Advocacy and Resources

Statewide Agencies that Assist Families

Wisconsin Wayfinder - user-friendly website and toll-free helpline that lets families easily connect with real people – dedicated children’s resource guides – who will help navigate through the essential services and supports that will enable their children to thrive 

(877) WISC-WAY or (877)-947-2929

Autism Society of South Central Wisconsin - Serves a ten county area in south central and southwestern Wisconsin: Crawford, Columbia, Dane, Grant, Green, Iowa, Lafayette, Richland, Rock, and Sauk counties. 

(608) 630-9147

Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs –Supporting youth and families, including the providers that serve them.  Southern Regional Center 800-532-3321

Disability Rights Wisconsin - A private non-profit organization designated by the Governor to ensure the rights of all State citizens with disabilities through individual advocacy and system change.

608-267-0214 (Madison Office);

Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) - Provides employment services and counseling to people with disabilities.


Parent to Parent - Connect one-on-one with another parent who has faced similar challenges.

Well Badger Resource Center - New home of the Wisconsin MCH Hotlines, Wisconsin First Step, and Wisconsin Informed Consent Help Lines. They are health information specialists, located throughout Wisconsin, who are passionate about helping our neighbors connect with quality health resources. Calls are answered between 7:00 am and 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
Toll free 1-800-642-7837; 

WI FACETS (Family Assistance Center for Education Training and Support)

Services include: 


Wisconsin Family Ties (WFT) At Wisconsin Family Ties, our programs empower and support parents of children with emotional and behavioral health challenges.
608-267-6800 or 800-422-7145;

Wisconsin Statewide Parent-Educator Initiative (WSPEI) Tiffany Lisk is the Family Engagement Coordinator at CESAs # 3 & 4. Her role is to assist families as they work through the special education process. The goal of WSPEI is to help families and educators work together, leading to shared decision making and positive outcomes for students. 608-786-4828; or 

STATEWIDE email:; Phone 833-879-7734 or 833-USWSPEI;

Iowa County Agencies that Assist Families

Great Rivers 2-1-1 - An information, referral, and crisis line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - Simply dial 2-1-1

Iowa County Human Services – Information on how to apply for a special needs social worker, Birth to 3 services, and more

Phone: 608-930-9801

Iowa County Aging and Disability Resouce Center- Resource Guide 

Phone: 608-930-9835

The ADRC Guide is intended to provide information about assistance available to persons over age 18, including those with disabilities, aging, mental health, or substance abuse issues. It is not a complete list of services and is not meant to be an endorsement or recommendation of these particular agencies.

DPI: family support and advocacy programs

Resource from the National PTA and National Education Association

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