Prezi Lesson on Greek Voice
One of the more difficult concepts in Ancient Greek to teach is the the Self-Affected Voice (traditionally called “Middle Voice”). Using Prezi and hand drawn sketches, I attempted to do this inductively. The lesson is ten minutes long.
Advice for Starting a List-Serve to promote a Community of Practice
I have found engagement with a community of practice to be tremendously valuable in my teaching. A "community of practice" is any group of people who practice what you do. In the case of teachers, getting together with other teachers who have a similar practice is probably the best, easiest, and most immediate way of improving. In the essay below, I review my experience initiating a listserve (Google Group) for discussion of Ancient Greek teaching and learning. Paul D. Nitz
Teaching with Tech - Flashcards for Vocabulary Learning?
For a very long time, I thought the flashcard type of vocabulary learning was entirely useless. I still believe that vocabulary is largely learned through reading, but I no longer entirely discount intentional learning of lists of gloss definitions. Paul D. Nitz
Appropriate Technology in Language Teaching
Tech can be useful, but if you want to introduce it, make it appropriate to the context in which you teach. Just because some tech might work in an ideal environment, doesn't mean we should employ it in a less than idea environment. Be realistic. Paul D. Nitz
Use of Voice Thread in Asynchronous Communication in Ancient Greek - A Video Example
I found VoiceThread to be one of the easiest pieces of tech to start up and use. From visiting the site to using the VoiceThread tool was perhaps 5 minutes. And, it fills a void. It's like WhatsApp, only much better, at least for language learning exchanges. View the sample below of a few of us discussing a picture in Koine. Paul D. Nitz
At this sub-site, you'll find my recommendations for GO-TO technology in my language teaching experience. Paul D. Nitz