
About Your iPad

The session was started by Mr Jenkin who explained the outline for the week and how technology can and will affect our futures. Mr Jones and Mr Jenkin then handed out iPads to the students. We introduced how to log on to Firefly and then set the students on a task around the school to get used to using the iPads. The task was:

Tour the academy with your iPads and collect the following:

2 Global Goals

Image of the 3G pitch

Video of a lesson in the sports hall

Images of 2 departments around the school.

The students then returned to make a keynote of their findings.

These were then shown on the main screen via Apple TV.

Below are photos of the session:

Wild Technology

Essential Question: How can we engineer nature in order to survive?

Learning Target: To understand how to create heat in a natural environment

Task: Look at the guides below and familiarise yourselves with the guides about using knives and creating fire


Review of the session

Students enjoyed the opportunity to spend time in a natural environment. Discussions were had by the group around the topics of reconnecting with nature and why having an opportunity to immerse themselves in nature is fundamentally important to our wellbeing. People shared how important human connection to nature is to our future, irrespective of what it turns out to be like.

Students learned how to safely use a knife to create "feather sticks" which were then used as tinder for the campfire. The group then used a flint and steel to set their tinder alight to create a fire. They all sat around the fire and took a moment to reflect whilst toasting marshmallows!

Click to play video