Latest News

54th National Skills Competition Southern Regional Contest 

Students at Sanmin Vocational High School have achieved excellent results in business software design, fashion creation, hotel reception, Chinese cuisine cooking, and national service. Nearly 80% of the students have qualified for the national competition, where they will have the opportunity to compete against the top talents from across the country. We look forward to them also achieving outstanding results at the national level. 

International Culture

We invite foreigners to our school's culinary department to prepare Chinese dishes. This enables us to establish sister school relationships during exchanges with other countries and their institutions. 

Sports Festival

At our school, the sports day allows third-year students to wear different costumes to participate in the relay races. It's a fun and enjoyable event. 

Israeli Restaurant

Our school's bilingual teaching takes place in an Israeli restaurant, where students learn local customs and practice ordering in English within the restaurant setting.