Here is all the project work from Mounts Bay Academy.

Penzance 7th - 13th October 2018

How can we use technology in education?”

“Is humanity in crisis yet? What will education look like in the future?”

"Can the UN Global Goals help make the world a better place for everyone?"

"Tourist Economies - visitor heaven or local hell?"

Sunday 7th October

Visitors arrive (after some travel delays due to English weather and transport problems)!

Meet host families

Evening with visiting teachers.

Morning: Welcome Assembly - Learning Walk around the school - Project Outline - Using your iPad

Afternoon: Wild Technology. How can our students live with and without technology?


iPad technology

Here is Lilia working on a report on the week's activities in our Communications Centre. Lilia works with the team at MBA and has developed our Climate awareness and organised our Detox Festival in 2019.

Morning: Future Fest : Body

Afternoon: Illustration Workshop. Students had a workshop with Nonti (Augsburg) and designed some food graphics in preparation for the cooking students did in cross-country groups later in the week.


Students researched what the possible future of technological developments for medical science were. They created their designed and talked about what they had discovered.

Food Illustration Workshop with Nonti

All day: Future Fest: Environment.

Location: Eden Project

The Eden Project

Students and teachers learnt about how the project created a landscape related to the mining links with Cornwall-out of a wasteland. Sustainable environments and produce keep this work going.

All Day: Future Fest: Economy.

Location: St Ives - looking at a village which welcomes over 50,000 visitors in the summer, but has low employment and opportunities for young people out of the summer months. We will also tour around the coast from St Ives, to Lands End and back round to Penzance.


Time to debate the future and how young people can make the change they want to see:

Friday 12th October

Morning: Community Action Plan focussing on the Global Goals for Sustainable Living.

Exhibition and Showcase

Afternoon: Food catering and preparation for Evening Farewell Party.

Sustainable Living

Students worked together on their action plan after visiting St Ives yesterday. They looked at how to create a sustainable community, linking their ideas to various UN Global Goals.

Cooking up a storm!

Students in mixed nationality groups enjoyed cooking the food they created illustrations for earlier in the week. The food ranged from salads to strudel and spatzle. Team work and listening to the instructions from fellow students on their speciality dishes ensured everything was authentic.

Time to say goodbye...

Here is a link to the weekly newsletter of Mounts Bay Academy which reported on the week with students and teachers taking part in the Erasmus project, focusing on our Utopia/Dystopia day:

Saturday 13th October

Departures from Cornwall