Marie E. Jackson

May 2, 1946 - May 14, 2012

Secretary for School Nurse 1982 - 1984, Librarian 1984, Paraprofessional - 2012

Marie Jackson (as she was called) originally worked for the Manchester Township School District from 1982 to 1984 as a secretary for school nurse Pat Sherwin, and then was transferred to the school library to work with Mrs. Lockenmeyer at Manchester Township High School. Jackson ended her tenure in June 1984 when she became pregnant with twins. After working in the medical field for 22 years Jackson came back to the Manchester Township School District in 2011 where she worked as a Paraprofessional for  special needs students at Manchester Township High School. Jackson was diagnosed with a rare form of Blood cancer and was going through monthly chemo treatments traveling to New York while working at the High School. When Jackson used up her sick time the entire Manchester Township School District donated their own sick days so Jackson would continue to have a salary as she worked at the High School while going through chemo treatments for blood cancer. Jackson worked on Friday, May 11, 2012 and no one would have ever known that, that would be the last day Manchester High School staff would see her. She died on Monday, May 14th, the day after Mother’s Day in 2012. Jackson’s memory will remain with us forever!