Hawks S.O.A.R.

What is P.B.I.S.?

At Hardaway, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (P.B.I.S.) are used in order to establish and maintain a positive school climate. Hardaway's PBIS team works to establish behavioral norms through the behavioral norms of school pride, ownership, attitude, and respect. Expectations are set using the PBIS matrix as to where and how these behavioral norms can be shown. Interventions and supports are determined by data which is collected throughout the year, and behaviors that do not align with a positive, healthy school climate are addressed with this data-driven approach; conversely, positive behaviors are both rewarded and reinforced at the school-wide level.

All school faculty are involved in the collection of data, and parents, guardians, and other stakeholders (those involved in a student's education) are encouraged to participate in their students' academic careers to further strengthen and reinforce positive educational outcomes for their students. Faculty are involved in a multi-tiered support system that identifies students who are in need of targeted or individualized supports to help them achieve positive outcomes.

School Pride

Hardaway's PBIS Matrix

Using the SOAR matrix, expectations are laid out for key areas within the school.

In the hallways, students are encouraged to show school pride by doing things such as being on time to class. They can demonstrate ownership by adhering to the dress code and looking their best. Students can show a positive attitude through their consideration of others, and respect by cooperating with faculty and staff when directed to do so.

In the cafeteria, students can adhere to the PBIS matrix by keeping the space clean, cleaning up after themselves, being courteous to lunchroom staff and their peers, and patiently waiting to be served in line.

In restrooms, students can exhibit positive behaviors by keeping bathrooms clean and being hygienic after use, obtaining permission before going to the bathroom, and wisely using their time while there.

PBIS Team (Tier I)

Tier I: School and classroom wide. This applies to all students. This is largely relies on teachers having clear classroom behavior expectations, teaching them, and enforcing them. The school has the code of conduct that applies to all Hardaway students.

Coach/Coordinator: Mr. Larkin Shane

Administrator: Dr. Smith

PBIS Lessons Coordinator: Mrs. Hernandez

PBIS Leader: Mr. Schrage

Behavior Specialist/Lessons: Mrs. Garrett

Communications: Coach Mills

Data Analyst: Mr. Sweeney

Recorder: Mr. Alsup

Behavior Specialist/Data: Mrs. Spradlin

Rewards: Mr. Sturgeon

Rewards System