Process Portfolio

Since student artists will be assessed based on their participation in the creative “artistic process,” a process portfolio will be created and maintained on a daily to weekly basis in order to record each phase of the process and therefore the artists’ progress and finished artwork.

There are many ways to create a process portfolio, but for our class purposes we are going to use Adobe CC Express “portfolio” option. CC Express will be demonstrated in class.  Several process portfolio samples will be shared in class as well. 

Resource: YouTube Tutorials on CC Express Portfolios

Questions to Guide Process Statements & Reflection:

·  Where did you find inspiration? Who, what and why did it inspire you?

·  What was your big idea for your choice project?

·  How did you remix your inspirational source/s with your own ideas?

·  What new skills and/or techniques did you learn or practice?

·  How did you incorporate new skills/techs into your work?

·  What was your intended meaning/message behind your work?

·  How does your artwork reflect personal feelings, interests, experiences, culture?

·  How could your art be interpreted differently by your audience?

·  Was collaborating with others and receiving feedback beneficial to the artistic process?

·  How did you overcome challenges during the artistic process?

·  What decisions/revisions did you have to make during the artistic process?

·  Did your final work differ from your original idea and plans?  

·  How was your art influenced by your community, culture, or traditions?

·  How do you envision your learning/experience to impact your future art projects?

Finished art pieces will be showcased in your Artsonia Gallery. You will write/curate an artist statement there.  Make sure to pull from your amazing, documented reflections in your process portfolio for this final statement.  The Artsonia artwork title and statement will be used for other art shows as required.

Resource:  How to Write an Artist Statement - All You Need to Know by Gurpreet Singh