Before Arrival
Temperature Check
Prior to entering a school building each person must check their temperature to ensure that it is under 100.4 degree F.
Health Screening Attestation
Prior to entering a school building each person must complete and submit a health screening attestation.
Masks/Face Coverings
Students and adults should also ensure that they have two face-coverings with them each day. Face coverings will be provided for those who forget theirs at home.
All students, faculty and staff are reminded that they must stay home if they feel sick.
Prior to leaving your home all students and adults are required to take their temperature and complete and submit the health screening attestation.
Students and adults should also ensure that they have two face-coverings with them each day. If you forget your face coverings at home the District will provide you with one.
Temperature Check
Prior to entering a school building each person must check their temperature to ensure that it is under 100.4 degree F.
If your student has a fever equal to or greater than 100.4 degree F, then your student must remain home and be fever free without fever reducing medication for 24 hours before returning to school. It is also strongly recommended that you contact your student's health care professional if you have not already done so.
In the event that a parent/guardian has not been able to check their child's temperature, school staff will conduct a temperature screening. Visitors will also be subject to temperature screenings.
Health Screening Attestation
Prior to entering a school building each person must complete and submit a health screening attestation via the Cleared4Class mobile application.
Questions include, have you in the last 10 days:
knowingly been in close contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or who has or had symptoms of COVID-19?
tested positive for COVID-19?
experienced any symptoms of COVID-19 as per the Center for Disease Control (CDC) website?
been placed on quarantine for possible contact with COVID-19?
traveled internationally or from a State with wide-spread community transmission of COVID-19 in the past 14 days?
have a COVID-19 test pending?
If you answered "Yes" your student is required to stay home from school. Please contact our school nurses. It is also strongly recommended that you contact your student's health care professional if you have not already done so.
Students and staff are required to notify the school when they develop symptoms or if their answers to the questionnaire change during or outside school hours.
Masks/Face coverings
Students and adults should ensure that they have two personal masks/face-coverings with them each day. Masks/Face coverings must cover your nose and mouth. The district will maintain an adequate supply of acceptable face coverings for school staff and students who forget their mask.
Masks/face coverings are meant to protect other people in case the wearer is unknowingly infected but does not have symptoms.
All students and staff members must wear masks/face coverings whenever they are in our buildings including in hallways; classrooms; restrooms; and other congregate settings, including buses.
Masks may be removed to eat lunch and during scheduled masks breaks.
Training will be provided on how to properly wear a mask/face covering, proper storage and, discarding of Personal Protective Equipment.
Face Shields
For optimal protection, when worn, the face shield must be used with a face mask and:
Extend below the chin anteriorly;
To the ears laterally;
There should be no exposed gap between the forehead and the shield’s headpiece;
Only be worn one person per shield;
Be cleaned between use; and
The wearer should wash their hands after removing the shield and before putting it on.
Requested Accommodations
Accommodations will be made for students and staff where such a covering would impair their health. If you are in need of such an accommodation, please contact your building's school nurse. Students and staff requesting an accommodation must provide a healthcare provider documentation stating they are not medically able to tolerate face covering and thus cannot be required to do so.
Information and resources to assist schools in instructing on the proper use and cleaning of facemasks are on the CDC webpage on cloth face coverings: