Term 4: week 4

Week 6 GLOW

  • Where is the light coming from? Is the girl the source of the lights?
  • Why might she be glowing?
  • Does she have any special abilities?
  • Can she control them?
  • Does she use them for good or bad?
  • Is she the only one?
  • What are her thoughts at this moment?

Create Character description of this person // What is their name? What do they look like??

Week 4 / 5 Your choice

Sentence challenge!

Fronted adverbials

A fronted adverbial goes at the beginning of a sentence.

It describes the verb in the sentence.

It describes where, when and how.

E.g. During the day, the animals sleep.

After sunset, the lady animals come to life.

Can you write your own sentence starting with one of the adverbials?

Story starter!

In the garden of life, nothing was quite as it seemed…

During the day, everything was peaceful. In fact, the garden was completely silent. The only sound that was ever heard during the day was a gentle whispering that seemed to be carried on the wind: a sweet melody of nature, celebrating the beauty of the earth and all creation.

The lady of the garden seemed to be sleeping. She lay there, motionless, all day.

Then, as the sun began to find its resting place beyond the clouds on the horizon, and darkness crept over the garden, an enormous, green eyelid suddenly opened. She was awake…

Can you continue the story about the garden of life? Describe the animals and creatures that magically come alive at night.

Sentence challenge!

Fronted adverbials

A fronted adverbial goes at the beginning of a sentence.

It describes the verb in the sentence.

It describes where, when and how.

E.g. For many years, the world she lived in had seemed miserable and grey.

As she watched the balloon soaring upwards, a glimmer of hope sparked inside her.

Question time!

Why do you think the balloon is red, where the rest of the drawing is black and white?

Who is the little girl, and why is she releasing the balloon?

What could have happened to the girl? Do you think the balloon symbolises anything?

How does this compare to other graffiti you have seen?

Do you think graffiti should be illegal?

Where do you think this photograph was taken?

Why do you think the artist created it?

Perfect picture!

Can you design a piece of graffiti that you could do in school? Remember: it has to be something that people will enjoy, and that your Headteacher would approve of!