Enrichment Activity #5 - Make LED Paper Pop-up Cards & 3D Print Creations

Homemade cards are some of the coolest and creative things to make and to give people. The rise in the popularity of the Silhouette cutting and laser cutting machines - such as Cricuts and GlowForges has really given us many opportunities to design, create and even code unique cards and projects to personalize the learning, yet enhance the giving and receiving experience.

This enrichment activity is offering much creative choice to either create an LED pop-up card from an Instructables guide, or paper art shadow box or even a 3D print paper shadow box to depict a scene to best represent “Her-Story” of your interviewee. A very special shout out to Jennifer Maker - a "DIY extraordinaire" of her linked paper art resources and embedded video clip to inspire you with your maker and designer creations with this activity.

Within each of the provided links above you will discover the step-by-step tutorials that are provided to make your LED pop-up window cards or paper shadow boxes or the 3d printed shadow boxes.