High School for the following NJROTC ribbons:
a. Community Service Ribbon: This ribbon will be awarded to cadets who distinguish themselves by meritorious achievement or service to the community on a sustained basis (i.e., a volunteer hospital worker/fireman/rescue squad, little league coach, social work, church work, etc. for 20 or more hours), or by distinguishing themselves on a by providing help to the community, Red Cross, or Civil Defense during a flood, hurricane, tornado, or other disasters, natural or man*made. In all cases, the service provided will be without compensation, and the NSIs will have the final decision as to the legitimacy of the service.
b. Unit Service Ribbon: Will be awarded to any cadet who provides exemplary service to the unit on a one-time basis in situations where another NJROTC ribbon cannot be awarded. Such service will be "above & beyond" required of a cadet in his/her performance, dedication to the unit and be strictly voluntary.
2. CADET OF THE QUARTER: Each quarter during the school year, the officers/CPOs of the Unit select the most outstanding cadet for the preceding quarter. Each department/special team is eligible to nominate one cadet to be briefed at a staff meeting. Selection criteria is as follows:
a. Have completed a specific task in school, the Unit, the community, in his/her place of employment or have achieved a significant plateau in academics, special teams, athletics, etc.
b. Have shown an exceptional degree of enthusiasm and loyalty for the program and the Unit at NORTH PORT High School.
c. Be eligible for Exemplary Conduct and Exemplary Personal Appearance ribbons.
d. Have maintained an academic grade of 80 or better in Naval Science.
e. Have NOT received any derogatory remarks from his/her teachers and NOT be on probation in the Unit, nor received any ISS.
f. Have been present at all mandatory events and at least half of the voluntary events.
g. Have demonstrated a clear knowledge of the drill maneuvers and be able to execute them in an exemplary manner.
h. Be able to demonstrate that he or she will represent the NJROTC program and the Unit of Cadets at NORTH PORT High School in a superlative manner which includes the ability to converse and speak with confidence and poise.
i. The Cadet of the Quarter will receive special recognition and privileges in honor of his/her selection.
1. GENERAL: Advancement in rate or rank within the NORTH PORT NJROTC unit is based on time in grade and, most importantly, on demonstrated performance. In order to advance from Cadet Seaman Recruit to Cadet Chief Petty Officer, a cadet must demonstrate a prescribed degree of proficiency in Military Drill and Ceremonies, Military Knowledge, and Departmental Knowledge coupled with good grades, attendance and discipline. In order to be advanced to a Cadet Officer, a cadet must normally be in his/her junior/senior year of the program; these ranks are obtained by being appointed by the Senior Naval Science Instructor or Naval Science Instructor. Each cadet has an equal opportunity to advance to the rank of Cadet Commander with the billet of unit Commanding Officer.
a. Minimum Grade Requirements:
* "C" average in Naval Science
* Passing grade at least five subjects
* ONLY scheduled Progress Reports or Report Cards accepted. Signatures for grades only authorized within 2 weeks of last scheduled report.
b. Military Drill:
* Practical tests
* Written/oral test (Oral tests must be approved by NSI's)
c. Military_ Knowledge: * Award system/principles of leadership
* Ranks and rates
* Chain of command
* Military time
* Orders to the sentry
d. Departmental Knowledge:
* Supply Dept written test
* ADMIN Dept written test
* First Lieutenant written test
e. Aptitude:
* No discipline problems
* Proper wearing of uniform on required days
* Participation in unit functions
f. Attendance:
* Must have satisfactory attendance record * No unexcused absences (skipping)
g. Physical Fitness:
*Pass Physical Fitness Test to be advanced to P02 and above (waiverable by SNSI/NSI only)
Use this section of the Cadet Handbook to keep track of your records as the official version. A copy should be in the Administrative Department.
Pass a written test on knowledge of military time.
Participate in three NJROTC endorsed Date community service events.
clean ups will also count towards this.
Have a "C" average in Naval Science; wear the uniform when required and have no record of discipline.
Participate in one corps activity (not a clean-up).
Recommended by your platoon leader
(Factors considered: uniform, conduct, and attitude).
Pass a written or practical test on the Manual of Arms.
Approved by NSI/SNSI.
Pass a written test on the chain-of-command from self to President.
Pass a written test on the correct manner and occasion saluting.
I-lave a uniform inspection grade average of 80 or better on last five inspections
NJROTC academic average no lower than a "C".
Participate in three corps activities.
Be passing five school subjects on the latest report card.
Have not been assigned any school discipline (ISS/OSS/Evening School).
Recommended by your platoon leader. Approved by NSI/SNSI.
Demonstrate the ability to lead a squad in drill.
Date Initials
Be a member in good standing of a team or department.
Pass a written test on knowledge
Date Participate in three corps activities.
Pass a written test on the General Orders of a Sentry.
Have a uniform inspection grade average of 85 or better on last five inspections
NJROTC academic average no lower than a "C".
Be passing all school subjects on the latest report card.
Have not been assigned any school discipline (ISS/OSS/Evening School).
Recommended by your platoon leader.
Demonstrate the ability to lead a platoon in unarmed drill.
Approved by NSI/SNSI.
Active member of a team or a department.
Have a uniform inspection grade average of 85 or better on last five inspections
Pass a written test on Unit Organization
Pass a written test on knowledge
Participate in three NJROTC endorsed Date community service events.
clean ups will also count towards this.
Pass PT Test
Participate in three corps activities.
Achieve an academic grade of 86 or better in Naval Science.
Maintain at least a 2.0 GPA.
Demonstrate knowledge of guidon by written test or performance.
Approved by NSI/SNSI.
Demonstrate knowledge of Color Guard by written test and performance.
Pass a written test on knowledge
Pass PT Test
Demonstrate the ability to lead a platoon in armed drill.
I-lave a uniform inspection grade average of 85 or better on last five inspections
Participate in three NJROTC endorsed Date community service events. Stadium clean ups will also count towards this.
Achieve an academic grade of 86 or better in Naval Science.
Participate in three corps activities.
Active member of a team or a department.
Maintain at least a 2.0 GPA.
Approved by NSI/SNSI.
Pass the practical demonstration test for the Manual of the Sword.
Date/lnt. Date/lnt. Date/lnt. Date/lnt. Date/lnt. Perform 5 Personnel Inspections as Inspecting Officer.
Pass a Comprehensive Exam **
Active team member or department assistant.
Date Initials Date Initials Date Initials Participate in 3 corps activities.
Complete teacher evaluation form (Annex A; turn into SNSI)
Date/lnt. Date/lnt. Date/lnt.
Take charge and lead 3 community service events
(Color Guards, Clean-ups, Blood Drives, Etc.)
Maintain an "A" average on personnel inspections.
Maintain a "B" or above in Naval Science.
Maintain a "C" or better in all classes other than NJROTC.
Recommended by "XO".
Recommended by "CO".
Approved by NSI/SNSI.
** (Comprehensive Exam includes departmental knowledge, military drill and knowledge and Pass Cadet Advancement Board (C.A.B.).)
Pass Handbook Test
Take charge and lead 5 corps community Date/lnt. Date/lnt. Date/lnt. Date/lnt.
service events (3 MUST be Color Guards)
Maintain an "A" average on personnel inspections.
Maintain a "B" or above in Naval Science.
Must have a 2.25 GPA
Complete teacher evaluation form (Annex A; turn into SNSI/NSI) Recommended by "XO".
Recommended by "CO".
Approved by NSI/SNSI.
a. Must have advanced to the rate of Chief Petty Officer.
b. Must have a minimum of a "B" average in Naval Science.
c. Must have no current record of discipline problems.
d. Must have a "C" average in all classes.
e. Must have a 2.25 GPA overall.
NOTE I: Officers are expected to maintain this status or loss of rank.
NOTE Il: Rank selections are made by SNSI/NSI based on the cadet's abilities and past record.
5. REOUIREMENTS AND RECORDS: A record of each cadet's advancement progress is kept by the unit.
a. Written Examinations: These consist of multiple-choice questions. Passing grade is 70%. In case of failure, the cadet may choose to see the test he/she has failed but must wait at least 7 days before re-taking the examination. Second failed test should be forwarded to XO for Review.
b. Practical Examinations: These will be administered by the SNSI, NSI, or a designated cadet at least two ranks above the test being performed (CO/XO may administer any exam), who will determine whether the cadet has performed all required movements well enough to earn a passing grade.
c. Oral Examinations: These will be administered by the SNSI, NSI, or a designated cadet at least two ranks above the test being performed (CO/XO may administer any exam), who will determine whether the cadet has earned a passing grade.
Teachers: The student/cadet mentioned below is a member of your class and of the NORTH PORT NJROTC unit. He/she has passed a series of qualifying test (both academic and practical) that are designed to demonstrate knowledge and ability to hold a position of leadership in the NJROTC. For him/her to attain that position, the cadet must be considered to have the qualities necessary to set a good personal example for all other members of the unit and of the student body. We are asking you for your assistance in determining the eligibility of this student.
Student's Name
Please rate the student in each category from 1-5.
I -Outstanding; 2-Excellent; 3-Average; 4-Fair; 5„Poor
Prd Course Teacher Signature Grades Attendance Attitude Effort
2 3
(Note: Cadet must have signature of every teacher.)
1. Always abide by the rules and regulations of the Unit.
2. Act "professionally" always.
3. Show your loyalty for the Unit by supporting it and standing up for it when someone "talks it down.
4. If you can't say something nice about another cadet, don't say anything at all.
5. Show the same degree of respect and courtesy to all guests; stand up, introduce yourself, be polite, and offer to help in any way.
6. Assume you are the center of attention and that everyone is looking at you when you are wearing your uniform, act and dress accordingly.
7. Keep your self-esteem at the highest level; think "good" about yourself.
8. Keep all topics of conversation in the NJROTC spaces on the "light" and humorous side.
9. Do everything you can to stay out of a fight and to keep other cadets from fighting.
10. Keep a proper prospective on competition: Learn to win with class and lose with class. Try to be a contender in all categories and events. Make the competition remember you as a consistent contender.
11. When in uniform address all senior cadets b "Mr." or "Miss.
From: North Port High School NJROTC Program
in Period do hereby accept full responsibility of my actions on this day of for committing the below offense:
o Disrespect
o No PT Gear
o No Uniform Wear
o Food, drinks or Chewing Gum in class
o Cell phone (or electronic/ear buds/ device) use during an unauthorized time
1 Violation sheet = 2 months no advancement signatures and you will not be allowed to attend practice or community service event for 60 days (this will count as a unexcused practice), if you have 2 unexcused practices you are off the team.
2 Violations sheets = 90 Day probation without community service events and removal from team
3 Violation sheets = Referral & possible termination from Unit
Cadet Signature:
Class Commander Signature:
NJROTC Instructor:
NAVPERS 1070/613
l . You are hereby being counseled regarding your action with regards toYou are being place on official notice that you on probation for 21 days.
2. Failure to comply with the correction that are put in place to reverse your actions will result in permanent termination from NJROTC. You will at a minimum complete the below tasking's until further notice:
Display Humility, Leadership, put the Unit first, learn how to "Each one teach one", Get log book/journal to document your actions complete 50 Pushups a day, 50 sit ups a day, 50 jumping jacks a day, Navy hymen, Clean head Take out trash, Sweep floors.
3. Further assistance is available through: SNSI or NSI ONLY.
4. This counseling is made to afford you an opportunity to undertake the recommended corrective action, to learn, and to be extremely successful. Any failure to adhere to the guidelines cited above will make you eligible for reduction in rank.
I hereby acknowledge the above NAVPERS 1070/613 entry and desire to (make a statement/ not make a statement).
Cadet Signature
Witnessed: Date:
NAME (Last, First, Middle)
13 C]
Revised Apr ()2
Cadet name (Last) (First) (Middle)
Date of Birth
Parent/Guardian (Last) (First) Relationship
Address (Include ZIP)
Phone # (H) (W) (Cell) (0th er)
Parent (s) E-mail Address
NJROTC is unlike any other course offered at North Port High School. As a cadet you will be responsible for your conduct and appearance both in class and at any time you represent the NJROTC program. Cadets are expected to respect themselves, their NJROTC unit, their school and the United States as demonstrated by their words and actions. Cadets are expected to wear their uniform with dignity and pride and are expected to groom to military standards as set forth in their Cadet Reference Manual and Field Manual. Additionally, cadets are expected to obey lawful orders given by the Naval Science Instructors and cadets with positional authority.
We (cadet and parent/guardian) agree to the following:
I accept full responsibility for uniform and government materials issued to me. If lost or willfully damaged, I agree to reimburse the NJROTC unit.
I agree to groom to military standards as prescribed in the Cadet Reference and Field Manual and amplified by the North Port NJROTC Cadet Handbook (i.e., piercings, jewelry, haircuts, hair color etc.)
I agree to wear my uniform for weekly personnel inspections on the designated day and for any unit function where the uniform is prescribed. Wearing the uniform for personnel inspections requires that the uniform be worn from the time the cadet leaves home for school until he/she returns home from school. Uniforms may be removed temporarily to dress out for physical education or when safety is an issue such as in a science or shop class.
I agree to accept and carry out lawful orders given to me by the NJROTC instructors and cadets who have positional authority over me.
I agree to abide by the Naval Science classroom expectations as well as the program regulations spelled out in the North Port NJROTC Cadet Handbook.
I agree to never willfully do or say anything that brings discredit to the NJROTC unit, the school or the U.S. Navy.
I understand that in order to participate in the program, I must be able to participate in my high school's P.E. program as well as submit a completed FI-ISL Sports Physical Examination form.
I understand that if I fail to comply with any of the above agreements, I am subject to removal from the NJROTC program. I further understand that removal from the program after the official "drop-add" date will result in a full year failure of the NJROTC COURSE
I have read and understand my obligations as an NJROTC cadet.
Cadet signature Date
I understand the obligation that my cadet has made to NJROTC and agree to support her/ him in carrying out those obligations.
Parent/ Guardian Signature Date