
The Shift from 6 Climate Areas to 4 Climate Values

The original 6 areas were selected from models of school climate and current district initiatives.  They served the process well in the beginning as our Steering Committee and Task Forces focused in on elements of climate.  As they worked, they began to notice the overlap of the Belief Statements that were being written.  In fact, there was overlap because every Task Force knew that there were bigger values that needed to be overarching all of the Climate Areas.

That thinking was confirmed through a Climate Survey that went out to our families in June - people ranked the 6 Areas and then explained why their top choices were so important to them.  Again, these overarching values emerged.  After the first round of engagement ended in early September 2020, Task Forces looked through the feedback gathered up to that point and worked through the new model for explaining the Belief Statements.

This new model has four Values.  Each Value is defined broadly and then broken down by classroom, staff, family & community engagement, and buildings.

August 18, 2020 Board Presentation - Click Here to Access Video

Engagement in the Process

This process will only be successful with our purposeful inclusion of the voices of those most impacted by this throughout our Minneapolis Public Schools community.  This is a challenge, but will be essential for true and sustainable change.  It is important to note that engagement in the design is just starting, only the process to support the building of the Climate Framework is outlined, not the framework itself.  This pre-work has included gathering current data and practices from our classrooms, schools, departments, and external research in order to understand the common elements of addressing climate,  but does not dictate the direction of our collectively designed Climate Framework.

Engagement opportunities include: Task Force Participation to draft belief statements (currently underway), broad feedback opportunities through a variety of modes, and full participation at the school and department levels (students, families, staff, and leaders)  in crafting and implementing  the local Climate Plan to achieve the belief statements.

Click here to see the recommendations for Summer/Fall 2020 engagement from the Steering Committee

Climate-Related Resources Currently in Use in Our District

National Center for School Climate 6 areas:

MPS Equity Framework

5Essentials System

MPS Academic Plan

MPS 2019 Retention Committee Findings:

MTSS & Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports:

SEL (adapted from CASEL)

MPS Climate Survey (Tableau):

Parent Participatory Evaluation Themes:

Youth Participatory Evaluation Findings:

National Center of Safe and Supportive Learning Environments:

National Association of School Psychologists:

US Dept. of Education School Climate Survey:

Organizational Climate (Burke-Litwin Model)

Positive School Climate Toolkit (expired)

Members of the Steering Committee