Click HERE to be taken to the Great Lakes SCRIP Center
Scrip is gift certificates that you buy at the store. Many popular retailers participate in our scrip program, see the enclosed list of retailers and order form.
You’re probably asking yourself how these stores help us raise money. It’s simple—scrip participating retailers agree to sell gift certificates to our organization at a discount. Member families like yours buy the certificates for full face value, they redeem them for full face value, our school keeps the difference as revenue and the profits go towards your family profit obligation.
FOR EXAMPLE - Chipotle Scrip gives back 10% for each gift card purchase. If you purchase a $50 Chipotle gift card through our Scrip program, then $5 of that purchase comes back to our school and is applied to your family's profit obligation!
And scrip is exciting, because everyone wins. The retailer gets cash up front and repeat business…
You get a powerful fundraising alternative that involves No Selling…
Our school gets a regular source of revenue.
The beauty of scrip is that you put your regular household shopping dollars to work. You earn money for our school without spending a single additional penny. Just spend your regular shopping dollars with scrip at the stores that participate in the scrip program! And scrip can be used for just about any household purchase including food, clothing, entertainment, gasoline and even dining out.
All cards can be used to shop online at the retailer’s site using the serial numbers on the back of the card.
Scrip is available for purchase Mon-Thurs. 7A-3P and Friday 7A-12P in the church office.
A large local inventory is available, however special orders are also accepted from the list of vendors enclosed. Please take a moment to look over the SCRIP order form. You may be surprised at all we have to offer.
You may also send an order form in with payment and the order will be returned the same day in your child’s backpack. We will be ordering bi-weekly, the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. All orders must be in by 10am on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month for ordering. Example: You place a special order on Monday May 10th, you will receive your order no later than Friday, May 14th. You place an order at the end of the day on Tuesday, May 11th, you will receive your order no later than Friday, May 21st. Please plan accordingly!
Did you know you can order Scrip online?? Forget to buy your Chipotle gift card? You can sign on to OR use the mobile app and get a gift card right on your phone to make your purchase. It’s that easy! Ask your coordinator for directions on how to sign up. Many of your cards are re-loadable. Please do not try to sign up on your own. Contact the Scrip Coordinator first.
We are a volunteer non-profit organization. If your check is an NSF (Non-sufficient funds), you are responsible for the amount of the check plus $15 charged by our bank. If you have someone buying scrip in your name, please be aware if there is a problem with their check and they are not taking care of the NSF you will not get receive your profit for the scrip. Any NSF that is not paid in full, may result in being sent to Porter County Prosecuting Attorney Bad Check Restitution Program after all avenues of recovery have been met. Postdated checks are never accepted.
For additional information and questions feel free to contact our coordinator: