Instructional Resources

canvas logo


Canvas is the Learning Management System adopted and used by Muscogee County Schools. Canvas is the home to your virtual classrooms. Click here to visit the MCSD Canvas log-in. Parents can sign up as an observer on their students' courses and monitor their progress. Instructions on how to sign up as an observer can be found here.

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Clever is a single sign on digital learning platform. Students should log in with their unique credentials to access materials for their class such as Canvas, Office365, Zoom, Infinite Campus, etc..

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Infinite Campus (Parent)

Infinite Campus is the Student Information System used in Muscogee County. Teachers, students and parents have access to Infinite Campus. Student attendance, grades and other important information is housed here. Learn how to sign up with Parent Portal here.

Infinite Campus (Student)

Infinite Campus is the Student Information System used in Muscogee County. Teachers, students and parents have access to Infinite Campus. Student attendance, grades and other important information is housed here.