March 23 1970, was the birthday of a little girl

named Gray Bainn who was 10 years old, she

wanted a doll very much, so the next morning she

and her father went to an unknown toy shop which

immediately turned out to be creepy.

Once inside, she saw a doll similar to her called

Anna, so she asked her dad to buy it!!

The shopkeeper, with a cultured and refined face,

told Gray that this doll should never be left alone.

All happy, the child arrived home and the first thing

she did, was to play with Anna.

After three days, Gray left with her family and Anna

for a vacation, in America, in a vacation home.

After arriving on the spot, she immediately went

with her mother and father to play football.

When evening came, Gray and Anna went on the

swing to play before eating, but after ten minutes,

Mom called Gray for dinner at the restaurant and

they forgot the doll outside the house, all alone.

At the end of the evening, the family went home,

and once they arrived they went to sleep.

During the night Anna took revenge for being left

alone and, at 24.00, there was a sound of footsteps that came closer and closer. 

In the silence of the night he heard a demonized little voice saying: GRAYYYY GRAYYYYY GRAYYYY;

The little girl hid under the covers and Anna, after killing Gray's parents, plunged the sharp blade of the knife into the girl's body.

Following this, everything was silent forever in that house.

BY Matteo C -1D