Transition: Preparing for after school

Are you ready to graduate?

Go to college or begin work

Can you do the following?

Communicate questions and concerns

Be motivated and goal oriented

Demonstrate self-advocacy skills

Be academically prepared

Demonstrate organizational skills

Attend class and participate

Use support services consistently

Manage your time wisely

Your  ATTITUDE Determines


Working to promote the successful transition of students with disabilities from school districts in Iowa and Lafayette Counties to live, work and successfully participate in post-school activities 

Help create your postsecondary transition plan

An online curriculum to help you become a better self-advocate

Supported Decision Making

Supported Decision-Making is a set of strategies that help individuals with disabilities have more control over their life and future. It involves family and friends working together with individuals to support them in making complex decisions.

Health Care Pocket Guide

Use this pocket guide and a notebook or folder to keep track of your health care information. 

WI Transition Talk 

Timeline Transition Activities.pdf