Physical Education 6-8

Mr. Elledge and Mrs. Leuschen

Physical Education 6

The sixth grade physical education program is co-educational and provides students opportunities to demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary to maintain lifelong participation in exercise. Sixth grade physical education emphasizes continued development of skills and lead-up games in a variety of lifetime activities with a concentration on team activities, individual activities and physical fitness. (Alternate days) 

Physical Education 7

The seventh grade physical education program is co-educational and is designed to provide students with a variety of opportunities to continue demonstrating knowledge and skills, while participating in team and individual activities. The purpose of the seventh grade program is to provide students with continued opportunities to develop skills and individual fitness through exercise. (Alternate Days 

Physical Education 8

The eighth grade physical education program is co-educational and is designed to expand students’ exposure by demonstrating competency, while participating in team and individual activities with a concentration on individual fitness and exercise. This program emphasizes application of skills and sport knowledge through modified game participation.