March Character Trait 


Integrity - means to have the courage to tell the truth and be honest in all things. Being trustworthy to do what is asked of you. 

Examples Of Integrity 

Telling the truth.

Not talking about someone behind their back.

Studying for a test.

Doing your own homework.

Not stealing from others.

Keeping  your friend’s secret.

Not gossiping

* Not Lying 

April Character Trait

                        Self Discipline 

Self Discipline-  means showing hard work and commitment to your responsibility. Working hard to improve and controlling inappropriate behaviors. Being in control of your words and actions. 

Examples of Self Discpline


 Playing a sport

Making Good Grades

Eating Healthy

Saving Money

Tutoring another student.

Learning a new skill.

May & June Trait


Perseverance - Being persistent in reaching your goals in spite of how hard things may be. Showing patience and having  determination and strength to try again when you make mistakes or fail at something.

Examples of Perseverance

Graduating High School.

Making Honor Roll.

 Completing a 1000-piece puzzle.

Learning how to swim.

 Teaching your dog to do tricks.

Learning how to read.

Improving your math skills.

Getting a black belt in Karate