Employer commitment and Training Plan

Due to changes in the Apprenticeship Funding rules in August 2022, this section has been split into two.

Training plans (for courses starting after Sept 2022)

All employers, mentors and apprentices should receive a copy of their profession specific training plan before the course starts and you will be able to access this via Maytas. This training plan highlights activities that can be completed as off-the-job-learning to support the academic learning running alongside. For each academic module on the course there will be guidance on what workplace learning could be completed before, during and after the module. This will also include activities that help prepare apprentices for assessment.

Please do refer to this and discuss with your apprentice their individual learning needs alongside this. Your role as a mentor should be to support and facilitate activities (as suggested on the training plan) and new learning opportunities (off-the-job learning) to  support achievement of the KSBs for end-point assessment.

Here is an example of how the training plan can be used to support research themes throughout the course and specifically for 2 research modules: Evidence and Enquiry for Practice at level 5  and The Advnacing Professional at level 6
