About Lizzi McNeff

Image of Lizzie McNeff. Lizzi is an older white woman with medium length, red-brown hair. She is wearing a olive green top and is smiling. The background has a white table with beverage glasses on it. The photo is zoomed in on her from the collarbone, up.

Who was Lizzi McNeff?

"Lizzi" Elizabeth Ann McNeff was the Executive Director of Project Disability Awareness Resource Team (DART), a successful researcher and program developer, and an unparalleled advocate for people with disabilities and anyone experiencing abuse or neglect. Lizzi co-wrote the McNeff's Open Doors grant that allowed our community to continue the lifesaving work we all participate in. Lizzi unexpectedly passed away on April 22nd, 2016. Our collaboration continued our work under her name and in honor of her immense legacy.

About the Disability Awareness Resource Team (DART)

Founded by Lizzi McNeff, DART helps people with disabilities who have survived sexual assault, domestic violence, caregiver abuse, and other forms of victimization with:

Project DART is a program of HASL Center for Independent Living serving the greater Portland area. Located at the Gateway Center at 10305 E. Burnside St. in Portland, DART brings advocates and volunteers together to provide direct services to people with disabilities in the Portland Tri-county area.  DART is funded by various federal and local grants including Victims of Crime Act and Violence Against Women funding. Learn more about DART at their website.