Frequently Asked Questions

Yes all students enrolled in an AP course are expected to pay for and sit for the exam.

Yes! All students enrolled in AP courses are required to sit for the AP exam.

You should immediately email the AP coordinator and let her know as you will take one exam during the regular testing window and one of them during the late testing window. As long as this is set up before November 15 there is no additional fee. If you realize this after that date you may have to pay an additional $40.

Unfortunately, there are no formal funding programs beyond College Board and the State's subsidies programs. Nauset does not have any monies for fees. We encourage students to set aside money from their summer jobs or create their own fundraiser. 

If you know this prior to March 15th, then yes you may request the late exam and pay the additional fee. If you realize this after March 15th, then you would not be able to switch the date of your exam.

See the page on accommodations, then talk with your guidance counselor to start the process.

You will need to let your teacher and the AP Coordinator know this in advance as they will need to make sure you are scheduled to be in the correct location and you will need to sign some paperwork. You may not make changes once AP testing begins.

Go see your guidance counselor. Sometimes they can help get students qualified for the reduced fee but will need to justify the decision to the College Board and/or state. The AP Coordinator has no authority to change the set fees.

Immediately contact your AP teacher, AP Coordinator, and a fellow student in the class. Sometimes they can still let you in the testing space if the students are still completing the registration forms. However, once testing begins no students will be allowed to enter. You will have to request late testing, pay an additional fee of $40, and hope the College Board approves and is able to mail a late exam in time. There are no guarantees.