Mrs. Belen - Music

A Little bit about me - Sobre mi

Hello! I'm Mrs. Belen, the music teacher. I've been in Jefferson for 3 years. When I'm not teaching I like to read, exercise, and play music. I'm taking cello and drum set lessons, and I really like it. I'm also in Drumheart, a professional drumming group where we perform around the twin cities, like in the State Fair, Orchestra Hall, Cedar Cultural Center and more. I'm a professional pianist, but right now I enjoy drums the most. I'm happy to be in Jefferson! If you need to contact me, feel free to send me an email to

Office hours in Google Meet with the code Jcs230:

  • Monday, Thursday and Friday are from 11:00-12:00, and 2:30-3:30 pm.

  • Tuesday 11:00 to 12:00.

  • Wednesday 11:30 to 12:00.

Hola! Soy Mis Belen, la maestra de musica. Llevo en Jefferson 3 anos como maestra. Cuando no estoy ensenando me gusta practicar ejercicio, leer y hacer musica. Estoy tomando clases de chelo y de bateria, y me divierten mucho. Tambien soy miembro de Drumhart, un grupo de tambores profesional con el que actuo en diferentes sitios de la cuidad, como en la State Fair, en Orchestra Hall, y en el Cedar Cultural Center. Mi instrumento es el piano, pero ahora mismo me gusta mas tocar los tambores. Estoy contenta de estar en Jefferson! Si necesitan contactar conmigo, mi email es

Horario de oficina en Google Meet con el codigo Jcs230:

  • Lunes, Jueves y Viernes 11:00-12:00, y 2:30-3:30

  • Martes 11:00 -12:00

  • Miercoles 11:30-12:00


Music Distance Learning

I hope everybody is doing good during this time. I wish that we could be together and make music in person. Hopefully this will help us to stay connected and making joyful music until we meet again. Music can help us to feel grounded, and also to disconnect and have fun. Here I'm explaining how Music is going to work. Take care!

Google Classroom Codes from 4th Grade to 8th Grade for Music during Distance Learning: can be check in Clever.

Hi5 to 3rd Grade: Your music activities will be in the Specialist Seesaw page. There is one Seesaw per grade with all the specialists teaches: Music, Media, Art, and PE. You need to log in to Clever, and then click on Seesaw and look for the specialists class.

Espero que todas las familias y estudiantes esten bien durante este tiempo de tener que estar separados. Desearia que siguieramos juntos, pero con suerte podremos estar conectados con la tecnologia hasta qu volvamos a hacer musica juntos. La musica nos ayuda a desconectar y divertirnos, y al mismo tiempo a concectarnos entre nosotros. Abajo les explico como va a funcionar musica durante estas semanas. Cuidense!

Hi5 hasta 3rd grado: las actividades de musica estan en las paginas de Seesaw de los maestros especialistas. Hay una clase por cada grado con los 4 especialistas: musica, arte, media y educacion fisica. Tienen que ir a Clever, y ahi pinchar en el link para Seesaw,dentro de Seesaw buscar los maestros especialistas.

Some Fun Resources for Music

Chrome Music Lab

Chrome Music Lab is a website that makes learning music more accessible through fun, hands-on experiments.

Actividades musicales faciles y experimentos musicales.

Classical MPR

They have a lot of fun resources. I specially like the Kids Story time.

Muchas actividades divertidas, me gusta mucho Kids Story time.

Music Tools

Lots of games and resources to learn music having fun.

Muchos juegos divertidos!