
"Controlled and Graceful Aggression Through Explosion"

Musts for Hurdlers

* Attack and be relentless

* There is NO hesitancy or fear

* Violently push into a tall running posture

* Smooth violence

* Push


* The short hurdle races are 100m Hurdles for Women  

* Sprint over 10 equally spaced barriers 

* Requires speed (especially for women), power, coordination, and balance 

* Consistency of a mechanically sound runner brings success

* The women's 100m Hurdle race consists of 10 hurdles set at 33" in height. 

* The distance to the first hurdle is 13m and the distance between 8.5m

* The final run after the last hurdle is 10.5m. 


* A smooth, explosive start and maximum acceleration to the first hurdle is the goal to attain the fastest possible rhythm and optimal time between the hurdles.

* Most women will employ 8 strides to the first hurdle. Although there are women who use 7, the standard thinking is 8 shorter strides from the blocks will permit greater acceleration than 7 longer strides. The 8-step hurdler is more likely to carry a quicker rhythm over the hurdles because the hurdler has 1 more stride than the 7-step hurdler to exert force.

* The start of the race should be attacked with a push for the first 4-5 strides that one would see in normal sprint acceleration. The last 3-4 strides should see a more upright body position to prepare for the first hurdle clearance. Looking up too soon and popping up too quickly should be avoided. 

* The goal of the hurdler is to create the greatest amount of force to the track in the shortest amount of time (called impulse). Athletes should be reminded to think of "pushing" as in "pushing up a hill," applying force downward to push to vertical. Often athletes will "reach" instead of applying downward force.

* A hurdler who competes in other sprint events should use the same block settings in those events as they use for the lead leg/ trail leg in the hurdles.

* Breathing Model: The breath should be held as you go up in to the set position in the blocks and a quick breath blown out (exhale) at hurdles 1-3-5-7-9. Elite hurdlers will likely use a 1-4-7-10 model of breathing. The reasoning is an athlete can produce more force when actively holding their breath . Sustained maximum motor firing can only be maintained for approximately 2 1/2 seconds and athletes who can master the breathing model will be at a distinct advantage.

* The goal to the first hurdle is to generate velocity through the barrier and to increase the stride frequency for the succeeding hurdles. A fast time to the first hurdle, as many athletes and coaches think, does not always set the hurdler up for optimal success in the succeeding hurdles.