Bully Prevention 

Bullying can be defined as behavior that is intended to intimidate, discredit, injure or disturb a student/group of students to the point that the behavior causes mental/physical harm. Bullying is not a one time incident. It is done over and over again to a targeted student or group  of students. 

Bullying can be done face-to-face, written, posted on a website or sent through instant messaging or text messaging.  

 What Should I Do About Bullying?

If you are a student who is a target of bullying or you see an act of bullying happening to someone else, you should let a teacher, counselor or the principal know immediately.

If you are a staff member who witnesses bullying or if an incident is reported to you, you are required by GCS to report it to the principal.

If you are a parent whose child reported to you that they have been bullied you can complete a GCS bully report on your child's behalf or contac your child's school to report the incident. 

Bullying, harassment and discrimination are serious and will not be tolerated and we encourage you to report by telling an adult and using the Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination form at your school or online (Refer to Report Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination).

Please check out  GCS website for more information on bullying.

