Learn More

Sex trafficking involves the recruitment, harboring, transporting, obtaining or providing a person for the purpose of a sexual act by use of force, fraud, or coercion in exchange for something of value. In cases where the individual is under the age of 18, the use of force, fraud, or coercion is not necessary to prove exploitation.

Get Informed


Here you will find an incredible toolkit created by a coalition in North Carolina. This Human Trafficking Prevention Toolkit goes over key areas to consider and is a must read for this work. Here is a shortened 2-page version.

What does this issue look like locally?

It is difficult to say exactly how many are involved in sex trafficking in Portland, Oregon and the rest of Multnomah County. We are grateful for the work of local individuals and groups who have worked hard to better understand the prevalence as well as the demographics of the populations that are impacted by this issue. What we know is that people who experience sex trafficking in our community are dis-proportionality people of color (specifically african-american/black), LGBTQIA, indigenous and differently-abled.

Dr. Christopher Carey and Lena Teplitsky of Portland State University Study (2009-2013)

Statistics from our human trafficking jail intelligence sergeant

As of July 2020, local jail intelligence shows currently 539 minors and 1,506 adults estimated to be victims of sex trafficking. Intelligence also shows 1261 suspected and prosecuted traffickers. There have been over 1,261 cited purchasers and 119 individuals charged with luring and purchasing a minor since 2009 in the Portland Metro Area.

Provider in the community?

Are you a health care provider?

EMT Training that also serves as a 101 for individuals working with this population.

Online Webinar: SANE response to Sex Trafficking (1.5 hours) from the Sexual Assault Task Force.

For Survivors:

This pamphlet (outside and inside) helps individuals identify their trafficking experience and learn about support.

Tips for Survivor Leaders Working in The Anti-Trafficking Movement

Receive or attend a training

To learn about local events/trainings open to the public, go to our Community Events & Announcements page.

Education, awareness, and training are important to combat sex trafficking.

We can help educate your community group, train professionals, or match you with experienced professionals in your field that have worked with commercially exploited youth.

Specialized presentations empower providers and work teams with useful tools applicable to their positions.

Contact sex.trafficking@multco.us with questions or suggestions.

Listen to Survivors

Here's what our lived experience Community Advisory Board experts recommend to improve anti-trafficking services: