
Why join orchestra?

Orchestra is where you advance your ability to play your string instrument through learning different types of music! It is also where you make lifelong friends that you get to have orchestra class with all the way through high school! 

What do we do in orchestra?

In 6th grade, you can expect to have two evening concerts, with a dessert reception afterward. You are also invited to Vala's Pumpkin Patch, Fiddle Fest, the Solo & Small Ensemble Recital, and to perform the national anthem at a baseball game!

How does the schedule work?

Orchestra, band, and choir take place during GSP (study hall). If you are only in orchestra, you will have it three times per week. If you are in two ensembles, you will have each ensemble two times per week. You will receive a schedule of your days that you have orchestra at the beginning of the school year. 

Who leads this crazy train?

Mrs. Dymond is the orchestra teacher at Russell Middle School. She also teaches at a couple of the elementary schools as well. Want to ask her an orchestra question or just say hi? Email her at jjdymond@mpsomaha.org!

Want to check out the Russell Orchestra Website? 

Click HERE:)