A young couple was on the first vacation together. Since they had little

money, the two had decided to save, going to some camping;

But they had not booked, and when they arrived in the area where they

had thought to sleep, they had found the campsites all full.

The alternative was to go to the hotel and spend something more, but

the boys were young and confident: they decided to camp with their tent

in a nearby forest.

They were too excited to think about the risks of such a thing.

They left the car and walked through the trees for a long time, so they

found a suitable place. They put their backpacks down, took out the tent

and started putting it up.

The girl took some pictures with her cell phone and, doing so, she

noticed that there was no signal in the area.

They were really isolated. Soon after, however, she noticed something

strange: the smartphone picked up a wi-fi signal.

They were quite far from any house or town, yet the connection was

there, simply called "Free".

They both tried to connect and found that the internet was working fine:

they could post a selfie on Instagram and wrote a post on Facebook.

After setting up the tent, however, a curiosity arose; if there was a wi-fi

network, it meant that somewhere in the woods there was some other

campers, maybe with a little hotspot.

They didn’t see any 3G network, but maybe this other lover of the

woods had a subscription with a better operator. It would have been

nice to find it and get acquainted. But how to do it?

The boy had an idea. It was enough to move in one direction by

counting the steps until the network had become unreachable. Then,

once back at the tent, move in two other different directions and repeat

the operation.

So, counting the steps, He could do a triangulation and finded an

indicative area.

It took them half an hour to do everything but, once they arrived at the

place identified by their calculations, they found nothing.

The boy carefully examined the terrain around, thinking that maybe a

previous camper had lost his router: nothing.

Suddenly, the wi-fi network shut down. They looked at each other in

amazement and could not explain; however, they decided to go back to

the tent, since it was getting dark.

When they arrived, however, they found something unexpected: T

their backpacks had been opened and emptied and the tent destroyed!

There were no more blankets, no more food. They started looking

around, worried. What happened? It couldn’t have been an animal,

because the things left were arranged very neatly. Frightened, they

decided to run in the car and go to a hotel, but in the end, they

abandoned this idea and they went back on thesite. With increasing

anxiety, they came to the place where they had left the car and they

realized it was gone. Someone had stolen the car too. On the other

hand, the keys were in the backpack. Or were they just lost? The girl

demanded him to be calm and to call someone, since now the signal

was probably back.

As soon as the boy turned on the phone, he noticed that there was

another wi-fi network there. Unluckely the name was no longer "Free".

It was "Run"!

BY Diego - 3D