
Hi everyone,

This poster is part of a Nationwide writing task. The task for each class is to tell a little bit about themselves in the poster. We also wrote some awesome metaphors to send to our buddy school as well.

We all had a hand in putting it together yesterday. Great job Room 15!

Writing prompt

Dear parents,

It’s been awhile since I last posted. We have had a very busy last couple of weeks with Camp and the supporting activities beforehand.

A big thank you to all of you who attended.

Room 15 had a fabulous time and there is still a lot talk about the experience.

Thursday (yesterday) I sent out some QR codes for seesaw and it has come to my attention that some of the QR Codes are not working! I am not sure why but kindly find attached the following link from Seesaw. I hope this helps! We have started using it and I have some more to post.

Over the next few weeks in Mathematics we will be reviewing and developing addition/subtraction of double digits, making ten, doubles and tidy numbers to add/sub as well as place value up to 1000, Hundreds, Tens and Ones.

Have a great weekend.


Subject: Sign up for Seesaw to receive important updates from Rm 15

Dear Families,

This year we are using Seesaw to share and communicate with families! Your child will post to Seesaw to share their learning. I'll also use Seesaw to send you messages and reminders. Seesaw is private; you'll only see posts created by your child.

Please Sign Up Now

  1. Click on this link:
  2. Choose your child from the list
  3. Create your account
  4. Once I approve you, you can see content from your child

After you sign up, download the free Seesaw Family app and sign in. You can also access Seesaw from a computer at

Thank you for supporting your child's learning!

Cathy Morron

P.s. If you used Seesaw last year or have more than one child using Seesaw, follow the link above, then click the 'Sign in' tab at the top of the screen. You do not need to create a new account.

Hello and welcome to Room 15!

Hello and welcome to Room 15! My name is Cathy Morron and I have recently returned to New Zealand from a period of living and teaching in the U.A.E. It was a wonderful cultural experience, travelling and meeting people from all around the globe. However, I am happy to be back in this rather lush, green, outdoor living environment. I enjoy the freedom of being able to be outside, for most of the year!

For students, moving into Year 4 is not only a year of deeper understanding and learning but also one of building and developing independence. Students will be expected to take ownership and responsibility of their learning, environment and materials. Together we can support them in this journey towards being the best version of themselves, always doing their best and achieving success in their learning. I am looking forward to meeting with you over the coming weeks and/or at our picnic. I have already experienced a warm and welcoming embrace from Torbay School. It has such a positive feel and I am thrilled to be a part of this learning community.


Our Library time this year is Wednesday. Please help your child to understand that they need to return their books on this day. Because they are becoming more independent readers, we encourage our learners to choose at least 1 chapter book to read at home, and 1 to have at school to read independently.

Year 4 is a time when children become increasingly advanced, more competent and independent readers. Reading lessons therefore, have a much greater focus on reading for meaning and enjoyment as opposed to just decoding the text. Many children will be reading lengthier stories which may require up to a week to read, discuss and complete follow up activities. This means your child may not be sent home an ‘instructional’ book to read each night. Nevertheless, your child is still expected to read at least four nights per week using books from their reading groups’ ‘pick box’, from the school or community library or from their own collections.

Arriving at School

Classrooms open from 8:30 am. If your child arrives earlier than this, they must wait outside the class or in the inquiry space if it is raining. School starts at 8:55am. Your child needs to be at school before the 8:55am bell – this will give them enough time to get themselves prepared for the day ahead. If your child is going to be late or sick, please phone the school office or download our school app. After school, children are not allowed on the playgrounds without adult supervision.


Independence is extremely important. You can help by letting them know it is their job to remember notes, homework, books, swimming gear etc. As Year 4 students, we will also be taking responsibility for our own belongings and learning. Some children may need guidance to make this a habit but ultimately remind them that it is their job! This also includes getting to school on time to put their books away, hand in notices, put their chair down and sharpen their pencil etc.


At Torbay School children are welcome to bring Brain Food. This is a snack sized portion of food that must be brought into the class at the beginning of the day. Brain food helps to maintain the glucose supply to the brain. Suitable food include: fresh peeled fruit/ vegetables, dried fruits (prunes/ apricots/ raisins and sultanas, plain unsalted popcorn.


Our swimming days are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Please provide named swimming togs, towel and sun screen in a swimming bag/ plastic bag. Students will be swimming two of the three sessions because of our rotation. We will start swimming in week 2.

Kindly find my email address is below and please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you,

Cathy Morron.