The Artistic Process

In order to think like an artist, one must develop their critical thinking, problem solving and creativity skills.  This is best achieved by participating in the creative or artistic process.  This encourages students to experiment and grow in mediums and subjects of their choice.  Students will start with an idea or inspiration and then continue developing their ideas through planning, research, practice and more until ready to create the work. Once a piece is created, students will critique, get peer and teacher feedback, and revise until they are satisfied with their work, ending the process with presenting and reflecting on their final piece. 

Find Inspiration

Themes – Media/Equipment – Process – Experiences – Guiding Questions – New/Career Skills – Other Artists (Historical/Career)

Develop Ideas

Plan – Research – Sketch – Experiment – Brainstorm – Journal/List – Learn/Practice – Tutorials/Demos

Create Work

Produce Work – Evaluate/Analyze Work – Revise – Rinse & Repeat :)

Reflect & Present

Document – Record – Critique – Discuss – Respond – Curate – Write

Art of Ed Poster:  Artistic Process vs. Scientific Method

Web Article: The Creative Process by Matt Fussell

ACTIVITY: Artist Process Student Questionnaire