Document Resources

Materials for Language Teachers and Learners


Koine Communicative Core Vocabulary List

A list of 672 words. Sortable by part of speech, paradigm type, with authentic text examples.

Stick to this list to shield vocabulary.


Koine Communicative Phrasebook for Teachers

How do you say "blackboard" or "true or false" in Koine?

Some common and some not so common phrases in Koine.

Compiled from several resources.

VERBS - Paradigms.xlsx

Core Verb Paradigms

Find on the left a spreadsheet I maintain showing inflections of the most common verbs I use in class. Note that the annotation follows my view of Greek Voice. There are two Voices in Greek (Common Voice, Self-Affected Voice) and three patterns (σαι, ασθαι, θῆναι).

The MAIN tab is the most useful information, however do browse the other resources in this spreadsheet for teaching ideas.


Greek Corpus Research

Logos Bible Software has been my main tool for corpus research.

See Video Resources for some descriptions of the use of Logos.

See results of some more in depth searches in the spreadsheet on the left.


Student Greek Names

One of the most effective tricks I used in teaching the case forms was to give the students a variety of names, some from each of the declension patterns. Researching and deciding on those names took a great deal of time. The spreadsheet on the left should give a new teacher a great shortcut.

Δωροδότης, Αἰνέας, Ἀκύλας, Ζεβεδαῖος, Νικόλαος, Ἅγαβος, κτλ...

AUTOS Does Not Mean _He_.pdf

How to say "he, she, it" ?

The simpleest forms can cause problems. How does a person refer to "he" or "him" in conversational Koine.

Is it αὐτός or is it οὗτος ???

The definitive answer is given in fruits of my deep study on the question found in a 10,000 word essay on the left.