
Volume 17 | Issue 2 | December 2021

Upcoming Dates

January 5, 2022 - Building Data Digs & Teacher Work Day

January 17, 2022 - MLK Day Staff Development - Salaried Staff

February 16, 2022 - Hourly Staff Development (in-person)

February 16-17, 2022 - Conferences/Work Day/Building Professional Development

February 21, 2022 - Orientation for New Salaried Staff (in-person)

Maintaining Academic Rigor while Providing Social and Emotional Support  

Add more tools to your tool belt for both.

Have you ever said something to a student and then immediately regretted it? Sometimes it is hard to know what to say, and almost all teachers blurt something unfiltered that they soon want to take back. Below are 7 sayings to add to your "teacher language" to create a supportive and empowering atmosphere. Click on the image below to read the entire article from Edutopia.

In our post-pandemic school life, it is important to find a healthy balance between academic growth and social and emotional health.  In her ASCD presentation, Jen Schwanke from Dublin City School District identifies specific steps to consider when focusing on academics while restoring students' experiences. These include:

Click on the image above to read more strategies.

A New Kind of Choice

Giving students choice can motivate them to show what they have learned.  Sometimes having too much freedom in that choice is overwhelming.  If you have ever tried a choice board before, you may have experienced students’ confusion with having too many new types of activities to choose from.  One option is to try a Progressive Choice Board.  The first time you use the progressive choice board in class, give a few options.  These might be things you have already done as a whole class assignment, so students know how to use the technology involved and understand the process.  Click here for an example progressive choice board, and click here to read more about Progressive Choice Boards from Ditch That Textbook. Learn about different options to include and how to successfully introduce new activities to your choice boards.

Digital Options for Time-Tested Strategies

Using the Comment Bank to Give Feedback

Check out this video!

Support from Leadership and Learning

“You’ve Got a Friend in Me” 

Life happens and sometimes we are gone from our classrooms. Lucky for us, we’ve got friends! Guest Teachers (substitutes) are at a premium again this school year. In an effort to help support our Guest Teachers, Human Resources and Leadership & Learning worked together to provide a lovely appreciation breakfast and a workshop on classroom management tips and tools.  From the success of the workshop and feedback from participants, a website was created especially for our Guest Teachers. 

To Do:

(Path: MPS Homepage>Departments> HR>Documents> Substitute  Teachers>Substitute Teacher Resources)

MPS Induction - Aquire...Refine...Extend

Click here to view the website

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Other Professional Development Resources
including Upcoming Opportunities

Scholarship Opportunities

Millard teachers who are working toward additional certification or continuing education may choose to apply.  Spring 2022 applications are being accepted.  The form is submitted electronically.  Deadline for Spring 2022 applications is Wednesday, January 26, 2022.    Click here  to review scholarship options.  Please review the application carefully to determine eligibility and be sure to submit all the required documentation.

Superintendent-Approved Graduate Classes

While our scholarships may support both graduate and undergraduate courses as needed, only approved, graduate level courses will qualify for salary advancement in the Millard Public Schools.  Please make sure you complete an “Application for Graduate Credit Approval” prior to the beginning of the course if you plan to seek salary advancement. The application is available on the Human Resources Website and then by selecting Application for Graduate Course Approval.