Aassaaska Gundhiga

Climate Framework - Somali_Compressed.mp4

Kala wareejinta 6 Meelaha Jawiga illaa 4 Qiimaha Jawigadeegaanka waxbarasho

6da aag asalka ah waxaa laga soo xulay moodooyinka jawiga iskuulka iyo dadaallada hada ka socda degmada. Waxay si fiican ugu adeegeen hawsha bilowgii sidii Guddigeena Hagidda iyo Xoogagga Hawsha xoogga u saareen qaybaha cimilada. Markay shaqeenayeen, waxay bilaabeen inay ogaadaan iskudhafka Bayaanka Caqiidada ee la qorayay. Xaqiiqdii, waxaa jiray iskudhaf maxaa yeelay Hawlgal kasta wuxuu ogaa inay jiraan qiyam ka waaweyn oo loo baahan yahay in laga wada sarreeyo dhammaan Jawiga deegaanka waxbarashada.

Fikirkaas waxaa lagu xaqiijiyay sahan xog uruurinta Jawiga deegaanka waxbarashada oo u bixiyey qoysaskeena bishii Juun - dadku waxay qiimeeyeen 6-da Aag ka dibna waxay sharaxeen sababta xulashooyinkooda sare ay muhiim ugu ahaayeen iyaga. Mar labaad, qiimayaashan guud ayaa soo baxay. Ka dib markii wareegii koowaad ee hawlgelinta uu dhammaaday horraantii Sebtember 2020, Xoogagga Hawsha waxay eegeen ra'yi-ururintii la soo ururiyey ilaa heerkaas waxayna ka shaqeeyeen qaabkii cusbaa ee sharraxidda Bayaannada Aaminka.

Qaabkaan cusub wuxuu leeyahay afar Qiime. Qiime kasta waxaa loo qeexaa si ballaaran ka dibna waxaa u kala jabiya fasalka, shaqaalaha, ka qeyb qaadashada qoyska & bulshada, iyo dhismayaasha.

Ogoosto 18, 2020 Bandhigga Guddiga - Guji halkan si aad u hesho fiidiyoowga

Ka qeyb qaadashada Geedi socodka

Nidaamkaani wuxuu ku guuleysan doonaa oo keliya ujeedadeena oo aan ku darno codadka kuwa ay saameynta ku yeelatay tan dhammaan bulshada Dugsiyada Dadweynaha Minneapolis. Tani waa caqabad, laakiin waxay muhiim u noqon doontaa isbeddel dhab ah oo waara. Waxaa muhiim ah in la ogaado in ka qayb qaadashada qaabeynta ay hadda bilaabmeyso, kaliya nidaamka lagu taageerayo dhismaha Qaab-dhismeedka jawiga deegaanka waxbarashada ee lagu qeexay, ee ma ahan qaabka laftiisa. Shaqadan hore waxay kujirtay aruurinta xogta imika jirta iyo waxqabadyada fasaladayada, iskuuladeena, waaxaheena, iyo cilmi baarista dibada si loo fahmo waxyaabaha guud ee wax looga qabanayo jawiga, laakiin ma tilmaamayso jihada Qaab dhismeedka jawiga wadajirka ah.

Fursadaha kaqeybgalka waxaa ka mid ah: Ka Qeybqaadashada kooxda latinta ee qoraalada aaminaada (oo hada socda), fursado jawaab celin balaaran oo loo maro habab kala duwan, iyo kaqeybgal buuxa ee heerarka dugsiga iyo waaxyada (ardayda, qoysaska, shaqaalaha, iyo hogaamiyaasha) xirfadaha iyo hirgalinta maxaliga ah Qorshaha Cimilada si loo gaaro hadalada la aaminsan yahay

Click here to see the recommendations for Summer/Fall 2020 engagement from the Steering Committee

Kheyraadka la Xiriira Jawigada waxbarasho ee hada laga adeegsado Degmadeena

National Center for School Climate 6 areas:

  1. Safety

  2. Teaching & Learning

  3. Interpersonal Relationships

  4. Institutional Environment

  5. Social Media

  6. Staff Specific

MPS Equity Framework

  1. Pedagogy of Equity

  2. Equity and Diversity Impact Statement

  3. Families as Education Partners

  4. Equity in Operations

5Essentials System

  1. Effective leaders

  2. Collaborative Teachers

  3. Involved Families

  4. Supportive Environment

  5. Ambitious Instruction

MPS Academic Plan

  1. College and Career Domains and Competencies

  2. Mindset and Social Awareness: Growth Mindset, Relationship Skills, Cultural Fluency & Global Awareness, Self Management, Problem Solving, Decision Making, Self-Advocacy

  3. Middle Level Focus Essential Attributes: 16 characteristics (has many climate related elements)

  4. Curriculum Transformation

MPS 2019 Retention Committee Findings:

  1. Trust between administration and schools

  2. Welcoming tone for the school community

  3. Connect with families of color

  4. Leaders continually work to build relationships be part of school community

  5. Parents be willing to work cooperatively with teachers

  6. Students work with school administration to find ways to reflect student input

  7. Invite community elders to guide students

MTSS & Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports:

  1. Academic Supports

  2. Behavioral Supports

  3. Social Supports

  4. Emotional Supports

SEL (adapted from CASEL)

  1. Self-Awareness

  2. Self-Management

  3. Social Awareness

  4. Relationship Skills

  5. Responsible Decision Making

MPS Climate Survey (Tableau):

  1. Student School Connectedness

  2. Fairness of School Rules/Consequences

  3. Global competency

  4. Perceptions of equity

  5. Reporting and seeking help

  6. School safety

  7. Student-student relationships

  8. Student-teacher relationships

Parent Participatory Evaluation Themes:

  • Parents feel the MPS academic experience does not reflect and value the languages, cultures, and histories of MPS students.

  • Parents expect staff to create safe learning environments by addressing issues of bullying and student conflict.

  • Parents need better communication about schools’ expectations for behavior, as well as equitable treatment in response to behavior.

  • Parents of students in Special Education programming want to better understand Special Education services and the progress their child is making.

  • Parents want to be partners in their child’s education, but need schoolwide structures to support them in this role.

  • Parents seek more positive communication from the District and their child’s school.

  • Parents want to be able to communicate with school staff, but often do not find multilingual staff or interpreters at MPS schools.

  • Parents find it essential that schools make their cultures visible by creating and displaying culturally-specific works and languages, and acknowledging important cultural holidays.

  • MPS must prioritize hiring staff who represent the students who attend schools in the District.

  • Parents want MPS staff to know more about their students’ cultural histories, values, and practices.

  • It is important to many parents that MPS provide transportation to all students.

Youth Participatory Evaluation Findings:

  • Relationships (student-to-staff and student-to-student) are impacted by student identity (race/ethnicity and gender), the presence or lack of trust, and a perceived belief gap.

  • Students feel school policies are enforced inequitably based on student identity and require modifications.

  • Student learning is impacted by a school culture and environment that often lacks diversity, engaging and culturally relevant curricula, and positive student-teacher relationships.

National Center of Safe and Supportive Learning Environments:

  1. Well-rounded education

  2. Improve school conditions

  3. Improve use of technology

National Association of School Psychologists:

  1. School safety for all students

  2. Positive prevention systems and effective interventions

  3. School connectedness

  4. Positive discipline

  5. Cultural Competence

  6. Home-School Collaboration

US Dept. of Education School Climate Survey:

  1. Engagement: cultural and linguistic competence, relationships, school participation

  2. Safety: emotional safety, physical safety, bullying/cyber bullying, substance abuse, emergency readiness/management

  3. Environment: physical environment, instructional environment, physical health, mental health, discipline

Organizational Climate (Burke-Litwin Model)

  1. Management

  2. Expectations for work

  3. Performance recognition

  4. Decision Making

  5. Challenge and fairness

  6. Support from co-workers

  7. Cross unit collaboration

Positive School Climate Toolkit (expired)

  1. Behavior

  2. Attendance

  3. Health

  4. Safety

  5. Cultural competence and equity

  6. Family and community involvement

  7. Operational systems

Xubnaha Gudiga Hogaaminta

  • Greta Callahan - President, MFT Teacher Chapter

  • Shaun Laden - President, MFT ESP Chapter

  • Jessica Burton - President, MPS Clerical and Technical Chapter AFSCME

  • Monica Shockency - President, MPS Association of Professional Employees

  • Martin Goff - Business Agent, Teamsters

  • Aaron Janson - President, SEIU Food Service and Janitors

  • Chris Stinson - Political Director, SEIU

  • Basilio Diaz - Member, World’s Best Workforce Committee

  • Victoria Balko - Member, World's Best Workforce Committee

  • MPS School Board's Student Representative

  • Emily Sowell - Member, District Parent Advisory Council

  • Dulce de la Rose - Member District Parent Advisory Council

  • Cheryl Flugaur-Leavitt - Member, District Parent Advisory Council

  • Asia Givens - Member, District Parent Advisory Council

  • Maggie George - Member, District Parent Advisory Council

  • Abdul Abdi - Member, District Parent Advisory Council

  • Sherrill Lindsey - Principal Hall Elementary

  • Michael Luseni - Principal Heritage Academy

  • Ellen Shulman - Principal Anwatin Middle School

  • Candace Miller Lopez - Member, Equity Diversity Impact Assessment (EDIA) Committee

  • Aimee Fearing - Sponsor of the High Expectations for Teaching and Learning Climate Area

  • Maggie Sullivan - Sponsor of Interpersonal Relationships, Respect and Leadership Climate Area

  • Suzanne Kelly - Sponsor of the Community and Family Engagement Climate Area

  • Rochelle Cox - Sponsor of the Wellness: Social, Emotional and Physical Climate Area

  • Karen DeVet - Sponsor of the Physical Environments, Security and Accessibility Climate Area

  • Eric Moore - Sponsor of the Sense of Safety and Belonging Climate Area