Understanding MVPS Staff Health Benefits

Are you concerned or in need of supports and not sure how to access them?

Access to medical and health care supports during these uncertain times is available to MVPS staff and faculty through employee benefits.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Your EAP has a variety of excellent no-cost counseling services available to you and your family. Simply call our toll-free number day or night – 800.252.4555. All calls are answered by a counselor with advanced degrees and years of clinical experience. Most times, issues can be resolved in a call or two, but if you need ongoing help, we have a network of 40,000 counselors available either in person or via tele-health video and telephone counseling. We also offer a library of over 8,000 online trainings. Counselors regularly recommend these to help callers deal with underlying issues, such as financial management, conflict resolution, and stress management. These can help get to and resolve the root of the problem. 

My Telemedicine

FREE to ALL Cape Cod Municipal Health Group Members...That means you!

From Board-Certified Physicians to Master-level Therapists, MyTelemedicine is here for you when you NEED it most.

HIPAA Compliant! Download the App to your phone and or access the website from your computer. 


Your very own health portal! Explore every possible option to support your health and wellness by creating an account and logging in.

Other ways to Access Support Services

MV Psychotherapy.net

Psychology Today- Clinical Directory

Find a therapist, a psychiatrist, a treatment center, or a support group...

Whether you are looking for a local clinician to help support your therapeutic needs, or if you are interested in using Tele-therapy to do so, this database will help you access thousands of clinicians and supports right at your finger tips.