Enrichment Activity #10 - Create a Vision or Dream Board

First inspire your students with this Girls with Ideas Leadership Style Quiz to help them identify their vision and goals. Then introduce this enrichment activity on the topic of vision boards, where students put on their creative leadership and designer hats to create a vision board to represent their best self through artistic expression, designing, creating and making a tangible or digital project of your "Her-Story." It should focus on your hopes and dreams of their career driven passions, that are reflective of STEM and/or CS interests, or an educational passion. It should also showcase how they will contribute to a greater world of good by their positive influence, goals and action steps, and contributions to support others with an empathetic mindset.

FREE tools to design the vision board project could include: Adobe Spark, Google Slides, Book Creator, SWAY, or you choice of maker, art and craft supplies.

*Checkout the step-by-step vision board presentation below to help you get started with many design elements to tell your “Her-Story.”