
Volume 15 | Issue 1 | September 2019

Upcoming Dates

October 16 - Hourly Staff Development

October 16-17 Conferences/Work Day/Building Professional Development

January 3, 2020 - Winter Orientation for New Salaried Staff

2019-2020 Required Training

All About Boundaries

Drug-Free Workplace

Suicide Awareness & Prevention (Kognit0) - Due September 30!

See this flyer for more details.

What is TeachUP?

Dr. Sutfin describes Teach UP as a growth mindset. Millard staff should be “aiming for the ceiling”. We should be living out our Mission’s belief statements:

  • All people can learn.

  • High expectations promote higher achievement.

  • Our greatest resource is people.

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kids teachUP cut.mp4

Google Priority Drive - Game Changer!

Click picture to view short video on this amazing option when using Google Drive!

Register for Technology Open Forum in Better & Better! Face-to-face and virtual options are available.

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2019-2020 PIE Topics

2019-2020 Pie topics are listed on this document. As part of our TeachUP theme, we are having a laser focus on academics! Several teacher and administrator building leaders gathered on June 6 to plan your Building Learning Plan. Be sure to click this document for complete information.

Trust, Teamwork, and Culture: Find Your Marigold

Your mentoring relationship is built on trust and teamwork.

Daniel Coyle, author of The Culture Code, shares three ways to foster trust and teamwork:

  • Build safety to make everyone feel comfortable in working together.

  • Share vulnerability to show no one needs to be perfect.

  • Establish purpose through a common goal and a clear path to get there.


Implementation of our Millard Public Schools Strategic Plan is Underway!

Millard Public Schools strives toward our lofty aspiration - our mission.

The mission of the Millard Public Schools is to guarantee each student demonstrates the character, knowledge, and skills necessary for personal excellence and responsible citizenship through an innovative, world-class educational community that engages and challenges all students.

We have 14 beliefs that are the expression of our fundamental values, ethical codes, and our overriding convictions and principles. We hold ourselves to our parameters which are our established guidelines, our self-imposed regulations...really, they are the things we will always do and things we will never do.

Each of us were hired to embody these beliefs. As employees we should be dedicated to achieving our mission and objectives. In 2019-2020, we will implement a new action plan (2.3). Check out the implementation schedule for this year.

How can you help with the implementation of our Strategic Plan? Visit with your supervisor for ideas.

Scholarship Opportunities

Millard teachers who are working toward additional certification or continuing education may choose to apply. Spring 2020 applications are now being accepted. This year the form is submitted electronically. Deadline for Spring 2020 applications is January 29th. Click here to review scholarship options. Please review the application carefully to determine eligibility and be sure to submit all the required documentation.

Superintendent-Approved Graduate Classes

While our scholarships may support both graduate and undergraduate courses as needed, only approved, graduate level courses will qualify for salary advancement in the Millard Public Schools. Please make sure you complete an “Application for Graduate Credit Approval” prior to the beginning of the course if you plan to seek salary advancement. The application form is available on the Human Resources Website and then by selecting Application for Graduate Course Approval.