Special Ed / Educación especial

Diane Hedberg

Contact information

Our Schedule

Morning Meeting daily at 10 AM https://meet.google.com/yzf-syfs-rup

Friday 10AM DAPE with Teacher Troy

Upstream Arts Mondays at 11

Daily 12:30- 3 academic planning, meetings, Instructional time.

Put daily schedule here. Include links for all Google Meets.

Leticia Lucero

Contact information

Nuestro Horario

Stephanie Paxton

Contact information

Mr. Cam

Hola! Mi nombre es Camilo Amaya Lopez y los estudiantes me llaman Mr. Cam, tengo 28 años e inmigre de Bogotá, Colombia hace 4 años. Desde entonces he estado trabajando para los estudiantes en programas de educación especial en las escuelas públicas de Minneapolis.

Me gusta jugar soccer e ir en caminatas con mi perro Bear.

Espero poder conocer y aprender mucho de los estudiantes y familias en Green Central!

Mi correo electrónico es: camilo.lopez@mpls.k12.mn.us

Mi número de teléfono es: 612 636 23 81

Estoy disponible Lunes a Viernes de 8am a 9 am o de 3pm a 4pm, sin embargo puede enviarme un mensaje de texto y le contestare lo mas pronto posible.


Link para Seesaw:


Link para Google Meet: lopezgreen


My name is Camilo Amaya Lopez but students call me Mr. Cam, I am 28 years old and I immigrated from Bogotá, Colombia 4 years ago. Since then I have been working for students in Special Education in Minneapolis public schools.

I like playing soccer and hiking with Bear, my dog.

I look forward to meet and learn lots from the students and families at Green Central!

My email is: camilo.lopez@mpls.k12.mn.us

My phone number is: 612 636 23 81

I am available Monday through Friday 8am to 9pm or 3pm to 4pm. Otherwise, feel free to send me a text message and I will get back at you as soon as possible.

Thank you!

Link to Seesaw:


Link to Google Meet: lopezgreen

Mr. Cam's Schedule

9:00-9:15 Morning Meeting with Miss Reines' class Click Here for Meeting Link and use nickname: reines131

9:15-9:30 Morning Meeting with Miss Velardi's class Click Here for Meeting Link and use nickname: maestra9

9:30-10:45 1:1 Instructional Block with Kindergartners Click Here for Meeting Link and use nickname: lopezgreen

11:00-11:30 Lunch

11:30-12:00 Recess

12:00-12:45 Specialist

12:50-1:25 1:1 Instructional Block with Ms. Reines's first graders Click Here for Meeting Link and use nickname: lopezgreen

1:45-2:45 1:1 Instructional Block with Ms. Espino's first graders Click Here for Meeting Link and use nickname: lopezgreen

2:45-3:00 Closing circle (will rotate everyday on different classrooms with shared students.)

Daniel Jakab

Contact information

Eliana Seltzer

Contact information

Mr. Daniel

¡Hello! I am one of the social workers here at Green Central. This is my 3rd year at Green, and I am very excited about getting to know our students, families, and the larger Green Central Community.

I live with my wife, Kendra, and our sons, Sebastian and Damian, here in South Minneapolis. In fact, we live less than two miles away from Green. My family and I love going on walks, being outdoors, reading and traveling. Prior to joining Green, I worked as a high school social worker, and as a therapist. I’m very excited to be working with our youngest scholars and supporting them as best I can.

Something interesting is that my wife and I are both immigrants. I’m Mexican and she’s Canadian, and we both speak Spanish.

Contact Information:


Office: 612-668-3750

Availability: Monday - Friday 8:00 - 4:00

¡Hola! Soy uno de los trabajadores sociales de Green Central. Este es mi tercer año en Green y estoy muy entusiasmado por conocer a todos nuestros estudiantes, sus familias, y la comunidad entera de Green Central.

Vivo con mi esposa, Kendra, y nuestros hijos, Sebastián y Damián, aquí en el sur de Minneapolis. De hecho, vivimos a menos de dos millas de Green. A mi familia y a mi nos encanta salir de paseo, disfrutar del aire libre, leer, y viajar. Antes de unirme a Green, trabajé como trabajador social de preparatoria (9-12), y como terapeuta. Ahora estoy muy emocionado de trabajar con nuestros estudiantes más jóvenes y apoyarlos lo mejor que pueda.

Algo interesante es que mi esposa y yo somos inmigrantes, yo soy mexicano y ella es canadiense, y ambos hablamos español.

Correo electronico:


Numero de telefono: 612-668-3750

Disponibilidad: Lunes a Viernes de 8am - 4pm

Ms. Konni

Hello Green Families and Friends! I am Ms. Konni and I am one of the social workers at Green. I work with students in Grades 3 - 5 and with our students K - 5 in rooms 117 and 213.

This is my 28th year as a school social worker in Minneapolis! I also live in Minneapolis and my son attended Minneapolis Public Schools. I LOVE my job and being part of the Green Central Community. I also enjoy being outside, being active and hanging out with my family and friends. Tambien, estoy aprendiendo espanol poco a poco!

I am here to support kids and their families so they can do their best at school!

Contact Information:



Availability: Monday - Friday 8:00 - 4:00

Leave a message at anytime!