One of Jon's major outreach efforts is with the National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE), acting as a member of the Student Programs subcommittee (member in 2014, Student Programs committee chair in 2015 and 2016, Conference Chair in 2029). NOBCChE Student Programs is responsible for preparing a day of activities for student participants at the NOBCChE Annual meeting, covering topics such as fellowships, mentorship, resume/cover letter review, and communication skills.

In addition, we try to have some of our students present at NOBCChE, so that they can get practice with networking and presenting in a more collegial environment.

NOBCChE 2019 - St. Louis, MO

Theme: Gateway to Excellence

This was a big year for MHC's presence at the NOBCChE. Jon was the conference chair, leading a team of volunteers in organizing and running the event. Overall, there were about 550 attendees from a variety of disciplines, and a total of 64 sponsors and exhibitors supporting the conference. If you want to learn more, you can take a look at the Conference in Review.

In addition, four students (Peaches Goris, Kuzivakwashe Madungwe, and Marsophia Marcellus from the Ashby lab, and Chukwuamaka Onyewadume from Katie Berry's lab in Biochemistry) presented posters on their research at the meeting. They also participated in several professional development activities at the conference.

(L-R) Kuzie, Amaka, Jon, Peaches, Sophia

NOBCChE 2017 - Minneapolis, MN

Theme: We Are NOBCChE

Although Jon was unable to attend this year, the Ashby lab was still represented at NOBCChE! Destiny Williams (pictured on right) went to the conference to learn more about networking, presentations, and graduate programs.

In addition, she gave a poster on the research that she had conducted over the summer! A link to the poster PDF can be found here.

Destiny also ran into Dr. Reña Robinson (pictured on left), who was the 2017 Lucy Pickett Lecturer at Mount Holyoke College.

NOBCChE 2016 - Orlando, FL

Theme: Bridging Generations Through STEM

Student Participants at "Elevator Sessions @ NOBCChE", an open mic night where students can present elevator pitches about their research. Jon can be seen hiding in the back, right beneath the icosahedron on the banner.

Panelists for NOBCChE's Fellowship/Scholarship Panel, where students talk about their experiences with applying for awards and funding at all levels.