Trauma Responsiveness

Recognizing Signs and Symptoms of Grief in the Classroom and Supporting Students


Mental Health Emergency, Call or text 988 or go to the MV Hospital Emergency Dept.

Students and Youth Supports:

Telephone: 508-693-0189

Some examples of what you might say to students who respond to sudden loss or a traumatic event, or knowledge of a traumatic event:

Focus on the person's death and not on the details.

"It sounds like you heard...would you like to speak with someone more about that?"

You don't have to have the answers, just acknowledge emotions, thoughts, and feelings and help get support as appropriate.

 "That's interesting/important to me that you are wondering about that, let me see if I can get someone to help us talk through this." 

Validating and normalizing

"It is sad that person has died and is no longer with us. I am sad too..."

"Death does mean that we will never see that person again, it can leave us feeling alone, would you like to stay with the class and work on... or would you like to speak with someone about your thoughts/feelings?"

Let students know that death is not contagious and that they are safe.

 "Although all human beings will die at some point, death is not something that can be 'caught' and it is unusual for children to die. You have a lot of people here that care for you and that are not going to die right now."

Recognizing Signs and Symptoms of Grief in Ourselves and Others

Mental Health Emergency, Call or text 988 or go to the MV Hospital Emergency Dept.

Resources and Supports for Grief after a Sudden Loss or Traumatic Event:


For immediate, 24/7 assistance: CALL 781-433-0672

Telephone: 508-693-0189