Teacher Aide

hi everyone!

My name is Caroline and I am the teacher aide in room 8. I started at Manurewa South School as a T.A in 2016, left after a term and worked as a T.A at 3 other schools but returned to MSS in 2018 and have been here since. Last year I took on a challenge to study to become a teacher and will hopefully have accomplished this come 2023. At our school you will find me smiling or laughing because everything about my job makes me happy!

I enjoy being a teacher aide because I get to work with and support students individually. I love being amazed by what these children can do. I enjoy the challenge of setting tasks for students with different abilities and I am both surprised and proud of the range of solutions they come up with. Although the job is pretty routine with same time and days each week, it is guaranteed that no two days are the same!